Suggestion: Ban everybody who uses Discord or O&A chatrooms

1  2018-11-14 by Ant_Sucks

It seems to me they are the source of all this doxxing faggotry. Most normal people just post here for a laugh, but it takes a real degenerate to want to sit in a chatroom all day and be a member of an "O&A" community.


Make me a mod

the blue wave stops here

Like you’re not uppity enough already

Our mod team is old white men we need some diverse opinions in the room.

That's what im sayin

LaShae 2019 🇺🇸

I'll only vote for you if you post a pic of your fat butt


Right i was like um who he talkin bout??

E.t lookin ass..

You are extremely hateable. You never post anything remotely funny or interesting. All of your posts basically say "look at my username guys!". Fuck off or be more funny like, vapid cunt.

Talk that shit to my face ill pop one off in your chest

Can you just pretend to be hurt by that comment so I can feel a small sense of satisfaction?

Nah nigga i am rubber u are glue

Fuck outta here

U do have the same build as a rubber u gumby looking hoe

Blacks funnel all such emotions into aggression

Nice impulse control, stupid

So she is perfect for the mod role, is what you are saying.

I blame you thirsty faggots for giving this plain cunt attention

Those are my alt accounts

HA I guess American women are funnier than British men. By a hair though

This is why women should stick to womanly interests, like cute clothes and new makeup techniques. When they start venturing into subs dominated by men, they always become the center of attention and most of what they say is "Look at me!" while all of the guys turn into bumbling retards fawning over them, even if they're insane and ugly.

Nigga, you're too ugly to be anything.


It's odd since Discord is a commie application, they were supposed to crack down on doxxing and wrong-think.

I joined yesterday just to get screen caps of people celebrating fucking with the sub - there are really only 3 of them

They must get laid constantly.

Okay cool bro, but you're part of the problem. What are you going to do with those screen caps, doxx them?

Naw, its just in the event I ever see them pandering. One of them said he needs upvotes for something he's working on in the future.

Thank you for your service.

I blame stnkskc. He started all of this nonsense years ago.

Also, the jews.

He was one of the attention whores around here for a while.

stnkskc stinks!

Nice anti-op op, stupid.

That was me i need them because if you go negative i cant post to transpassing or any of the normal subs

Sounds like wackbag 2.0

Let's not go that far....

did we forget about how fucking toxic paltalk/FBA was? there was even a murder-suicide among a couple of people who hung out and met up iirc.

Fuck those guys, we have /u/killakuhn

I try not to remember. "Full Blown AIDS ... because it's a LIFESTYLE" .......jesus christ they were almost as bad as proud boys. And "board wars". Godawful concept just in general, but the O&A version included jealous debates about which group of fans was closer to the hosts.

If it wasn't for proud boys it would reign still as the gayest thing I've ever heard of.


Eww. Faggot.

as a 19/20yo female at the time, it was gross as fuck. some dude wrote my parents a letter about how i was a bad person after i wouldn't fuck him during a roadtrip to NYC to meet the boys in studio. same dude went on to have beef with anthony that got aired out during the compound show phase. the cast of fan characters present during those years were some of the most degenerate.

I had a look yesterday aswell.. no more than 5 of these loser faggots jerking each other off... fucking losers

there are really only 3 of them

Anthony, Joe, and Anthony's alternate for when he is too drunk to remember the password.

Is it also the same three retards who clog the place up for a day with lame memes about and or Jim? Awful, those assholes.

What is a discord server please?

You're better off never knowing.

I have no idea either.

Now that I know some people see this as a community I feel gross being here.

NAMBLA is also a community. So, yeah.

Have you been a member for very long?

Fuckin got em

Thanks, babe

Were all bros here right friends? And that black girl is all our gf? Hahaha brian gilgore

He goes on these Bill Burr-style rants

You'd swear it was the real people.

"People" haha

"Hey Nia, get in here haha she is really funny actually tho"

It is a community in the same way that Hamsterdam was a community.

Much more productive people there, though.

Nobody likes a braggart, zoogie.

less heroin and crack :(

If someone told me they visited this subreddit in real life I would avoid them

Absolutely disgusting. Grown men actually "feeling a part of" O&A chatrooms and taking a joke sub actually seriously. Both on the doxxing side and on the prasing-myself with-alt-accounts side, what humongous faggotry. Also, don't ask for psychological or "life" help here, you idiots.

