Just don't go bustin' my balls, Opie. Okay?

1  2018-12-21 by GorramTimebomb


Opie Hammers.

The way the story is paneled out... You'd think they were the real people. I could see how a sub could fall for a post like that.

Wait, you were able to see something?

He does these Photoshops...

Imgur, Joe says.

You mean imager?

Those were LIVE LINKS, Karen!!!

Joe Pesky, am I right?

Very good work

Vurry good

THERE IT IS! Rich vos will be at Laugh it up pokipsy, what’s the number there jimmy?

Except in this scenario, Opie Batts is the one doing the stomping.

"Fuckin mutt dented my shoes sniff"

I wanna start calling him Opie Batts all the time

Link this to Jim's twitter if he hasn't muted you all already.

Well done and hilarious.

magic man, good job


Good stuff, brother.

I am screaming bloody murder, brothaman

Is that Vos in the background of the last panel?

fucking amazing

The drinks are on the house.
- Sorry I don't drink, I used to be an alcoholic for two days when I was 16.

I have a sister like that. Got drunk twice in high school And has spent the rest of her life telling everyone she understands alcohol problems

Ye fuck people who don't drink ammarite

Not exactly what I said but carry-on douche bag

Truly a word smith! The English language is your sword brother! Epic burn that will ring through the ages of reddit! Did I mention that you are a redditor, you use reddit

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH O&A is shit HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you all have shit personal lives and spend all day shitting on washed up radio hosts to feel better about yourself hanananananaabshsjsuwiajxb

How much time/money do you spend playing silly video games?

Ah the ol' reddit stalkeroo! Very classy! I guarantee I spend less time playing video games than you spend on this subreddit, especially judging by how quickly u respond lewl!

How much time/money do you spend learning autofelletio? Probably a lot, just a vibe I'm getting from u, you seem like u would do that. You seem like you are a redditor lollolololololoooo

Good luck in you High School next year kiddos

Good luck working Starbucks at 27 with no prospects and a useless degree lol! Epic! Rather be a highschool student with my life ahead of me than a bum like you to be honest!

Boasting about being older than someone is boasting that you are closer to death and have less doors open to you and also a sign that you probably shouldn't be arguing on the internet over a defunct radio show HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAJAJAJHAJAJAHAHAHAHAHHA

I’ll be fine dude. Don’t go around so angry all the time. You won’t ever get old

Yeh no ur retarded lol


You got a great burn in on him, I can tell by all the HAHAHAs. Lil fag.

He might be a Redditor, but you're a stupid faggot.

I mean, but aren’t we all stupid faggots to some extent on this sub? I mean not like this guy, but still.

Nice nuance, stupid.

Sincerely yes. Bunch of boring faggots

He's in recovery? Well if you recover your fuckin balls, give us a call

Well said, Mrs. Thapoint.

I don’t trust em

Ant gets a marginal one-line role as Tony Two-Shirts

Haha, “prop box”. Amazing


I'm gonna go find my gun, find my gun.

This made make lol


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What anime is this from?

Boku No Shinebox

Much loved

One day some of the kids from the neighborhood carried the Opster's podcasting equipment all the way home. You know why? It was outta respect.

Ohhh that's how you get podcasting equipment in to the city!

"He's from Scandinavia". "What? Who"? "The tranny I was tellin ya about. Been buying this thing tokens for a fuckin year now. Only problem is he won't go out with me alone. He's prejudiced against hacks...can you fuckin believe that"?

I’m glad people are making posts in the only format Ant is able to wrap his head around.

Genuinely fucking funny. I can only take so many bro Joe Twitter screenshots. Well played brotherman.

One host looks this way, one host looks that way, Sam Roberts is in the middle saying 'HEHEHEHE".

The funniest thing about this meme is that Aunt and Jimmy live by this movie like it's a religion. I doubt the opster ever saw this movie

"Aunt" is the best freudian autocorrect of all time.

This is wonderful!

Do you like big Lenny

He saw it but was doing his Suduko during some parts

Lord Brothaman kills it.

As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be in radio


Love this and love you

Are you obsessed?


More like One Goodfellah and One Badfellah right ?

Get out

Post of the week. There it is. That's the one.

Nay, post of the year!

My God it's beautiful

My God it's full of morning zoo stars!

One minute we're over here doing radio and right away you're gettin fuckin fresh

“As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to date a shemale.”

This is great

"Hey you gotta phone? Anthony and Joe Cumia just stole my truck. Do you fuckin believe that shit??"

*A couple of Cumias.

After the loose ends of The Great Sirius Salary Heist get taken care of, we later see Sam frozen on a meat hook.

I howled.

I didn't wanna get props on your floor...

Not exactly what I said but carry-on douche bag

Imgur, Joe says.

Sincerely yes. Bunch of boring faggots

Well said, Mrs. Thapoint.

I don’t trust em