Weed is so fucking gay now.

1  2018-11-02 by TangerineReam


After watching Joe Rogans dumb ramblings with Eddie Bravo, I'd have to completely agree.

Nothing more cringy than weed culture, except vape culture.

You don’t like when an exchange studen from china steps out of a Ferrari smoking out of a fucking light saber.

This sounds pretty rad

“Exchange studen” sounds like a Scandinavian term.

Totally agree! I'm a big time smoker, but the whole stoner culture is embarrassing.

“This is an 92.3% indica with a triple perc gravity fed quad chambered water pipe with ash catcher attachment”

“This is Trainwreck, be careful bro. Its not like your average Kush”.

Just shut the fuck up and weigh my bag, burnout.

Beard culture is right up there with it.

Yeah, they should just be gay or don't.

Weed only sucks when you hear fags like Rogan, Benson and Kevin Smith talk about it like 13 year olds even though they never smoked until they were in their thirties.

Anyone who treats it like a fine wine or craft beer people, ruin it.

I like weed, and yes, I'm gay.

It wasn't gay when the Grateful Dead was the face of weed? It wasn't gay when High Times magazine was started? It wasn't gay when Doug Benson built a career around it?


Let's be honest here, weed culture has always been lame.

The only weed culture that is cool or interesting is if you are learning about some ancient gook or thought he was make spirit demons materialize frim his magical smoke but he was just getting super stoned

I smoke weed, live in Colorado, the weeds awesome. You’re right tho these people are the biggest queers, everything is about weed, weed this, weed that - shut up faggots get a real job. Also, I have never seen more car accidents (mainly r/e accidents) because everyone is high as fuck driving around not paying attention.

Weed is for people in their 20’s. If you do it past that age, just enjoy it alone and keep it to yourself.

Alright guy, its one thing to be a benson fag but adults who live in a legal state talk about the same as wine and beer. Its not some shameful thing only kids do and you have to hide away? What are tou from 1999 or something

People who have have long conversations about wine and beer also suck ass.

Or food

Or defunct radio shows

I like fap culture

But it really helps with my creativity, maaaaaan.

I cant stand the weed people who claim “It cures everything!”.

It was always gay and dirty as shit. Also it mentally harms you someway i think. Anecdotal evidence but heavy weed smokers can't seem to handle pressure and becomes almost psychotic at times.