Patrice to "white men" Anthony Cumia and Nick DiPaolo: “You fucking helped put the lamp on the Statue of Liberty. That’s what the fuck you did for this country. Thanks for nothing. Thanks for spaghetti, motherfucker. We appreciate it.”

1  2018-11-09 by wwendell

From this classic discussion:

Loved hearing Patrice put those two goombahs in their place. And Nick bringing up his English mother to prove he's more white is cringey.


English mother? Did some Italian greaseball rape her?

Patrice bringing up Italians building things and bringing foods is more cringy them him not addressing the crimes black people commit all the time

truth hurts.

bragging your heritage is hot shit when it's not is far worse than just not talking about fucked up shit your race does.

"were you the lake?"

Both of those hacks act like their ancestors rocked up in the 1600a... Truth is their filthy rickets ridden grandparents came over below deck on an overfilled steamship in the early 1900s with a whole load of other filthy wops. They both look like disgusting arabs...

Their grandparents were literally shipped in to provide cheap, practically slave-level labor breaking their backs building subways and bridges for Anglos to get to their brain-work jobs in a more timely fashion. Both of them are a tan and a couple of days of not shaving away from being put on a no-fly list. Fucking greaseballs.

Their grandparents and parents broke their backs and slaved their lives away doing the most unskilled, menial tasks. And here Nana is fucking around with his Z-List comedian friends in his basement bragging about how much of a degenerate he is.

Reminder that's the path Ant was going down as well until he got extraordinarily lucky and had his song picked by The Destroyer himself to win some contest.

Nonsense. Anthony himself contributed to the Apollo program, along with other genius Aryans.

Anthony deserves a lot of credit for taking his opportunity and running with it though, I remember an old segment where Patrice was laughing at how Anthony was 'tap-dancing' doing anything he had to to escape that path. Anthony used to stay behind after work and do voice work for the on-air commercials and I think the station even got some kind of award for it. He tried really hard

Italians are just as European as you. They're descended from the same population:

And as far as the OP goes, Italians became Americans from the start

Typical divide and conquer kikery

Dude Didn’t u ever watch True Romance Italians are the real N words

Oh yeah, I guess I should have remembered that Tarantino is cool af and makes the best "kill whitey" movies with his kike producers.

Ah yes the famous Jewish conspiracy concocted to make Italians black


Jews are genetically Southern Italian


No more of this hate. Reported!

cool af

Drop dead

no u

wikipedia is a jewish conspiracy you greasy wop.

I'm not Italian. I just thought I'd prove the idiots that repeat "Italians aren't white LOL" and some dead fat nigger wrong.


Shut up niggerfaggot

Did you pull the hair pick out of your afro in triumph after you wrote this? I suppose italians get their dark skin and kinky hair from the Swiss.

I'm not a wop.

Are you saying that Italians aren't just as European as other whites? Because I just showed you they are no different genetically. Descended from the same population 35,000 years ago.

Yeah, and then Italians spent the next 35,000 years searching Northern Africa for BBC.


"Northern Africa"

Pick one.

Does it matter whether your black grandpa wore a turban or not?

You're losing, sir.

Does the winner get to have African blood flowing through his veins?

Looks like we found Nana's ball washer and salad tosser

I don't watch Anthony's shitty show.

Calling me a Compound Media fan really doesn't dispute the facts laid out though, eh?


Try again.

Sick it bitch, you'd eat his shit without a spoon

I'm not seeing an argument here.

All I see is blind rage over the fact you can't make your worldview match reality.

Keep trying, retard.

My worldview is some half ass comedian, rather than working on a Friday - no real surprise - is arguing with people on a subreddit for a dead radio show, always thought you were witless, now I have proof

that means a lot coming from barely above 50% white america where most of the "whites" are euromutts with no real ethnic identity

You know that Switzerland is basically half Italian right?

Northern Italians are, you sperg

See my last few comments of you want to know why you're wrong, sperg.

