Fucking retard.

1  2018-11-05 by RBuddCumia


He's such a conservative that he takes handouts.

Most of the "conservatives" I know do as well.


Republican states take way more tax dollars from the government than they contribute.

In fact almost every state in the top 10 for welfare recipients are Republican.

Yet they're the "bootstraps" people.

Can't fucking stand either party, but its no secret which party the biggest dumb asses and hypocrites belong to

I'm not a republican but they have 3 points higher iq. I thought they'd be losing to dems. Mainly just wealthy ppl trying to protect their money i imagine.

I'm not a republican but they have 3 points higher iq. I thought they'd be losing to dems. Mainly just wealthy ppl trying to protect their money i imagine.

He had to put a musician reference in there so you don’t forget. The guy play’s guitar, guys! In a band!


with a loop which frees him up to play leads, just like Eric! smug gay cowboy hand gesture


Plays guitar?! Don't you know he's Jimi Hendrix reincarnated! "Hey, Joe, where ya going with that shitty, knock off Chinese model guitar in your hands" "I'm gonna beat my ol' lady with a frying pan"

Don't forget he's also a military hero. No potato was too small or large for ol' quick-peel Joe.

The army had Joe doing nigger work. Which was suitable.

when i'm not votin shrugs i'm rockin


I sincerely hope he gets arthritis so bad he has to sell all his guitars.

I sincerely hope he gets cancer so he gets cancer so he dies.

Well yeah, he needs to keep distracting from the odd claims of him being a card carrying pedophile who isn't actually a pedophile at all, and is in fact not actually a pedophile, but is actually not a pedophile in the first place.

When you're 50-something and still feel the need to remind everyone you're a musician, maybe it's time to accept that you're not really one.

He does everything in life without any thought or effort.

He really does seem to operate on instinct without any higher order brain function, but his instincts are all so wrong that he's even retarded by animal standards.

i mean, he IS a nigger..soooo...

And? he's a person of color, like yourself

What a great analogy. This is something that everyone in the country is familiar with. Why just yesterday I was running my hands to the right across the top of the volume and tone knobs on my Marshall amplifier head when I realized I was actually holding the GARAGE DOOR OPENER!!!!!!!


Apologize then leave forever, fuckboy


Why do fuckboys get such a bad rap? You just chill and get fucked and jacked off and then you get lots of cash and cars.

Lol i wasnt aware that that's what a fuck boy is

You should spit in an envelope and mail AIDS to someone instead.

wow you should do stand up!


This retard is so fucking annoying. Can't wait for Layla to start bringing home moolies like her dad.

I voted like 2 weeks ago. Why would anybody wait till election day to vote?

i had shit to steal

There's no early voting in NY.


I had to get out of jail.....

Ew what an Uncle Tom

Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Idiot Leecher Joe.

I'd rather be an "Uncle Tom" than a "Brother Joe" honestly.

Calling an Uncle Tom a Brother Joe is a sure fire way to start a fight. Its just a low blow.

Uncle Tom's Compound-East

It's funny because liberals are saying the same shit: "Vote. Vote. Vote."

The cognitive dissonance with these politically obsessed retards is ridiculous.

Yup. half the reason to come here is to see the mental gymnastics as liberals try to smuggle their faggot politics into this sub while pretending they are "in the middle, maaaaaaaan"

"liberals try to smuggle their faggot politics into this sub"

- Faggot who finds a way to fume about (((them))) in 50-75% of their posts

50-75% of their posts

I notice people who are paranoid about anti-semitism tend to be significantly more delusional and paranoid than the people they accuse of anti-semitism

JIDF has been all over this sub lately


That's far less gay than being triggered into a "but in all seriously guys, he's right tho" speech whenever Joe makes a political remark. Say paranoid again, stupid.

That's far less gay than being triggered into a "but in all seriousness guys, he's right tho"

There's no topping the gayness of routinely posting Joe Cumia's comments whenever he makes a political remark. And then getting angry about it and using him to ventilate your Drumpf angst.

lol maybe you're just upset because you have the same political beliefs as a functioning retard. Say "Drumpf" again, stupid

lol I'm in Melbourne and don't give a shit about your gay election or your obese population

you dont matter

Do you need a friend?




routinely posting Joe Cumia's comments whenever he makes [any] remark. Who cares?

