REMINDER: Joe Cumia tweeted out these images expecting to “own the Reddit trolls”, but didn’t realize that within said images was definitive proof that he is a homosexual.

1  2018-12-14 by TranthonyRapesKids


Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay. If you’re reading this Joe, we don’t care that you allow men to like your aids-hole

I don’t have an issue with gay people either, I just don’t like the hypocrisy when you have this guy who tries to be all tough and pretend he’s a manly man in a biker gang, then meanwhile he goes to the Big Apple Ranch to get fucked in the ass.

sodomites should be burnt at the stake

This is my general view on things but I just want to get Joe to admit he’s a fag

"Shit Pussy"

Did Joe ever address this? I’m guessing no. Ever notice that the Cumias are so fast to comment and fake laugh off the obviously fake trolling shit that gets brought up here but anything real with proof they stay away from and never address

No but he made his twitter private for a little while immediately afterwards so he definitely knows that we discovered it.

His stupidity is legendary

He's literally the gift that keeps on giving. This is a guy who wears ear rings and dresses in all black and wears fake biker jackets (gay guys gotta over compensate), then at peak confidence proceeds to conduct the most monumentally stupid actions. He's the guy at a party who will climb on top of a table, scream at the top of his lungs telling everyone to be quiet, then proceed to say "Okay, what's updog?? What the fuck is fucking updog?? This prick keeps fucking telling me to ask him what updog is and I'm ready to beat his face in!" Then when somebody is like "Uhh not much you" and everyone erupts into laughter, he just runs away and tweets about how the liberals are targeting him for harassment.

ear rings

You're an ass hole

Didn’t he ‘address it’ by making his faggot twitter private AGAIN. When joe gets called out he takes his ball and goes home like the untouchable rock star that his is. Remember, folks, “only losers try to make money playing original music!”

It's so obvious now that you know. You look at him and think "of course he's a closeted homosexual." It was glaringly obvious all along. It was staring us in the face the whole time. Heterosexual men don't have biker fetishes, a need to take and publicly share selfies of themselves and a history of badly broken relationships with women behind them. Also, his total aversion to any kind of work is suggestive of sexual perversion/inadequacy.

Heterosexual men also refrain from participating in U2 cover bands.

Plus he greases his bald head with jizz.

Perhaps the most important point of all.

How did this not tip anyone off?

His Big Apple Ranch email was the coffee mug slowly dropping to the floor in Usual Suspects.

He's Keyser Dozy.

Guysfor Broze

Joe of Finland

Wait.. so racist, misogynist and pedophile were only 3/4 of his issues?

There was a 4th..?!

The big reveal of The Cumia Brothers being exceptionally degenerate homosexuals is the best possible end to all of this.

It's like he's retarded or something.

It's worse than that. He thinks he's smart.

Joe "Zero Interaction" Cumia

Not to kill the bit, but the most likely explanation is that one of the guys who had his email address just signed him up for it. But he's still a fucking faggot obviously.

Why would anyone do something like that knowing that it wouldn’t garner any kind of reaction from him? Also, why was it a READ email? And why did he make his Twitter private afterwards? If it was just a Reddit troll signing him up, he would have just said so.

That's why he read the email, but didn't delete it.

Dumbass Joe's already said that he went to their website for a joke or something like that

You're gay and jack off to the smell of a fart.

When I sent Joe that email, I don't know what my intention was. Wasting his time and pissing him off, I guess. But when I woke up the next day and saw my email on the top of O&A, and how it had inadvertantly resulted in Joe being exposed as a homosexual, I knew I was a part of something bigger. Because of destiny.

Your stupid email made me crack up so much that I posted the screen shot.

I had to pull my rig over to the side of the highway I was laughing so hard.

Then I got back to work and dropped a load of salsa in tulsa

homo joe

Does he just enjoy the notoriety at this point? Or is he really that retarded.

Joe Cumia has dick on his herpes

What is gay about this? I don't understand anything that goes on in this sub anymore.

Google “Big Apple Ranch, then read the name of the sender of the read email below the Reddit troll that he “”owned””

You have to realize the game of over half this sub is gas lighting. They want to pretend because someone signing Joe up for Apple Ranch news letter makes him gay. In my opinion it just demeans the truths discovered on this site ie. Anthony is a pedo, Bill Burr is the literal definition of a cuck, etc

I doubt if anybody on here did sign him up for it. The way he acted sure didn't seem like it. He quickly deleted it, and then put his Twitter to private for a long time. And then never addressed it.

That is literally retarded. There are thousands of people here spamming and harrassing the extended O&A family and you think they didn't sign him up? Here's the more likely scenario the mongoloid doesn't delete email.

Reminder: joe accidentally dodder himself on Reddit through the use of an account called DOXXER100


This is what he thinks the “average” Reddit username is. He intentionally named himself that so he could “blend in”

That actually isn't a bad assessment of an average reddit username, however /u/TranthonyRapesKids, I've seen some usernames that are often specific to the subreddit. If Joe wasn't a complete retard he would have made his username /u/JoeCumiaIsACompleteRetard or something.

He would have gotten away with it....if it wasn't for those damn creeps!

After the 800th time some chode posted this, I'm pretty damn reminded already.

U faggots email him lol

If there is one person who should be immune from losing their Twitter, it’s joe.

I cant even tell what he was trying to prove with that tweet besides outing himself for his gay club membership, gay dummy made it the focal point of the picture

It's worse than that. He thinks he's smart.

He's Keyser Dozy.