Could Opie take on Ant and Jim in a 1v2 fist fight?

1  2019-01-29 by ButtFarts2019

I think it would be a Brotherman Beat Down. Ant and Jim are far too chinless to take a punch, let alone a Hughes hook.

If the Opester ever shows up to a Chip podcast it would be like a fox in the hen house. Those two tranny lovers should thank God every day that Opie never decided to lay hands on them.


Ant would go into a shock as soon as Opie raised his fist. Jim would slither under a rock.

No. He's big enough but he's too dumb and estrogen-filled. It would be like the XFL race all over again.

They're all too cowardly to ever fight. Bunch of faggots were the only people in the Sirius building woth bodyguards.

Though my first impression of Norton in a fight situation would be his neck getting broken by a medium powered right cross to the jaw, on further reflection I'm not sure. Some gay guys will scratch eyes out, rip out hair, fight as dirty as possible. And everyone knows a cornered rat will fight to the death. Norton might surprise you if pushed to the edge.

One thing's for sure though. Anthony would run away from anything approaching a punch up. Failing that he would cry, beg, bribe, bargain or offer oral sex; whatever it took to avoid conflict.

Jim is 5'3? He is smaller than most women I've fucked. Even when "play wrestling" with a woman you can tell when she is giving 100% and it's pathetic, but you have to ease off, let her get a pin, then flip her over and fuck her violently... Where was I going with This? Oh yeah, Jim Norton is a pathetically weak excuse for a man.

... And should be flipped over and fucked violently like the sexual gollum he is.

Yea, Norton would try and bite your dick.

Punching Jimmy would be like the scene in The Thing when the guy uses the shock paddles

How's that feel, fucker!?

Well Opie infamously took on a Frenchman in an underwater fight and showed him that he was truly a brotha-man...

Opie was an LI hockey guy I'm sure he could easily take them

Opie & Ant would send their brothers to fight for them

No. Anthony bites and Jim would go right for the genitals.

What a great question.. Opie has righteousness on his side. Opie would confront but they would maybe flail a half-turned punch, completely miss, and Opie would have firm grips of their collars before delivering blows. Anthony's girlie arms thrown up around his head as Opie throws punch after punch. Won't do much damage, but he'll easily win.


And Norton wouldn't do a fuckin thing. Not one thing. Maybe try to get between him and Ant, then Opie would turn on him ("You want some?") and grab his neck/shirt collar and maybe throw a punch, Jim would throw hands up and squirm away. I'd see him being way more nimble than Ant. Ant has that fat body and stick arms, lots of dead weight, wouldn't even be able to get away, just could only shield himself, and Opie would punch right past those weak arms.


Don't forget Opie has always been active, he'll be able to atleast move.

Opie would FAWKIN beat the FAWKIN shit out of them with his retard strength

Absolutely. I'm certain I could take Jim as is, and A. if you allow brass knuckles. And my stats would make you laugh.

ME: How’s that feel fuck face!!!