The most unabashed level of gayness possible is to participate in a sub that shits on everyone and everything in some way, then get bitchy about it when one subject of mockery happens to mirror you, quite frankly.

a sub that shits on everyone and everything in some way, then get bitchy about it when one subject of mockery happens to mirror you, quite frankly.

You should tell this to u/ TheToolMan, who as moderator comes here several times a day to remove liberal-mocking subjects.


Nothing says democracy like telling people how to vote.

and not caring about anything but party affiliation.

Imagine this fuck-o strapped in an electric chair and watching his executioner run his hand to the right, across the top of the voltage intensity knobs on the control panel and turn it up to 10 without ay effort or thought.

Please stop my cock is about to burst

This dumb boomer cock-pocket is bragging about voting 'without any thought'. Joe, you are a world class retard.

I really don’t blame him. Republicans are ass but giving Demoncrats any power.

I will not vote for people who are apart of a party where weirdos who wanna lock me in a cage for “misgendering” someone.

No one wants to lock you in a cage for misgendering people. The midterm elections are basically a referendum on evil. If Democrats don't take back the house, we're fucked.


Prolly yeah.

It's faggot NPC speak for "I don't like it"

If you are a white man and voting democrat in 2018, you’re a fucking maroon plain and simple. These people want to flood the country with millions of refugees so the economy collapses and then they’ll have everyone by the balls.

If the USA spent less money on bombs and poisoning they're own population, they might be able to afford to help other countries not be so backwards fucking retard ass that they are literally just shitting out kids at the fastest rate possible in order to have the largest population of retards on the planet. Not really "refugees." If they had literacy and the internet and were able to read about how dumb they and they're fucking religion maybe they'd get actual lives that don't revolve around having a billion stupid kids that the nice people feel like they have to take care of. But no instead of dropping reading materials and sandwiches on people we're actively bombing like 8 countries.

Look at all of those senators and congress people are sooo anti-defence spending. All 0.5% of them. Better vote another one in for the same shit! That's what I call progress. I'm progressive now.

That's literally not their plan at all. But thank you for confirming that the Republicans are the party of white supremacy.

The working man always loses when Republicans win control. I'm conservative but the Republican Party has been motherfucking me for too many years now.

I’ve got along just fine for my entire life under republican economic philosophy. Maybe stop being a fucking worthless loser.

Says the dumb nigger who thinks he's lived under a republican economy his entire life, that would only work if you were 2 years old, you dumb cunt. You belong to the same party as Joe Cumia, let that sink in for a second.

Fuck your love of globalist cock faggot.

needs more buzzwords

You're arguing with a 16 year old MMA fanatic. Give up now or get demolished in a debate.

You should make a facebook post about it!

Wages and the economy are at an objective all time high you retard

Wrongwrongwrong. My God. Wages have been stagnant for years. If you want to ignore inflation, yeah sure.

The economy is also nowhere near an all time high. The 40s, 60s, and 90s were all way better. "Objectively", you retard.

God... conservatives are just as sensitive as liberals, just in different ways.

Political arguments on the internet are absolutely useless. Noones actually trying to learn anything from anyone or come to any type of agreement at all. Buncha bitchy fags.

This guy gets it

and he never used the word "Demoncrats" to get his point across

Purple-haired libTURDS

and the same kind of stupid


You're so sensitive and such a weak minded, easily manipulated and pandered to man that red team says blue is bad and blue says blacks are good that you then vote for red with no actual thought to who will have the best policies. What an easily manipulated fag. No you're not a man, you're a weak minded boy who needs someone to explicity say they like you for you regardless if they're fucking you over policy-wise.

The fuckhead still doesn't understand that behind the scenes Retards and Detards are on the same team to fuck you.




"They all suck" is the retard's way of saying I'm too fucking stupid to make a decision either way, so I'll just take the easy way out and be a CENTRIST! HUR HUR! DEY ALL WRONG TO ME!

Have some sort of gumption in your life, christ you're as much of a waste of oxygen as Nana.

