Never forget that this faggot got Lord Mel fired from The Hangover 2

1  2019-02-04 by RelevantField


Holy shit but it most likey was a group that with rhymes with chews

You can look up articles about it. Todd Phillips had written a cameo for Mel in the movie as a tattoo artist and they this guy threw a hissy fit because Mel is "RACIST" and "Anti-semetic!".

He knew Mel woulda killed him and thrown his corpse to a pack of niggers.

I'm sure that endeared Mel to them.

This was also the same time period where Vince Vaughn was catching heat for saying, "faggot" in a movie trailer. Fez was not a happy camper


As Patrice said, a weenie like Galfinuckus doesn't do anything without permission.

Someone used him to rally behind.

I don’t k is what you faggots are mad about. If Mel actually posted his views here you guys were downvote him into oblivion calling him an MDE edgelord. And trying too hard.

Of course. What kind of gaylord wastes their life time posting on a sub for a defunct radio show?

You might be in the wrong sub, buckeroo. We all know his thoughts on a certain tribe of people, and don’t think he is doing it to be edgy.

The difference between Mel and MDE mongoloids is that he hates jews because he has to deal with their bullshit in the business while MDE edge lords most likely never even talked to one and use them as a scape goat for their fucked up lives.

Are you aware how MDE got cancelled?

Yeah, the cancellation was ordered by Nathaniel Rothschild himself.

the virgin posting your views on reddit vs the chad yelling them into a body camera

Yeah but nobody cares about this douche anymore. He had his moment in the spotlight and blew it by being annoying.

According to IMDB, Galifianakis' last job was playing "Chip Baskets" on the show "Baskets" but it was canceled.

Fuuuuuuck him.

I actually heard Baskets was good but I never watched it because I don’t find him funny. I don’t like how he portrays himself as a moron but then acts like his comedy is so smart and profound. You can tell he thinks that he’s some kind of genius.

I thought Baskets was PFG. Louie Anderson played his mom

Louis Anderson was the best part of baskets.

Baskets wasn't cancelled.

Show has it’s moments as well

CK wrote that show

Wasn't a big part of baskets success due to Louie? And then this fat nerd bashed him when the news came out? Even though he always fucking knew about it? That shit pisses me off.

he was a king in the 2000's. dude was hilarious.

his FX clown show was such a fucking shitshow, that should have been canceled or stopped after the first season. weird and sad what happened


All these faggot alt comics/90s Largo crew can suck a dick. They're all like this.

Judd Apatow should of been roped a long time ago.

Thick hot ropes

Thaat’s my faavorite.

But muh wacky light-hearted interview with president gay mulatto.

He also shilled for Hillary Clinton like Louie CK.

He also had Obama on in what was propaganda to support Obamacare

Todd Phillips, who is Jewish, wanted Mel for the cameo role.

Blame the fake greek fat midget.

Wise man. Old School still holds up.

Yes but Convicted Rapist and self admitted domestic abuser Mike Tyson was fine

Mike aint got no beef with the Jewth.

Until Mel has a word with him of course.

These people are terrified of saying anything negative about black people. It needs to be really over the top like Cosby for anyone to take notice and even then its limpwristed "ummmm is it okay to like him anymore?"

Cosby is the whitest black of all time. If Wayne Brady acts up he might get it too. The rest get a pass.

Mikes a great guy and didn't rape anyone

And even if he did so what

Why did he do that?

Nice skin tag, stupid.

Yes hes a fag Bob.

Howdy Do-dat?

You can tell that guy is liberal just from his face.

never laughed at anything he's done.

So a rapist is fine, and a truthsayer and lord amoung men is not?

Haha, I LOVE "awkward nerd" comedy! xD

I also love the Transformers movies and eating at Taco Bell!

Democrat shill

Not sure it has to do with muh racism. Everything Ive read says its because he does work for a domestic abuse thing and Mel in 2010 was alleged to have been beating some sense into his partner.

he's so cringe as a farmer in Into The Wild

I hate good comedians who go on to pursue being shitty actors. They can never go back to comedy and be legitimately funny after failing as an actor. Baskets would suck without Louie Anderson.

He was awful in bored to death too, Ted Danson and Jason Schwartzman we're hilarious though.

Clown masterbeto.

Fucking faggot.