A reminder of how truly pathetic Anthony was on Twitter towards the end

6  2018-11-18 by AndRiseAgain


It was bizarre how he would use the Corrado account and pretend it was ran by "a friend of Anthony's". It really was a good insight to just how deranged he actually is.

What a fucking loser.

He once had an entire back and forth with Danny Ross on the Corrado account and kept referencing things that only Ant would know yet still kept pretending it wasn't him.

It's no surprise the pair of mentally ill faggots were such good friends.

If anyone wants the pw for the https://twitter.com/coradosoprano4?lang=en account pm me. Unlike the cumios I got tired of tweet 1/10 the amount they did

That account's no fun now that Ants banned.

you can fuck with ant's dummy ballwashers. People still think its him. but yeah basically

Does anyone have that whole exhange screengrabbed?

So he was poslin

/u/FuthuhMucker comment?

Good talk, as usual.

You do the same thing mersh.

That's gonna have me laughing til I'm dead

What he say in that gif?”

"So I jerked him off"

"Add a dash of salt!" (it was during a war story)


He's talking about sucking cocks.

Are you saying he isn’t really a media mogul? Just some kind of desperate old alcoholic shouting to nobody from his basement? Tell me more fella.

He's a 'mo-ghoul

Just like people who pay for followers

It wasnt him. It was just someone very close to him.

With his gay little avatar

Cokelogic is a fat fuck loser

Sadly coke logic still would have been a better option for the worm to funnel his stolen money through. At least there would have been some product for their 60k

He had Cokelogic make the animations of the Chip Show bits. That's why Jim thinks he delivered on his promise and isn't a thief.

I guess retard truckers think that badly animated Flash by one person costs $60,000

Another libtard pwned.

I remember when Anthony was funny.

It's getting harder to remember

The Trayvon/Zimmerman incident fucked Anthony up.

I noticed a clear decline after that.

Tits used to play candy crush sarcastically into the mic when he got on his daily guns and black people rant every day for months on end.

That is when his downfall started.

I love me some racist humor, but quoting crime stats and laughing is not humor.

The funniest thing the destroyer ever did

Tits had some great moments. When they used to blow up interviews on purpose Opie was the king of that shit because Ant was too much of a pussy.

Hanging up on the crying dude with the dead wife is still one of my favorite moments. https://youtu.be/0_ed3prhv1E

Opie got fucking married and turned into a safe pussy. That was his downfall, since we are discussing why this great radio show fucking died.

The Forgetting Sarah Marshall one was prob the funniest one of those because not only was the timing perfect, they also described in detail that fat spick Rolland’s mini heart attack and how he had to deal with it after it all happened. I’m all for anything that makes him cry at night about being stressd.

He started during Obam’s election then went all in.

Maybe even a little before, while Obama was running. Yeah you are right.

The Trayvon thing pushed him over the edge.

But Obama is gone, so is Trayvon. Why is he still an unfunny asshole?

Not sure how long you have been listening but around 2006- 2007 they used to mock Man Cow from going from wacky shock jock to full on political talk. Anthony did the same shit thinking he would make big bucks a day, but he is damaged goods.

Right wing political talk radio dies very well in ratings, sadly no one told Anthony that only works if you are on AM radio, or already have a name like Rush or Hannity. Or even free.

Anthony would have done very well with a political talk show if he branded it as so, didn't go completely behind a paywall, used patreon instead of a subscription plan.

He fucked himself with his elitist exclusivity.

You put shit out for free, then use patreon to charge for special content, every podcast from history, modern politics, to fucking bullshit talking about Game of Thrones has figured this out.

Good job listening to a retired cop sucking the taxpayer tit, something Anth should hate.

Because Patrice wasn’t alive when the Trayvon stuff happened.

You are right. Patrice died like a few months before Trayvon.

That was his last black friend that would call out his racism because Patrice didn't feel like he owed him shit.

Good catch.

For sure, I used to download the show and would skip giant chunks (oh E-Rock) of the show to get back to the enjoyable parts. I chose to be a day behind so I could skip those rants. But yeah, that shit broke him and the re-election finished the job.

If you ever used bitemytorrent that was my site before I shut it down.

Sounds familiar. I vaguely remember using a few places but I think that was one of them. In the early days I would download the mp3 and the upload it to a personal site I had with an RSS feed so I could listen like a podcast and keep my place. Eventually others made public versions so I stopped.

That was the knockout punch. The very beginning was when he got the guns that all of a sudden gave him a backbone for the first time in his life and he sadly never got over being bullied by a black kid for milk money so finally he was ready to stand up to black people. As long as he's got his gun on him and they were unarmed.

He's still hilarious!

I guess I forgot to laugh


Wetbrained old cunt.

What an embarrassing human being. Why hasn't he killed himself yet?

No self awareness.

He doesn't have his guns back, has built up a resistance to pills and is too much of a pussy to hang him self.

While Opie picks out Christmas trees with his loving family, Anthony Cumia battles for a nonstop economy class seat to obscurity.

'its cold out here' -Anthony cumia

What a deranged person

Thanks. I did forget about that!

Just like I forgot the Sopranos was a thing that ended over a decade ago, because I don't sit around a bunch of fat old losers in my basement who say things like "Fuggedabout it!" and "Gabbaghoul!!!" and think its hysterical.

The Sopranos started broadcasting on HBO almost twenty years ago and has been off the air for more than ten and this is about as contemporary a reference as Anthony is capable of.

I don't think Ant has ever figured out that David Chase was mocking people like him.

I guess Porsalin was right, everyone has an alt account they use to slurp themselves.

Hmm.... Very disturbing behavior indeed. Am I the only one who picked up on this Porsalin-like behavior? Mind blown.

I hope he's now stalking Shatner and wearing his clothing.

Come on, he’s still a witty man

Why does everyone here hate Ant? I mean if you liked him before, he was saying horrendous shit already. Seems like he couldn’t say anything more that would push you over the edge to not like him? Am I missing something?

Oh come on you guys are just jealous hes begging a celebrity to unblock him from an alt account.

Everything that he bitches about Nopie doing, he does it too.

Wow i forgot captain kirk blocked his ass hahahahah

At least I was more subtle about my alt accounts than Nana was


Anthony held on to twitter because it was his only false sense of relevance. His non watched internet podcast show definitely didn't provide. It's gone and he is suffering in, um, what's the word?? Obscurity?