No thanks

"Molecular anthropology found no evidence of significant Northern geneflow into the Italian peninsula over the last 1500 years. On the other hand, the bulk of Italian ethnogenesis occurred prior to Germanic or non-European invasions. DNA studies show that only the Greek colonization of Sicily and Southern Italy had a lasting effect on the local genetic landscape.[12][13]"

I'm pretty sure the Greeks are European.


Yeah guess what the Greeks didn't interbreed with Arab Invaders

You might want to re-read what I posted.

I'd rather die

Can't disagree with you there. I'd rsther you did as well



Wow so much Anglophobia here

Yea, by 1950 they finally showed up to work- did it poorly. Irish, Germans - they had already been in US for 100yrs at that point...they were the more skilled laborers by time the lazy guineas showed up.

They were notoriously unhygienic, lazy, & stupid.

They couple hundred thousand that were already in US between 1850s -1900s, they were remarkably lazy. A foul breed who found their way by stealing from the ghettos of immigrants who were out, working...

A shameful breed of people, who have deluded themselves with this narrative that they contributed to American prosperity. It's a laugh riot.

that's nice "McGowan" don't you have a job to lose because it went to china and some opioids to overdose on, hayseed

I'm ok, Sonny. I'm a GP in a European based private equity firm and manage several funds. Things briefly took a dip around February but are going swimmingly again. I also neither drink nor do drugs. Thanks for your concern though!

ah so you're jewish

I wish! An extra 10 I.Q. points would never hurt!

Proud Guinea's who claim "Italians built this country" should take a look at the historical records, it's hilarious how little they contributed, even up thru the 1940s.

Guineas began arriving 1850s...Lazy, illiterate, notoriously unhygienic & refused to work.

After industrial revolution, when most of your ancestors worked

🇮🇹🇮🇹 Anthony's ancestors would sneak into ghettos...steal food & clothes from immigrants who were out working. They learned to do it in groups.

They honed their skillset of stealing & leeching for decades & once prohibition came about - they were professional criminals, who Organized themselves. Why they did it so well in 1920s-1930s.


Micks, the blacks of the North, and the Krauts, gooks, browns, reds, & blacks built US railroads, dug canals, dams, built & worked in factories, textile mills, & plants. Fought in wars.

Guineas stole & refused to work.

This is actually the most retarded thing I’ve read on Reddit.

Italians came here to be cheap labor for major infrastructure building (Dams, bridges, railways, skyscrapers, roads) and factories (machine shops, auto, sewing.)

After the first wave, many got involved in blue collar union labor - construction, docks, plumbing, electrical, masonry, etc.

Generally speaking, Italians stayed in these jobs for 2-3 generations before making the leap to white collar professions.

Oh - and they were also the largest ethnic group fighting for the US in WWII.

Italians came at a time where there was no social safety net or welfare. If they came here and failed to provide for themselves, they died. Same as the Irish and Germans before them. Educate yourself before spouting off like a complete moron.

you write pretty well for a euromoolie

Probably because I'm more educated (and more successful) than you.

I was comparing you mostly to mechanics and hoagie assemblers. You might be the most successful out of your 800 shitskin family members but don't go trying to stack up against whites.

I don't have to "stack up against whites." I do quite well - by any standard.

I also find it laughable that you keep harping on "whiteness" as some standard for greatness. People from Greece and Italy (the people you lovingly referred to as shitskinned) gave you Western civilization - whether they met your standard for whiteness or not. Germans, Franks, Anglos, Slavs did not create civilization. Anything they tried to do was an attempt to recreate what Italians and Greeks had already established.

When you're self-indoctrinating tonight on your supremacy, make sure you look up Hitler's hatred of Germany's barbarian past. He was disgusted by it and tried everything he could to stop Himmler from going on archeological digs in and around Germany. Know why he was disgusted? Because he knew his "superior" people were living in mud huts and working with rocks while the Romans were off creating civilization.

The Führer had privately ridiculed some of Himmler’s ideas on history, particularly his enthusiasm for Germany’s Iron Age tribes. “It’s bad enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts,” Hitler grumbled on one occasion to Albert Speer. “Now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds.”