The whiny self pity posts from the degenerate drug addicts need to end. Go create a "Jim Norton's Advice" Show" sub and take the look what I'm jacking off to, let's masturbate together "beefers" posts with you. That's the stupid shit that caught the attention of the admins.

I can't believe kratom was ever actually a "controversy" on here, taken completely seriously. Holy who gives a rat god damn fuck.

Dont joke about kratom. That horrible drug has taken more lives then I can count.

It was a bit...

A bit deadly

If it's the core group of chatters I'm thinking of, that faggotry goes back way before reddit, to direct download websites that hosted O&A shows.

They're mostly eurofags talking about soccer. I think the explanation for it is if you're from europe you undoubtedly found the show through youtube. So all interaction took place at first in youtube comments, which tend not to be very interactive. Then show after show they listened and heard fans call in, many of them local to new york with their yank accents shooting the shit with the hosts about relatively local north american topics, and started feeling left out, and that's why chatrooms do it for them. It fills some sort of loneliness hole in their sad lives. Big difference from replying to someone on youtube who posted 4 years ago.


Little did they realize that 99% of fans never called in once, and most of the dumb callers were just bored truckers who wanted to talk to anyone.

Lol, classic ContentBot

Nice community stupid

Same loser assholes who were on Wackbag and Pal Talk.

I'm all for this.

The fucking weirdos that lurk there anonymously gathering up info to come to reddit and bitch about other internet people are the worst.

Remember when University of Texas was doing some research on "trolling" and were coming here for info? Academics are retarded as fuck.

What exactly happened there?

There's some other faggy site:

This tags every post you make here and in some other "problematic" subreddits. Add "user/[username]" after that to find what they have on you.

I know about the masstagger shit. It was initially used to flag users of alt-right subreddits, but now they're going after "edgy" comedy subs. Cumtown is on there, ffs.

Not sure whatever happened with the gay university study, I'd actually like to know.

Cumtown could be the funniest hour of audio available, and I simply refuse to listen to a podcast called cumtown. My standards aren't that high, but I listen at work and just don't need to explain that.

The guy was scraping subs to see if he could identify “problematic” or “potentially problematic” subs using naughty language metrics as a project for his natural language processing masters or PhD. Someone just found a couple of the DB files that had user names from here when they were probably doing a search on themselves... it was a big files with a lot of data and really nothing specific to this sub. It was something very close to that.

I do. They specifically cited something I said years ago. It's the only time in my life where I truly felt like there was a purpose to living.

You have to consider the average state of mental health of a person here, and then consider the group that want to go outside and chat more. That's not a pretty picture.

As weird as making posts on a subreddit dedicated to bick?


I like it. Also ban any faggot complimenting himself with alt accounts - disgusting. I guess we could make an exception if we are supplied with new documentaries in a TIMELY manner.

Except how would you know they are doing it.

Youve got to be the sickest piece of shit to go "investigating" members of this sub. The only other 2 people I can think of that have attempted that were pedophiles named Cumia

It was one dude in the Discord who got into a fight with Porsalin (who was also one of the biggest members on the Discord). No one there "investigates" people on the sub.

Yeah, I am sure the Discord chat room is totally awesome.

I've seen people here complain when it was all pictures of Bobby or a meme about Ant pushing buttons. That's when they shit on it too. Idk I'm defending these faggots but it's pissing me off that people act like there's some big conspiracy going on in these chatrooms, when it's mostly people just making jokes.

It’s cool ur missing out on all the fun like doxxing and back stabbing U should join sounds fun 👧🏼💕🌷💯🌈🍒🌺

Go away boy, go be a mooching darkie mongrel someplace else.

U do know I’m not really Saiyanz right I think it should be obvious by my emojis 👧🏼🌺💕🍒🌷💕

Your life is worthless and your family hates you and you know it and they know it.


You seem very familiar with what goes on over there.

This can be solved by not linking every online identity. Just have a different name for everything.

I just did some investigating and saw that you post in r/jeep and r/books

Try combining the two hobbies and drive off a cliff while reading Harry Potter or something.


Do me next

Funny how the people most outraged at the Discord are the ones who have never been on one.

The O&A discord was dead 90% of the time for most of the last year and they almost NEVER talk about the subreddit.

No one cares about you there.

This guy, already creating fucking drama. This guy should be the first to go.

Bunch of softies, the lot of you. All crying about some Discord your beloved Porsalin spent countless hours on and obsessed over, then tried to spin it as some evil place plotting against the subreddit.