Saying Centrist like it's a bad thing

You don't have the easy answers, faggot. Stop shilling for Gibs

Nobody says the answers are easy, or anyone has them. But you're genuinely a retard if you sit on the sidelines. because having some sort of belief takes research and understanding. Keep taking the easy way out you miserable prick.

Newsflash: if you don't support full communism now, you yourself are a centrist. Welcome to the sidelines, nigger.

Tone it down faggot, you’re on a dumb comedy sub reddit.

A centrist means you are in favour of things that may fall on either side of the political spectrum. It doesn’t mean not picking a side on any issue. It just means not picking a “team” blindly like Joe.

That's what idiots who don't give a fuck about their tone do, Joe.

The fact that this absolute dope keeps his posts on "Public" on Facebook proves that he loves the attention, even if it's from us. He's just praying one of his observations goes viral like that dashcam video of the guy who "disproves evolution in 3 minutes."


His mother is going to vote democrat.

too wordy

it's not about humor. They hate him for his politics. He's a conduit for POCs and Hillary voters to vent their frustration on this sub.

Nope. I got to this before him this time. Also, you are a faggot!

Hillary voting whites and Jews hate me.

Wow! What am I doing wrong? lmfao

I literally voted for Lee Harvey Oswald. You're a presumptuous and bitterly obsessed, boring faggot.

"You're ... a boring faggot", proceeded the gentleman who has responded to my posts with a personalized message 20-30 times in in the past 2 months. "You're ... bitterly obsessed" said this same gentleman.

I don't follow you, we post in the same subreddit, you fuckin dummy. You often post stupid shit. I was referring to your political obsession not implying you have one with me.

I don't notice you but you notice me.

Yes you don't notice me which is why you immediately recognized me as the person who has been targeting you over the course of months. That makes perfect sense.

you don't notice me

Only when you reply to me with personalized hate lol

He's a conduit for POCs and Hillary voters to vent their frustration on this sub

I noticed a weird uptick of faggotry in this thread, was wondering what that was.

mhm. Sub is still cool as fuck, but moderator TheToolMan checks in twice a day to delete anything that mocks liberals. The fact that he has to come here and play whack-a-mole at least twice a day to keep it under wraps tells you who the real majority is here

Literally thinking the mod decisions on a random sub are part of a jew/antifa/deep state conspiracy to keep the white man down.

derp derp every demonstrable phenomenon i disagree with is a conspiracy theory



But it's not about humor. He's a conduit for POCs and Hillary voters to vent their frustration on this sub. They hate him for his politics and want to smuggle their politics into this sub.

It's The Deep State maaaaaaan

Fuck Drump maaaaaaaaaan

POCs and Hillary voters to vent their frustration on this sub

I highly doubt that we have many of either of those.

white uncle tom


Joe isn't content to just be a financial burden, he has to be an emotional burden to everyone around him, too. I can't imagine having to deal with this braindead cunt in my personal life.

Ugh. And noone tells him what an asshole he looks like because nobody wants to have to deal with him.

Even when I was into politics, I was NEVER excited to stand on line with retards and vote.

The term for cranking all your knobs to 10 is called "Dime-ing" and it is something no one would ever do.

Yeah, i don't know why there's a slang for something people don't do either.

This idiot can't afford a decent plexi anyhow

N word probably has a line 6 spider

I was surprised he didnt use a Spinal Tap reference and say it was “turned up to 11” or something gay like that.

He’s using a worthless analogy only musicians understand, and any musician understands that doing what he’s describing makes your amp sound like shit. I guess when you sound just like Eric on an acoustic and looper, you can’t be expected to master electric as well. Fucking moron.

I agree he's a worthless sack of shit. But plenty of rock musicians have dimed Marshall plexis. Way back before master volumes that was how you got them to distort. Van Halen I is a plexi....everything on 10. Eric Johnson played through dimed plexus. Etc

He's quite clearly admitting to being a moron by using that analogy.

I bet Marc Molinaro is ready for election season to be done, so he never has to hear from BroJoe again.

