Joe seems a bit defensive today

1  2018-12-21 by ReasonableSafe


He's the drunk uncle you ignore at family parties.

No one under the age of 60 is still using the term "libtard" in 2018.

No one with a functioning brain still uses that term. Freebasing cocaine with your mom can be a real motherfucker

Aren't they called Demon Rats now?

Yes!!!!! And Hildabeast is there leeder!!!!!!!1


My constituents? No Joe, you are a part of a group of constituents. You only refer to people as your constituents when you're the person running for office or representing those people in a political position. Again, you're ability to divulge your own stupidity in public is second to none.

The cognitive dissonence is strong here

make up outright lies about them re: racial (in)tolerance, (mal)treatment of women, or (deviant) sexual proclivity.

they've been so proven to be liars

minimal investigation proves you're LIARS

we're accused of by these LIARS

Okay Joe, let's cover the three categories:

  1. Racial (in)tolerance - Your feed is full of racial intolerance. You invited David Duke as a guest on your talk show. You and your brother particularly hate the blacks, happy to call them a huge variety of nasty racial slurs that you'd never say to a real black person's face.

Gimme a minimal investigation that proves those are lies

  1. (Mal)treatment of women - You were arrested for beating your ex-wife with a frying pan. "Oh I was innocent she made it all up" - just like Dani made it all up. The daughter of your children still publicly chides you on social media for being a shitty father who can't get his kids to school on time.

Once again, a minimal investigation that proves those are lies. "Oh I was innocent she made it all up" - okay boss.

  1. (Deviant) sexual proclivity - The NOT A PEDOPHILE thing is because you brought it up so many times on People's Court. The Big Apple Ranch thing is because a newsletter email was accidentally spotted in one of your tweets. Ant with Sue is because of all the tweets of her in his house.

Minimal investigation. Prove every claim is an outright lie made up by the sub.

The one thing he has - sorry to break kayfabe here - the one thing is the child spit because someone made a silly comment on one of his youtubes and the sub ran with it. Even in Beige's documentary it's pointed out that's a gag while literally everything else is 100% backed up by facts.

The daughter of your children

Give it a few years

Send this to Homeland Security please. They don't like Arabs.

Its not the fact that he drinks child saliva or not, its only the methodology...sippy cup or pickle jar?

The cognitive dissonance is strong here

Thankfully we have his tweets, one of which compares Anthony's attack to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor; along with his tweet that showed his correspondence with the Big Apple Ranch.

He makes me want to become a Democrat.

Joe is gay

He's literally saying he and his brothers should've been locked up long ago (and for YEARS and YEARS) if they're guilty of what we've proven (with innumerable examples) they're guilty of.

Seriously, every time he tries to climb himself out of a hole, he shows up with nothing but a shovel.




Did Anthony have to break the news that Joe and Dawn's Christmas bonuses will be Jelly of the Month Club instead this year?

It's amazing how much he thinks slashes and parentheses make him look smart. Dullard.

It’s text book retard.

Textbook is one word. Retard.

Here we go again.....Joe wants and demands freedom to speak his mind!

But when others say things he doesn’t like? Shut them up!

me and my constituents

Shit is he cosplaying as a senator now?

You get locked up for being racist or having sex with transexuals? What the fuck is he talking about? Completely inane.

Who the fuck are his constituents

Aaah shieet Thesaurus Joe is back

I (don't) understand (his) use of (parenthesis).