
1  2019-02-03 by nomobjustice


That smile he has is perfection, almost like it captures his reaction to publicity of what he said.

He will burn every closeted jew alive, but he will get blown first.

And the jacuzzi is the period at the end of the sentence.

"jacuzzi" and "period" aren't two words you want to see used together, except in this case.

The blood will jump out of the water before it touches Mel. He purifies.

Haha oven dodger. Never heard that one before.

You have been hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Talentless whore dares to bad mouth the lord.


Yeah, she’s reliable. She’s not acting on Stranger Things.

Nice Hail Mary attempt to get your name back in the headlines one more time before fading into nothingness.

.... stupid.

I want to taste her asshole.


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I don't know how much faith I'd put in her word:

During the trial, she was accused of using drugs, including oxycodone, diazepam and Vicodin (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) without valid prescriptions. Ryder was convicted of grand theft,[98] shoplifting and vandalism but was acquitted on the third felony charge, burglary.[99] In December 2002, she was sentenced to three years of probation, 480 hours of community service, $3,700 in fines, and $6,355 in restitution to the Saks Fifth Avenue store and ordered to attend psychological and drug counseling.[100] After reviewing Ryder's probation report, Superior Court Judge Elden Fox noted that Ryder served 480 hours of community service and on June 18, 2004, the felonies were reduced to misdemeanors. Ryder remained on probation until December 2005.[101]

During a sentencing hearing related to the 2001 shoplifting incident (see below), Ryder's attorney, Mark Geragos, referred to her work with the (murdered) Polly Klaas Foundation and other charitable causes. In response, Deputy District Attorney Ann Rundle said: "What's offensive to me is to trot out the body of a dead child."[87] Ryder was visibly upset at the accusation and Rundle was admonished by the judge. Outside the courthouse, Polly's father Marc Klaas defended Ryder and expressed outrage at the prosecutor's comments.[87][88]

That’s the drug cocktail of a middle aged suburban housewife.

1) She's known to be a complete lunatic

2) Her lawyer is the preferred lawyer of lunatics. That's Chris Brown's lawyer.

He was also Scott Peterson's lawyer.

"Winona Ryder confirms celebrated filmmaker Mel Gibson believes the holocaust happened" is what this headline tells me.

Excellent observation, entranced by the hoopla, I failed to realize the true purport of the matter. I imagine father Mel Sr. Is immensely disappointed. I know I am

Drug addicted shoplifting oven-dodger attempts pathetic smear on Honorable Godking.

Said nothing about it until her career tanked and he was on the outs for other controversies so it was popular to trash him. Almost like her principles meant nothing until there was the chance to make some cash from them.

Just when you thought he couldn’t be any more lovable!

Look at that smug smirk he's making. I hear you loud and clear, Mel!

Mel just has things figured out.

Mel should be telling people to get their act together, not that JQ-skeptic Jordan Peterson.

Maybe she owed the oven money for Girl Scout cookies, and Mel believed she was trying to avoid payment like fellow Christ killer Rich Vos.

Why is this in the O&A subreddit?

Why are you in the O&A subreddit?

Downvotes and answering a question with a question is kinda lame. What does the post have to do with O&A? Maybe a mod can answer the question...? This place is turning into a mini The_Donald.

Maybe you're turning into a mini The_Donald.

Literally the stupidest retort. Not even remotely witty or clever. This place is a shithole. You all can fester in darkness and hatred; I'm out.

You are


No, please don't leave, Faggot!

You can't just leave with dignity? You have to announce it in a paragraph like a woman? You fucking faggot

This place is a unfunny shithole.

Says the person that posts in the "funny" subreddit. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

What does Gibson have to do with ona? You never heard the Gibson tapes episode, where mel role models how a real man deals with lifes problems?

He posts in "funny", "politics" and "wholesomemes"

I have no idea how he stumbled in here.

Downvotes and answering a question with a question is kinda lame. What does the post have to do with O&A? Maybe a mod can answer the question...? This place is turning into a mini The_Donald.

All of the funny subs on Reddit have to fly under the radar. I've never had a single chuckle from the "funny" subreddit.

Basically women ruin everything, and there's no women on this sub.

What are YOU doing in my house?


"Jewish actress considers him a racist homophobe" I hope the rest of the article is her celebrating this joyous revelation by blowing him in the jacuzzi

Just when you thought you couldn't worship him anymore. Praise Mel!

Maybe he just meant that, as a woman, she’s not in the kitchen enough.

oven dodger thats a new one

I used to think that the Brother Joe posts were the funniest, then Joe Rogan but now the Mel Gibson are by far the best.

Funny guy.

He called her an oven dodger, right after

Shekel grubber.

Imagine being a Hollywood star who has millions of dollars, only to use none of it & try to steal clothes. Fuck her

Here's the thing about Mel that most Mel-Heads don't even notice: he cums with that same determined facial expression.

Fucking Good one Mel!!!!!

Come on. Just smile and blow him.

He's saying the lazy bitch won't cook!

That’s the drug cocktail of a middle aged suburban housewife.

1) She's known to be a complete lunatic

2) Her lawyer is the preferred lawyer of lunatics. That's Chris Brown's lawyer.

He was also Scott Peterson's lawyer.

The blood will jump out of the water before it touches Mel. He purifies.