Think molinaro is happy to be endorsed by a pedo cover band guitarist

or like a plastic bag convention

*charming giggle I don't know


LOL, where'd they go?

Every guitar and amp he ‘owns’ deserves to be thrown into a shower.

Plugged in. With him in it.

i'm no doctor but that sounds dangerous.

I hate him so much.

It never stops being bizarre how convinced he is that anyone would give a shit. I know simple retardation is the full explanation, but still. Don't even retards pick up a few things here and there over the course of a lifetime?

This is a mix of complete lack of self/social awareness and a heavy dose of retardation.

Anyone who disagrees with Joe's politics has either been blocked by him, blocked him, or muted him from their feeds. He's shouting into an echo chamber again.

Why does he insist on signalling to everyone that he's an enlightened conservative "family man" with big morals?

Any candidate whose platform is to exterminate the Cumia race gets my vote.


He's enough to make you want to become a communist.

You know when your in a gentleman's bathroom and you're pissing but you wanna look at the guys junk on the side, Ye you look right and that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow.

This nigger needs a big paragraph to explain how to effortlessly turn a knob

Yeah or open a door

You Americans and your silly sports.

this is the kind of mindset politicians love because they can rape you later and you'll thank them for it

Ehh they are all Republicants and Democraps am i right guys?

Your lips to god's ears, Alv

Unfortunately in a democracy even this sort of colossal mongoloid can have a say.

Turn it up to 10 without any effort or thought

The way Joe Cumia also does everything else.

He is an insufferable douche.

I hope that black lady win in GA I want to see the cumias go crazy.

Nothing says "Rock and Roll" like a 60 year old man advising "the kids" to vote Republican.

This ballot goes to eleven.

Wow! This guy must really ROCK!

Wow, this guy's cool!

"If successful superstar Joe Cumia is voting republican, I should too!" ~ The people in Joe's head who he imagines reads his shit.

just a reminder to all the retard republicans that brigade this sub that you share identical political convictions to nearly all the people you despise on this subreddit.

You share the same political beliefs with Danny Ross.

hes an idiot but correct. this economy is fucking rocking after years of shit growth. we need to keep this shit going.

Joe Cumia the old uncle you have to awkwardly unfriend on Facebook because his political rants are too retarded to scroll past anymore

The guy who gets a handout every month begrudges those he sees as getting a handout.

Wonder how much tax he doesn't pay on his monthly allowance (answer - all of it).

Everyone in his life has to be so fucking humiliated by him

Boy if this thread has reminded me of anything, it’s that I hate politics, politicians, and political talk. A bunch of people arguing their useless opinions to opposing useless opinions.

This guy guitarz

This tweet might actually convert people to Democrats.

Is this him trying to Rock the Vote? My God.


This faggot goes to 11

I have been playing guitar for almost 15 years and I've never once done this.

I'm sure he cranks up to 11 at the taqueria

He pulled himself up by the bootstraps his little brother bought for him. What a conservative success story.

As, yes, the Cumias. A beacon of conservative values!

The Cumios are going to lose their minds when the dumb libs take over. It's going to be glorious.

Seeing this convinced me to vote for Cuomo tomorrow

Rumor has it, I may be running for President in 2020. We'll talk.

"I don't think anything through for myself, I just blindly agree with other internet assholes."

It really sucks some brain dead retard who has never worked a job gets an equal vote to white people like me.

Damn he goes to 10? I didn’t know this U2 cover band faggot was so hardcore

Yeah Joe, we all have a Marshall's amplifier and we all play in a faggot band, you non-relatable stupid analogy idiot.

I really don’t blame him. Republicans are ass but giving Demoncrats any power.

I will not vote for people who are apart of a party where weirdos who wanna lock me in a cage for “misgendering” someone.


If you are a white man and voting democrat in 2018, you’re a fucking maroon plain and simple. These people want to flood the country with millions of refugees so the economy collapses and then they’ll have everyone by the balls.

The working man always loses when Republicans win control. I'm conservative but the Republican Party has been motherfucking me for too many years now.

The fuckhead still doesn't understand that behind the scenes Retards and Detards are on the same team to fuck you.

i'm no doctor but that sounds dangerous.