There’s something in the way he moves

1  2019-02-06 by Moveinslience


he's a seahorse remember?

Matt Holt. Getting the big guests in I see.

I googled 'Matt Holt', nothing shows up. Who the hell is this rube?

He looks like the guy that came to work on my hot water heater the other day.

He looks like he's a mediocre plumber.

Pretty sure he's still driving long haul for Schneider.

Good get.....

When people we've heard of agree to do his show, he gives it away for free.

I will never understand CM subscribers.

/u/futhuhmucker Comment?

Matt Holt's eyes are trying to run away from each other.

What did those eyes get lazy from running away from each other? Huhahaha. But serioushly folksh, i'll be at the Helium Comedy Club, Philly from 21st - 23rd Feb.

It's what happens when your father is also your uncle.

Matt Dolt

Fatt Dolt

Matt Holt

(See, his own identity is embarrassing enough)

Got em!



He got lost.

(In the rhythm!)

Nana's thumb tremor is getting worse.

He hadn't had a drink in 6 hours. It's the DTs.

He must be minutes away from seeing dancing pink Landau Fraus.

The sight of this sad old man jiving and dancing like a spastic to a dwindling audience is SO satisfying! He’s done.

Look around at your surroundings, Anth. You’re an obscure old pussy.

Just a few short years ago he was shooting guns with James Bond, interviewing film and movie stars regularly and making millions every year for speaking into a mic for a few hours every day.

I'm sure flushing those easy millions and the huge audience down the toilet was worth it though. Now he's free to say what he wants - no bosses, no management...his show!

Americans don’t say spastics 🤔

Are you having a laugh, mate?

How do ya know he's American, hard man? You're being a bit daft, aren't you? Or are you just takin the piss here?

Is this his pre-feeding ritual?

Depends - was his asshole exposed?

Moving like a marionette nigga

"Its not a puppet its a doll!"

The cool thing about that picture of Matt Holt is he’s staring down the host and the guest simultaneously.

That's he rides the cock at Big Apple Ranch.

This is what kids see in their nightmares.

Every day he becomes more and more like the Green eared spaghetti monster from true detective

Looks like someone set the egg to "pulse."

A visual element is not Anthony's friend.

Flop sweat.

I think ant’s guest sold me bait and tackle at bass pro shops the other day

You ask me why my dick, I show.

Fo da show. Fo da show.

He's moving like the blue elephant keyboard player from Return of the Jedi.

Ain't it fun

Not really, no.

Hate how this bastard keeps looking off camera for a reaction.

Nice green glare, stupid.

Why is he always looking to his right? What's over there?

Big A.

His little studios aren't big enough to have the peanut gallery behind the camera

Since someone here mentioned the green tint on their cheeks from the shit green screen setup I can't unsee it.

All because he needed a photo of a black chick... Amazing.

I devote time every week for about 6 years to harrass Ant and Joe, which is more interest in them than anybody else could possibly have and I'm still genuinely not sure if Ant still does a daily show or if he's in a hospice.

Like an alligator crawling out of a swamp.

Matt looks like he has down syndrome. What a faggot.

I'm most bothered by that stupid yellow checkered background Keith uses on everything, it's hideous and anyone else would have and should have been fired for it.

What a queer.

It’s better without sound

Fuck I almost feel bad for him.

He grooms children.

Distracts me like no other faggot

He is bouncing up and down to get the vibrating egg situated deeper.

This is why him and Norden were only successful in radio. They're not just hideous to look at in general, but they're so physiologically awkward that it's off-putting to audience.

he moves like some creepy chsracter out of pinnoccio or something

His egg was vibrating

fuck Matt Holt


I googled 'Matt Holt', nothing shows up. Who the hell is this rube?

Good get.....

When people we've heard of agree to do his show, he gives it away for free.

I will never understand CM subscribers.

/u/futhuhmucker Comment?