A racist, a-a-a misogynist, a homophobe, a uh-uh pedophile, a uhhmmm uhhh-uhhh-uh a spit-swallowing, card-carrying, VIOLENT white supremacist, and uhhhm, and a uhhh myriad of other uh-uh ridiculous uhhh accusations.

1  2018-11-28 by GorramTimebomb


"My brother, Anthony Cumia, is NOT a pedophile! Everyone got that? Who still needs to be told? You, in the back with the camera... did you hear me? Anthony Cumia is NOT a pedophile! Nor is he a misogynist, and he definitely doesn't have sex with kids. Got all that? And my good side, too?"

Very good work


He says "a myriad of other things" instead of "myriad other things" because he's not a remotely intelligent man but sure likes to affect it.

Myriad means 10,000 in Greek so you don't say "a ten thousand of other things" just "ten thousand things".

Pedantic, but not wrong.

Thanks, mister.

You're wrong, stupid. Even Merriam-Webster's sample sentence uses myriad like faggot Joe.

This needs to be on the sidebar and greet me every time I visit.

you may think that MY BROTHER ANTHONY CUMIA IS A PEDOPHILE, it is only your opinion that MY BROTHER ANTHONY CUMIA IS A PEDOPHILE, you can't prove that MY BROTHER ANTHONY CUMIA IS A PEDOPHILE .. so so so so so so so so so you are saying that MY BROTHER ANTHONY CUMIA IS A PEDOPHILE