Women are hilarious! Deal with it trolls!!

1  2018-12-08 by McGowan9


Nothing says funny like someone saying how funny they are. And then not saying anything funny. Both of these guys stink.

The Guardian who just put out a story about Manafort visiting Assange in Ecuador multiple times with zero proof and not one major news outlet backing up, publishing, or corroborating their story.

Shit rag.

The Guardian is a ultra left propaganda machine. Half their reporters are called Mohammed Or Ahmed.

I don’t even care if a news organization leans a certain way, that’s just the reality of news in 2018. But you can’t just make shit up or publish a story cuz you want it to be true

I hope Wikileaks sues that pinko, commie rag for all of their dwindling resources.

Can't wait until the world rights itself again and ugly,unfunny, degenerates like these are forced to hide in darkness

Like God intended dammit

I love how the guys in the picture are unable to control their laughter from the no doubt hilarious stuff coming out these ugly dyke mouths.

Also Hannah Gadsby is a bigot: "The ugliest people in the world are songwriters!"

The decline and fall of Western Civilisation.

Black? Fat? Gay?

Ho ho holeee shit! You're hilarious!

Seems to me a funny person faced with 'trolls' would, you know, make some jokes about it not go to the most morally self-righteous paper in the world and tell everyone 'trust me everyone is evil and I'm funny' but that thought is probably my misogyny kicking in.

I love nanette's never ending commitment to hating all men while trying to look as much like a 12 year old boy as possible

These broads are never gonna get husbands until they lose some weight.

" 'Trolls get incensed by a woman daring to think she's funny. I'm very funny’ The ‘Nanette’ comedian and the writer discuss trauma, body image and fan encounters"

Yeah, those sound like hilarious topics to prove how funny you are. Nobody's incensed or outraged.

We just recognize how terrible you are, and know that if you weren't a fat, bloated dyke screaming about rape and evil men in 2018, and if judged solely on merit... your career would be nothing.

Why do these trainwrecks always broadcast what they feel and think makes them feel special and justifies their existence?

They are not and it doesn’t.

The claim that they know the formula for funny, automatically discounts their arguments in my mind.
I could say the same thing, but a quick look at my posting history proves that’s almost never true.

Fuck them, Fuck their whole Cunt family and the hole that made those cunts.