Please Suggest a Name for the Bobo Documentary, Fuckfaces! (will credit)

1  2019-01-31 by OddestDoc

Intern David's suggestion for Daniel Kurlan's radio nickname was 'Fuckface' but anyways.

So far I've come up with:

  • "I'm Not Loying: The Bobo Story"

  • "The Ups and Downs of Bobo Kurlan"

  • "The Life of a Malloonigans Owner"

and then a more hip name like

  • "Pennyeater"

also "The Motor Inn Mongoloid"

Oh and someone suggested his documentary be named "Bobo: I Will Always Support The Mets. Ya Ya, That's Right". Which does have a certain identifiable ring to it.

If I use it then you get nothing but a credit like 'Assistant Faggot' and whatever name you want me to use. I bet 17 people see it.

Sincerely and thanks!


Unfortunate mishap to diabolical scheme. The Daniel Bobo Kurlin story.


The mongoloid one is good

Nigger spick kike

Her Favorite Color Was Bllllllluuuue

The Retard of Queens

"Monstrosity of Muck"

Shut up cunts, it's Bobo time!

that's actually really good....

If it isn't this. I refuse to watch it

Knock It Off Spade: The Daniel Bobo Kurlan Story

Daniel Kurlan; Frankenstein Cock

Sister of a Downs: The Compound Hymen Bloodbath.

Blown by LinzBella: The Bobo story

Daniel Bobo Kurlan "The Unrestrainable Trainable"

If I had a time machine I'd go back and kill that doctor: the ups and downs of a half-tard who was raped by his brother, alroight

The Kid is not awroight

Bobo isnt worth a documentary

I can't argue with that. At least not 40 hours worth of effort - mostly listening to blathering meaningless noises. and that's just Jim Norton's responses to Bobo episodes, bits and call-ins.

The Kid Won't Leave the Studio (without carfare) The Daniel "Bobo" Kurlan Story.

I, Shithead.

I am awed and humbled.. thanks fuckos!

Another suggestion was "FuckkkkkyouuuuuUUUU!!!: The Fall (and rise again) of Daniel Kurlan" from his famous quote (trivia: directed at Sam Primate Time Roberts)

The dog just got a little scare... Oh nothing! Oh nothing! THE DOG JUST GOT A LITTLE SCARED.

Bobo - An Unfortunate Mishap (his birth)

I think you're onto something!

Bobo -- An unfortunate childbirth

Please tell me you got the clip on when jim asks bobo does your mother subscribe to my sons a dolt monthly ?

Ohhh... I might have that yes! If i can cram it in I will. I think its near "Mother look what you have created!"

I had a Bobo Doc in the works but school took over as the priority. I titled mine “For da Show: daniels story”

that's pretty good.. it sounds right. a variation could be 'Da Show Must Go On'.

I also found nearly anything took over from walking the dog to not thinking about Bobo anymore ever again. Or starting school so that it would take over.

Stupid Rain Man: The Life of Bobo Kurlan

Bobo was like the retard brother we never had. A Bobo brother record scratch - BoBro

Oh shit.. record scratch MUST be in there.. cheers thank you!

Bobo Damn It, From Another Planet: The Lies and Gall of Daniel Kurlan

Here Comes the Pre: Tales of a Retard

I was trying to think of a way to include hypospadia in the title

48 Surgeries and Still Ain’t Done.

It surprised me but that is actually mentioned around 48 (or more) times through his appearances on OA and elsewhere. It's probably the single most well known thing about him. It really would be a good subtitle

If these sheets could talk: Stories from the Queens Motor Lodge. By Daniel "Bobo" Kurlan *with Johnny Russo and Brad Trackman.

I like The Motor Inn Mongoloid personally.

44 I.Q.

An inconvenient Goof

The Fugitive

Bobo: The Hot Tub Story


"Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up To Be Retards: A Bobo Kurlan Story"

The rise and fall of the schnoodle gang

Sex, Loys, & Vibeotabe

Sidekicks - bobo the retard story

The Curious Case of Mistaken Identity : Bobo and the Fugitive.

Daniel "Bobo" Kurlan : Medical Bills, Fundraising Scams, and World Travel

Tardi B, how fame and a genital infection created a monster.

Funny how O&A use to goof on Bobo but now he's one of Ants legitimate friends.

Ups and Down's

A Queens Shithead

The Autistic Adventures of Bobo


Everyone already took the best ones but I'll contribute some mediocre ones.

Smeared and Loiying in the Compound

Bobo: The Kid Stays in The Stripper

Dr. Strangetouch or How I Learned to Stop Loiying and Love The Nan'

The Hateful Face

Eternal Sunshine of the Thoughtless Mind

The Good, The Bad and The Bobo

Forrest Stump

Bobo's Python and the ha ha holy grail.

The Good, The Bad and The Bobo

I think that could fit in this somewhere, thank you!

Permanently Retarded

80% straight and other lies from Bobo

I, Ploddius

Schnoodle Dick.

Bobo: The Story of a Mets Fanatic and Autistic Spastic

I'm not lowying - the Bobo story

'An Unfortunate Mishap : The Life And Times Of Daniel "BoBo" Kurlan'

"menghm......Gotcha on tape"


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This is the Fugitive: Daniel Kurlan

Schnoodle Noodle