Hey /u/Porsalin remember this?

1  2018-11-13 by Poor_Salin


This nigga done.

What. The. Fuck?

This is as convincing as me saving a contact in my phone as "porsalin" and having a conversation saying he raped me in 2006. You can log onto discord right now and call yourself porsalin. Fake news my friend

Hahaha Anthony doesn’t have 5k

that's gay, what an arse bandit

Well, I mean, he's British. So it's pretty much a given.

i thought we were all british here?

Righty-o chap

Bloody 'ell.....

We are old boy

noice one, stick the kettle on, love x

As-salamu alaykum.


شاذ جنسيا


I'm completely in shock that a dude with an internet-begging page set up turned out to be a faggot.


All patreons and gofundmes are scams.

Not Dick Valentines

The dude from The Wildbunch?

Hi five!

Why can't any of you autistic fucks be creative and contribute to this sub and also not be a faggot?

Hi 😉

There's nothing creative about showing your less than mediocre tits

Those Somali fried eggs hanging on a nail?

No internal monologue.

😍 babe!

I sketched a bunch of O&A gayporn. I guess I'm a faggot regardless. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Beige is the only true brotherman.

Don’t forget Wig!

All things considered, I'm happy we can finally just sever ties from the O&A world and have our own retarded drama to sustain this cesspool of cutie pies.

Wait. So you, Poor Salin were also trying to get the sub shut down? Who's name is blocked?

That can literally be anyone I can go into discord right now change my nickname to Porsalin and claim Porsalin raped me in 2006.

Wow i can't believe he did that to you. What a cunt.

This Discord guy sounds like a real jerk!

He raped me too man.

he needs to be stopped

I knew he was a devious faggot from the moment he promised to release that documentary at 10 PM and it didn’t come out for almost another 24 hours.

He’s now officially dead to me.

Archived for context https://streamable.com/4j124

What a wormy piece of shit. His love for MDE did him in. Good.

I thought he was a cumboi™

Dude went soft on Sam after they started DMing, Sam even promoted the video... he got too close to the sun, long before betraying the sub.

"Golden Handcuffs" - Patrice

I had to Google the reference, but that's pretty much spot-on.

I just want him to make the Big Amy documentary before he loses his mind. Please porsalin just log off everything and focus on it.

It's never going to happen.

Honestly what will be the big revelation? That she's a self-important joke thief who progressively gains weight? Wow, shocker, the mainstream media is already well aware and her career is well documented. The reason The matarese and Sam roberts things were good is because he made a concise chronological documentary that had never been assessed before because no one knows or cares who the fuck they are.

Dude, she posted on instagram talking about this sub because she heard he was making one. It would've been hilarious.

It would have been the biggest one yet. There’s a whole group of angry people who hate any who are not apart of this sub. I was excited to see it pick up some major traction

I want a rapeumentary of all the faggot comedians that have sexually assaulted people and gotten away with it.

Shouldn't you posting pictures of big dogs to highschoolers on twitter?

Them British folks can't be trusted! First Steven Knight, and now him!

Steven knight was fine until he visited New York and then came back a massive faggot

He displays the same attributes as Porsalin:

Being pretentious as fuck, all around faggot.

Which is odd because the English are lower than worms.

They're not even people

Can you refresh my memory of what happened with him? Or I may have missed it.

He became a massive Hilary supporter and male feminist SJW... seriously.. I'm not making it up

Yup, that'll do it.

On one level all these gay ops and discord bullshit and hurt feelings are exceptionally gay, on the other hand they're stupid too

That's a tough one, man

Your honor, this is from a website called imuhgur.

Aye Nye

The $5,000 fugitive.



Opie is such a dummy

who cares exactly?


My life has been a lie

So what is his real identity?


instead of doing the only doc worth doing which was the opie doc like i suggested a month ago, you tried to be a sub pleaser. "maybe when the opie love blows over". and now theyre turning on you. feel stupid yet, stupid?


"My Mudder is not my Mudder, she's my Aunt. And she's a whhhoooore. My real Mudder's a whhhooorrreee."

That looks like a trolling to me. But I'm a dumbass

i hate knickers

Is he from a specific middle eastern Semitic group that tends to corrupt, exploit and subvert every thing they touch?

British Jews tend to be very crypto and not ...uhhm heeby.

I know it was you, Fredo.

You broke my heart.

Book em' Danno

lol damn shits goin down

I have no idea what’s going on and I’d like to keep it that way.

Who gives a shit. He makes great content, idc about this drama.

So what you're saying is porsalin is a diet vanilla coke with a pink straw. Got it.

It looks like he was making a joke referring to the 5k from anthiny

why is porsalin getting so much hate and people are upvoting it? wtf happened???

This is all so fucking gay.

This whole discord fiasco, the clucking hens, the creepy internet shit, the admins and mods power tripping. It's like going back to being 13 in middle school and posting on message boards again, pretending to be a 30 year old millionaire and playing by the rules of some irrelevant community of losers.

I fucking hate any "mod" who actually thinks they matter to the tone of a site's posts. You are a worthless thread janitor and you can only fuck up. There's no winning. You're either a total loser who acts cool about it, or you're a total loser who is a power tripping bitch.

Fuck me this sub an embarrassment. I’ve seen less hens on two x.

Steven knight was fine until he visited New York and then came back a massive faggot

It's never going to happen.

Bloody 'ell.....

Honestly what will be the big revelation? That she's a self-important joke thief who progressively gains weight? Wow, shocker, the mainstream media is already well aware and her career is well documented. The reason The matarese and Sam roberts things were good is because he made a concise chronological documentary that had never been assessed before because no one knows or cares who the fuck they are.

I want a rapeumentary of all the faggot comedians that have sexually assaulted people and gotten away with it.

Shouldn't you posting pictures of big dogs to highschoolers on twitter?