"Frees me up to play leads.....just like Eric"

1  2018-11-02 by crookedmile


JUST like Eric.

Clapton sporting those all-white Nike Monarch's from Dick's Sporting Goods discount bin

I wish this fool would blow his own head off just like Eric Harris.


Thank you for explaining what a looper is. Instead of just using it. Like you're the first person to display such radical tech.

Well Joe is pretty advanced with technology for a guy his age. Just recently he dropped his secret ctrl-alt-delete hacker knowledge to help his Facebook friends deal with viruses.

All I do is take this check my bro gave me to the bank, and I cash it just like Ant.

DIGITECH looper, thank you your honor

i'll be honest he's not half bad here, bit faggy but he's good at playing

He's extremely faggy, not just a bit, and he isn't good for someone who claims to have been playing professionally for 35 years.

fag or not he still plays well, fuck knows how much was cleaned up in post but the end product is still fine.

he's a harry hoofter but he's good at guitar

No, he doesn't play well for someone who is a musician for a living. As a hobbyist who started in high school, got a job driving a truck, and plays a small town/suburban bar gig every month or two, yeah he would be OK, but for someone who claims to be a professional musician, he sucks.

lol it's not as if he's fucking up his left or right hand though? he still sounds decent. i'm not judging him as a professional musician though, just as a faggot that leeches off his younger brother who happens to be able to play guitar

Yes, he is OK for a hobbyist, not egregiously awful, but he does have some sloppy moments I saw (I didn't watch the whole set). Again, he seems to consider himself a professional musician so I'm judging him as such, and he doesn't meet that standard. Also his voice is quite unpleasant.

He’s not bad for someone’s dad at a bonfire, it’s more the way it’s shot with multiple cameras on a stage and the way he’s trying to squeeze every ounce of soul out of his performance, and still sounding mediocre at best. Also funny to me that he’s chewing gum the whole time.

chewing cum*

and yeah fair enough, i won't win (nor should i with this) but he's decent at guitar

this ehhhrr-fends me

Hawhaw.. "Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner"

Explaining guitar pedals like the audience gives a shit

In Joe's mind he's providing people with a fascinating insight into the creative process of a true artist.

Recorded live at a studio.

Does Ant own the masters?

When you use a looper without explaining it, it can be somewhat intriguing to the audience. Joe chose a different option.

Listen to that echo, there's zero bodies for the soundwaves to hit.

I fucking love this video, there's so many good parts. The bad John Lennon impression for one. I've probably watched it like 10 times.

If you’re older than 22 and John is your favorite, you’re an obnoxious loser.

harrison or mccartney?

Harrison, he's the only one who wasn't a complete egomaniac shithead

fair play, i love harrison although my favourite is probably paul just for all the shit he wrote

saying that though, my favourite tune is something

Paul wrote better songs but Harrison was probably the better person. I’d most want to party with Ringo.

Paul is the patrician's choice. From old timey piano music to heavy metal with Helter Skelter. It's sad that the other's would sperg out if he tried to do anything that wasn't 'muh rock and roll'.


Look how gay he's dressed in this. Also using his Chinese knockoff of a hendrix model.

I don't understand his thing for cheap knock-offs. Even as a hobbyist I'd be embarrassed to show up with a rickety Fendel.

I like how he trashes Chris Novoselic as a bassist right before he boofs two notes of the very easy riff from All Apologies.

Wheel in the sky keeps on turning c'mon sing it faggot

This buffoon disabled the comments

This video always gets me

Here's some free advice Joe. Don't explain to the crowd how a looper works. Be honest, you don't draw serious, or even casual musicians to your gigs. You draw people whose standards are so, so low, they go see cover bands for fun. When you're doing your faggy little Brother Joe shit, just sit in your fucking chair and play. I promise you that the dozen or so yokels who have come to see you play will be all, "Holy shit, how he make'n that sound 'loop' like that. This guys a musical genius!!"

That awful dry baby boomer breath, stale from cum and more cum with cum after

Why the fuck would anyone listen to joe bro outside of a bar? Cant u just put on the actual song? He is mediocre at best. Its just such a gay idea.

Eric Crapton