Talk about lame invented drama.

You seem very invested in defending the honor of the Discord.

This drama has really exposed a lot of faggots like yourself.

mhm thats why theres a thread with 300 upvotes and 100 comments about a chatroom, because people like me care too much about a chatroom that doesnt even talk about this subreddit

Also British

I'm British and upvoted this. Ban me fuckers.

The o&a reddit chatroom isn’t a bunch of doxxing faggots like the Discord, it’s just a hang brothaman

The day I decide to investigate any usernames on here is the day I stop posting here. Not excuse me, it's time to go jerk-off to some 3rd rate, transgender, tranny-midget porn.

The faggot mods just removed discord from the sidebar at Porsalin’s request, only making us more infamous:

its like being the most retarded person on earth, so infamous

What y would they do that???? U need to promote more then 💯💕🌺👧🏼

I don’t know what Discord is and I didn’t know chat rooms still existed. This all sounds gayer than poker night at the compound.

I only use Discord because I have to. Well I don't "have" to, but killing real people in multiplayer games is more fun than killing AI, and the only way not to suck is to coordinate with groups using voice chat. I'm certainly not proud of it and I do it as infrequently as possible. Reaching for my headphones/mic feels like fishing a gold ring out of a toilet full of diarrhea.

you couldve just said discord is used for gaming chat like an adult.

Nope, it needed explanation because there's a 100% chance that statement would have been replied to with "HRRRR so? Online gaming's just as faggy as chatrooms about dead radio shows", and you know damn well I'm right. It was necessary to work in the part about killing people.

bro you need a friend or something because you are picking a fight i dont even care about.

discord is a gaming chat tool

I mean you could write a 10 page on why you use discord, I'd think you're gay.

Anyone who uses discord aside for video games is probably a pedophile so there's no need to defend yourself.

online gaming is just as faggy as chatrooms about dead radio shows. this is coming from someone who has 7000 hours in dota 2 and that's not even the game i played the most in my pathetic life.

So let's recap. I've gotten up the dander of

1) people who think all gamers are fags

2) gamers

3) anyone who hates themself.


What a people person I am.

But this is just a slower chat room...


I don’t know why people would want to talk to each other about Opie and Anthony or the sub dedicated to the show. I like reading the posts here but none of you are my friend.

Sickening isn't it.

When can we get back to making fun of Sam Roberts?

I can't imagine calling any of you friends or sharing interests outside of making three old hacks miserable.

I just like to peek in every week and see what you savages are attacking. This last week has been gross, fuck you faggots.

liked it when everyone was talking about lentil soup for a while


wtf is this thread. why do you care.

Since we apparently now have a head douchebag in-charge officially, I'd love to know why the man who lives and dies by the "sub Rules" is allowing that lispy, uneducated, untalented, unfunny, unwarranted living being known as SprayinZ to continue to ban-evade.

u/SpaceEdge, say something stupid.

Since we apparently now have a head douchebag in-charge officially, I'd love to know why the man who lives and dies by the "sub Rules" is allowing that lispy, uneducated, untalented, unfunny, unwarranted living being known as SprayinZ to continue to ban-evade.

u/SpaceEdge, say something stupid.

Since we apparently now have an unofficial head douchebag in-charge officially, I'd love to know why the man who lives and dies by the "sub Rules" is allowing that lispy, uneducated, untalented, unfunny, unwarranted living being known as SprayinZ to continue to ban-evade.

u/SpaceEdge, go ahead and say something stupid.

This has been my sub for years. Report threads that you think belong here

Thanks for not answering my question, even slightly.

Wait we’re not a community of friends? I thought we were. Genuinely.

I peeked in one of the channels, it was an embarrassment all around.

Good luck with that. I reported all the doxxers and literally messaged the mods with links to people clearly admitting to doxxing and screenshots of the discord where they were discussing which places of employment to call and they completely ignored me. I think even the mods want this place banned lol.

I started the Taima and CyTube rooms which may have ended up morphing into the discord or other chats, which I have never been part of. I apologize for ever seeing anything in this mess.

suggestion: force anonymous mode on the sub or if that is not possible then ban everyone with an account older than say 3 months. there is absolutely no reason why i should be familiar with any of your gay fucking usernames.

You're better off never knowing.

I'm British and upvoted this. Ban me fuckers.

I have no idea either.

A bit deadly