Norton Cross-Examines Internal Affairs Officers Apatow & Holmes

1  2019-01-15 by SchumersStolenJokes


i loved it when Jim told Pudd that the term "punching down" shouldn't used.

Both Pudd and Peter are douches.

I couldn't bare listening to Jimmy debate these two fags. idk how you guys do it.

I made it the whole way through powered by my hatred of Judd Apatow. Worm & Cavecreature may not be the best debaters I've ever heard but they landed some solid shots and hearing Apatow get noticeably flustered made it worth it despite how annoying everyone was.

You should hear Nick DiPaolo tool off on them on his podcast, it’s great. He cant stand Pete Holmes and especially hates Judd. Bless that miserable old guinea.

What episode?

I cant remember specifics but he does all the time. There was an episode last week with a huge chunk committed to Judd though, and I think he really let him have it.

was it from last nites show? i only listen to his free shows. haven't subscribed yet.

'thats kind of... weird' is the single faggotest response on gods gay earth

I really wish the old Howard and O&A still existed. Judd & Pete would’ve caused both shows to go on three week tirades until both of their careers were destroyed with blue collar audiences. But the powers that be know that. That’s why the shock jock was eliminated. Now they’re trying to end subversive absurdist shock comedy for the same reason. I did love when Judd tried to pretend this poisonous bullshit thinking is only affecting Louis and not other comedians and Jimmy called bullshit and pointed out that Norm was forced to pretend to apologize or have his Netflix show taken, Kevin Hart was fired from the Oscars, Chris Rock is being called a cooning Uncle Tom for letting Louis say nigger in front of him, etc. And then gave him the jab about Apatow’s hypocritical use of gay jokes.

Apatow seems to make his ethics up as he goes along. Self-righteous prick.

I would say I respect Jim for doing this if I wasn’t 100% sure he’s only doing it because he finally realized Judd’s not going to put him in any of his movies.

At the end, Pete says you’re in Crashing. Jimmy says yeah but only season one. Pete promises him season four. And that’s how the prosecutor gets paid off.

Wow, jimmy actually found some minerals!!!

"I hear what you're saying and it makes sense and I agree... BUT, I still want to virtue signal and be phoney outraged" - Pete 'fuckin faggot' Holmes

dude is an obvious homo

I like Pete quite a lot. This is more or less him at his worst, and I think he's just suffocated by being around wankers like Judd all the time and being generally quite an open minded and nice person. His podcast is really good, and the only time it ever really gets bad is when it gets into territory like this. As a person I think he's actually really genuine and not sanctimonious and insincere in the way that Judd and others are. I wish he didn't hang out with them because he's very talented and Judd is an utter hack and complete cunt.

Guys they took twitter off their phones! Lying within 10 seconds. These guys talk about Pryor nonstop. He lit himself on fire, that's funny. "OUR JOB" Don't these morons understand that no one needs comedians? They act like the world will stop spinning otherwise. Kiss-ass crowds? Most people are fake laughing at shit they've paid money for, what's so hard to understand about that?

When did Apatow become Serpico?

These guys actually believe that they're on the same level as musicians the way they talk. It's sickening.

i literally dont give a shit about musicians opinions either. theyre almost all retarded.

I meant more about the talk of their craft. They're acting like the shelf life of bits and material can match any other art form. In most cases it can't. Comics are so low on the totem pole of any creative contributor, it's time to start treating them that way.

Sam was weak as shit throughout. What a fucking embarrassment for the least professional broadcaster. Sam, the fact that these two fags even showed up to your show means that they have no respect for you as a broadcaster and absolutely no fucking fear of you. They think you’re a pushover putz. You don’t need their approval. They should be going in there seeking your approval and that of your listeners. Until that happens, you’re a fucking zilch in radio.

But good on Jimmy for standing up for comedy. Would’ve been nicer if he also stood up for his friend, but at least he stood up for his profession. After a dozen years of hearing them on the radio together, it was bizarre to hear Jimmy objectify Louis so much and not talk about him as a friend. Compare that to how Janeane seems genuinely heartbroken and angry for her friend and his kids.

Good on Jim. I’ll be fair. Very out of character

God, can there be an argument against Louis that doesn't follow the "They absolutely have the right to say whatever they want, but they shouldn't say X, Y, or Z"?

Jim actually makes a valid point in that nobody gives a shit if Stephen King kills off a transexual, or minority, etc. character in a book, or if one dies in a movie, but somehow comics are supposed to avoid all of that.

Part of this is them saying "we want Louis to stop the jokes dedicate some of his routine to talk about serious issues." They've lost their minds. And Louis did adress it. Talked about his bad year, losing 35 million, finding out who his real friends are.

Not gonna lie Jim gets some props for this

He loves props

You mean, Prep. Amirite?

The worm might be turning again. Even sam chimed in with some good points. Apotow is an unflappable Cunt but they got Holmes to do the classic Norton "it's a tough one man."

I love that whoever ripped this cut off their plug at the end. Nice work.

Good for Jim. Despite where he is now, he wasn't always some coastie soyboy faggot cuck

So you guys like Jim now?

Maybe. You can't predict this place.

Even taking Jim's Louis CK disloyalty into account, the worm can look good in moments like this. That's what happens when you pit a regular asshole against a huge asshole.

Fuckn finally

Holy shit. The arrogance it takes for Judd Apatow to say that the crowd who saw Louis CK was kissing his ass. Judd had a terrible 'return to stand-up' special on Netflix that he built up saying he was nervous about how well it would go since he'd been away from performing for so long. His material was so goddamn boring and insulated but the audience ate it up. Why? Turns out Judd filled the audience with his top sycophantic Twitter followers so he basically rigged the whole thing.

3 dumbfucks talk in circles for 30 minutes. these two are so absolutely obnoxious.

I like Pete quite a lot. This is more or less him at his worst, and I think he's just suffocated by being around wankers like Judd all the time and being generally quite an open minded and nice person. His podcast is really good, and the only time it ever really gets bad is when it gets into territory like this. As a person I think he's actually really genuine and not sanctimonious and insincere in the way that Judd and others are. I wish he didn't hang out with them because he's very talented and Judd is an utter hack and complete cunt.