Shut up faggot wop... I'll beat your ugly face with my fists until there is moosh!

I actually really agree with much of what you wrote but I'd take everything in Speer's memoirs with a grain of salt. They were very much an attempt by him later on to distance himself from the now loathed Hitler and probably contain a lot of self-serving inaccuracies. Not saying that's not a real quote but I thought I'd throw that in.

I think a lot of people don't understand that Lombardy is basically Whiter than Sweden. I really never get these Italians aren't White argument.

So educated and successful you're arguing on a subreddit devoted to a dead radio show? With your head so far up your ass I can't believe you haven't suffocated from your own fumes

Even the people at the top of the food chain like to laugh.

So you are here for our amusement

Are ya.

I'm just going to upvote you because I like rich guys

Guineas stole & refused to work.

The mob evolved because of geography. If you look at a map of Italy, you'll notice that there's Rome in the south and Venice in the north and not a whole lot in between.

So the people in the center of Italy learned to extort the commerce flowing between the two sides of the country.

When they came to America, the practice continued.

"and you gave us the Club" sorry but that line was epic.

ah italians: the cockroaches of europe

That would be the Irish.

No the irish are the niggers of Europe

Why can't they be both?

Drunk niggers

Potato niggers

You bastard, I just laughed beer thru my nose

They're both pretty bad but at least Italians can cook

Their national anthem is a song about a ski lift. Seriously. Sure It’s catchy, but they’re so poor that building a thing that lifts you up a mountain is the most exciting thing that ever happened to them. Pathetic.

Southern Italians

Italians are like that guy who was a star quarterback in high school and hasn't done shit since and keep talking about their glory days still wearing their varsity jacket.

Thanks for coming up with democracy and nothing else since.

thanks for coming up with democracy

The Greeks came up with democracy.

The roman empire came up with frequent gay ass fucking and they keep the tradition going to this day with the monument to ass fucking called 'The Vatican'

They stole gay buttsex from the Greeks too, but yes I'll grant you that they institutionalized it better than them Greek homos.

Still the Greeks. I don’t know that an Italian ever had an idea that they didn’t steal from the Greeks.

They also robbed the Etruscans blind despite having been initially enslaved by them

The Romans were famous for stealing shit from other cultures.

The retards had to stumble on to a ship from Carthage just to be float-worthy for an upcoming war.

Unless you were from Northern Italy; clam up about your contributions to this country in the 1600-1900's.

Man, Patrice really knew how to break things down with his logic. If only he knew how to break the twinkies in half he might still be around.

He would still eat both halfs

Halves* Nice grammar, stupid.

Which word would Patrice be more likely to use?

Who gives a shit


Every time Nick gets called on not being white he shrieks “My mother. I’m European! or some shit. Fucking desperate wop

Genetic history of Italy

The genetic history of the current Italians is greatly influenced by geography and history. The ancestors of most Italians are identified as Italic peoples (of which the most notable are the Latins/Romans but also Umbrians, Sabines and others) and it is generally agreed that the invasions that followed for centuries the Fall of the Roman Empire did not significantly alter their gene pool because of the relatively small number of Germanic or other migrants compared to the large population of what constituted Roman Italy.Multiple DNA studies confirmed that genetic variation in Italy is clinal, going from the Eastern to the Western Mediterranean (with the Sardinians as outliers in Italy and Europe) and that all Italians are made up of the same ancestral components, but in different proportions, related to Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements of Europe. In their admixture ratios, all Italians are similar to other Southern Europeans, and that is being of Early Neolithic Farmer ancestry, with the Southerners being closest to Greeks (as the historical region of Magna Graecia bears witness to), the Northerners closest to Spaniards and southern French, and the central Italians occupying their own unique cluster between the two. The only exceptions are the Sardinians, who form a distinct isolate of their own, and certain northeastern Italian populations (mostly from the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia) who cluster with Germanic and Slavic speaking Central Europeans from Austria and Slovenia.There is a noticeable genetic difference between Sardinians, Northern Italians and Southern Italians.

