Did he even have to act?

1  2019-02-04 by meownah


"basically a pervert who lives at home with his mother in his 30's."

Basically me, 5 years ago...before my friends starting giving me handouts

I feel no loyalty to them whatsoever. They may have given me everything but I'm what most people consider a worm...I'll burn the bridge immediately after they lose usefulness to me

What’d he do follow himself around for a month? Hey-oh!

"Oh, my character? I don't know. Haven't read the script. I hear it really good, really funny, but I can't comment any further because I just don't know."

I don't want anything from the script to influence my acting

he certainly took that approach with power

I miss fat/no self esteem Jim. That was the man I fell in love with.

I don't recognize the person he's become today.

You’re a fag

Why dont you come back here and shut up

Jim is the reason this show failed.

In 2006 if you told me I would despise this faggot in 2019 I would have been open to the discussion. And bought you a Starbucks.

God, he doesn’t even look natural talking to a camera

Blink more.

Jesus Christ, he’s so painfully self-aware and coquettish , the stupid sonofabitch bastard.

the only part he actually had to act was dealing drugs and drinking alcohol.
he is the weakest link in this show. the fact that he even gets to screentime with Mike Hagerty is an embarrassment. what was louie thinking? did he owe him due to all the O and A appearances or something?

Say "basically" again

That show was depressing.