Fuck me if thatโ€™s not Joe Cumia

1  2019-01-17 by comeflywme


ูข ุด member of the cover band

True up until the last line.

White is a company that makes stock photos for educational purposes.

It's the paper

member of the cover band 2-hebrU

'Not bald, I'M shaved. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…'

I'm not sure, Berber Man has a little spark of intelligence in his eyes.

Minus the cow eyes

It's not.

So where do you want me to insert it?

Deal's a deal.

Username checks out

Nope, there's far more intelligent life in these eyes.

That dude seems far whiter.

He looks like Armond White.

No, the Cumia siblings have nigger noses. This guy is too white.

Too much wisdom in his eyes.

The berber people were racist, mysoginist, pedophile, racist, pedophile, mysoginist, pedophile, CARD CARRYING, VIOLENT white supremacist pedophiles

Too much brain activity.