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Shorter Version: No whites south of Florence

That’s not what it says, stupid. It says Italy is a genetic island - with a nearly pure blood from top to bottom.

You're really upset about not being white aren't you?

Not really. I'm more educated and more successful than you.

More successful than an astronaut posting this from a really cool big space ship? Yeah right.

Things said only by someone living in mom's basement

Yeah. My own co-op. Totally the same thing.

Of course you do, of course you do

How far down your throat do you put Nana's cock and can you fit in the balls as well

Try proving me wrong.

Or are you going to continue arguing emotionally like a woman?

Keep tossing that salad unfunny boy

1/8 wop is a wop that's in the Constitution.

"they're not people!" - Thomas Jefferson

Italians, even the modern degenerated variety, still contributed far more to American than any filthy fucking nigger did.

Italians, even the modern degenerated variety, still contributed far more to America than any filthy fucking nigger did.

Italians, even the modern degenerated variety, still contributed far more to America than any filthy fucking nigger did.

Italians, even the modern degenerated variety, still contributed far more to America than any filthy fucking nigger did.

You’re all still slaves to the Jews. None of this shit matters. Get over it, ya bunch of fuckin babies. No one here contributed anything to the advancement of America. Keep arguing on the internet about dumb shit like who’s really white and who did what. Idiots.

Sorry I can’t hear you over the radio of the young African American in the car 9 cars behind mine.

-Every Nick Dip Shit joke ever.

That clip is gold. "Went to red lobster, and ordered a lobster tail, thing was the size of my thumb. Should change the name to red scorpion. "

Imagine how dark Nick’s dad was to get that complexion while having an English mom. He was probably middle eastern like AntH

I’ve never said those jokes exactly, but whenever an Italian person starts acting like they’re white I try to put them in there place thanks to this man.

A nigger talking about ethnic contribution, lol

Thanks for all the music, I guess

Jazz would have never have existed without European influence and rap can go suck a fat dick

Hey I agree with you

you haven’t contributed anything to your race either you fucking employee

can chapo fags please leave this subreddit

I shit post in chapo, I find it counter productive and not very basic.

now come suck my asshole, you thot.

god dammit this show use to be good

People always make fun of Opie for being a ship steerer, but man was Norton a hack.


Look how triggered everyone is...

Patrice is extremely overrated. Ant carried every bit on that show.

Patrice was great whenever they had a female guest. Good cop / bad cop, with Patrice playing the former.

ant and nick are fucking hypocrites, just admit you're a racist and move on with it.

I was just listening to that one. Stupid spaghetti niggers claiming whiteness

Their grandparents were literally shipped in to provide cheap, practically slave-level labor breaking their backs building subways and bridges for Anglos to get to their brain-work jobs in a more timely fashion. Both of them are a tan and a couple of days of not shaving away from being put on a no-fly list. Fucking greaseballs.

Why can't they be both?

Drunk niggers


Potato niggers

Jews are genetically Southern Italian

Proud Guinea's who claim "Italians built this country" should take a look at the historical records, it's hilarious how little they contributed, even up thru the 1940s.

Guineas began arriving 1850s...Lazy, illiterate, notoriously unhygienic & refused to work.

After industrial revolution, when most of your ancestors worked

🇮🇹🇮🇹 Anthony's ancestors would sneak into ghettos...steal food & clothes from immigrants who were out working. They learned to do it in groups.

They honed their skillset of stealing & leeching for decades & once prohibition came about - they were professional criminals, who Organized themselves. Why they did it so well in 1920s-1930s.


Micks, the blacks of the North, and the Krauts, gooks, browns, reds, & blacks built US railroads, dug canals, dams, built & worked in factories, textile mills, & plants. Fought in wars.

Guineas stole & refused to work.

Try proving me wrong.

Or are you going to continue arguing emotionally like a woman?

I shit post in chapo, I find it counter productive and not very basic.

now come suck my asshole, you thot.