Norton is addicted to adderall

1  2019-01-18 by Moveinslience

Explains the mood swings, not eating, weight-loss, edging, sex addiction etc


The point being?

I’ve always thought it was more than coffee. I get anxiety listening to him try to complete a thought. He talks in run-on sentences only to take a huge gulp for air randomly. Take your time faggot and lay off the meth.

He's still sober though.

Wait....could it be that Jim Norton has been presenting a persona to the world that he has carefully constructed by purloining bits and pieces of those he admires while concealing that his true self is something entirely the opposite of what he pretends to be?

Couldn't be. Could it?

It’s a tough one. On one hand... But on the other hand...

Jim Norton, comedy magpie.

I don't know what inspired this post, but he's also addicted to Afrin.

You can tell whenever Gum Norton is sniffing and clearing his throat a lot, jumping frantically from sentence to sentence and stammering, he's usually hopped up on Afrin.

But it's not a narcotic, and he's not addicted. He'd tell you if he was, dude. Seriously.

Afrin is addictive shit. I'm surprised they can still sell it OTC.

Go to a meeting, sir.

It's a tough one, man.

I got "addicted" to it when I was like 16. I was using that to clear my stuffed nose instead of a better product and the doctor was like you need to taper off this shit it just makes you more stuffy

That's when you stab the doctor, steal his wallet, and go buy more Afrin.

He's such a weird, attention seeking little fruit. He had sinus surgery not that long ago. Probably 2010ish? I had septum/turbinate surgery done last month. Did a lot of reading on the procedure/people's experiences and to need to rely on Afrin again after such a short amount of time is just a way for him to play into his hypochondriac/fake addict stupidity. Unless he's getting hit in the face a lot or has very severe allergies that cause him to constantly sneeze violently to the point where his septum has deviated again, he should have no need for Afrin.

Unless he's getting hit in the face a lot


Ok but explain the total lack of motivation and ability to pay attention despite tweaking on it 24/7?

I’m completely against the idea that he’s on it because he lives like the slug he looks like and you have to remember this guy had a panic attack when he saw Joe Rogan smoking weed.

Jim would probably benefit greatly from adderall. People with ADHD lose all those ticks and hyperactivity on it and actually are able to pay attention and do shit.

And people without ADHD develop all those ticks and hyperactivity on it.

Jim would have all the downside with none of the upside if he was abusing adderall without having ADHD. He’s an unmotivated slug with no attention span.

So what is more probable, that he has incredibly bad ADHD and doesn’t take medication (consistent with his personality too) or he doesn’t have ADHD and abuses adderall but only gets half the symptoms?

Tweakers may not be efficient but they at least try to get shit done

He certainly has laser focus on edging for hours.

yeah the thing that weirds me out is how shitty and empty his life is. like, outside of his phone he has nothing but people he has to pay to keep around.

Adderall is bad for boners though.

It can also lead to weird tics, twitching and delusional thinking. Sounds like Jim.

Wasn't Jim always high strung though? Some people are just wired that way. Something was different about him when he was fat though.

But if he has an adderall addiction at least that makes him more interesting.

as someone who is addicted to adderall. i highly doubt it. he would actually be productive or at least have a lot of start projects with no finish.

He's just mentally ill.

But not the mysteriously twisted mental illness he cosplays as. Just the annoyingly histrionic self obsessed diva faggot type.

Norton's been displaying signs of being a habitual cocaine user since O&A broke up.

Not sure how anyone is seeing anything else.

Solid point. I'm willing to bet that that's what other people see, too, and a big part of the reason why he's so unsettling to guests...they think he's just another coked-out radio guy.

I mean, the incessant sniffing alone...

The only thing he's addicted to is his self-image.

He mentioned a week or so ago he shrink wanted him to take something for anxiety but he never picked it up.

I've said this for ages. Not only all the things you listed but Adderall gives you tics that could include things like compulsive blinking.

Adderall makes your dick tiny and bright red. It's hilarious. If true he could be funny.


Why not Subtracterall or sumthin'?

Heeeeeey, it's me, Jim Nooooorton, can ya fix me?

I don't think so. Norton is an AA faggot through and through. Unlike Nana, he understands prescription drugs can be just as addictive and harmful as street drugs. I can remember a specific clip where he had gotten Vicodin following some sort of surgery, and he mentioned he had to flush them because he was scared of having them around. If you've done real drugs before you'd know vicodin is pussy shit.

If he lost weight without constantly uploading gay instagram stories and pictures documenting his rigorous Jenny Craig training regimen, your theory might hold more water. He's been talking about the sex addiction and edging since he was fat, so it's not like these are new things. Although when I take adderall I am prone to multi-hour edge-a-thons.

Norton honestly strikes me as one of those faggots that hears "ADDERALL IS LITERALLY THE SAME THING AS METH" and believes it because they both have amphetamine in their names. Nevermind the fact that one is neurotoxic and far more potent/powerful/addictive.

Guys on something. Would put money in it. Not what he says it's his overall story.

Maybe he got addicted to epinephrine when he was losing weight.

If he was he wouldn't shut up about it

All the Cialis, too. That's why he needs the sleep apnea mask, all the dick pills constrict the veins in people's nose and face.

I always thought he was.