REMINDER: Opie spoke horribly of Steve C after his departure from the show

1  2018-11-01 by yamuddahscuntthen

Opie does not get to claim victory with Steve C’s funeral. He was a contributing factor in Steve’s suicide, along with Anthony, Jim, Sam, Danny, Travis, and any other underling who was insubordinate at every turn. He called Steve “incompetent” and “shit” after he was fired, for wanting to be paid for the content he saved on foundry. The opester is still a cunt, folks.


Steve's position was-- eliminated.


And that's how you executive reduce!

Agree to disagree.sniff #TheDestroyer

His sniff is a constant reminder that “the opester did some coke”

nah, it was just a taste

They all treated Steve shitty. But to claim he's responsible for his suicide is complete horseshit.

Keywords are contributing factor. His body issues, mental issues, employment and family life were also contributing factors. The shows constant barrage of hate most likely played a part in his overall mental well being


Opie is responsible.

Opie was his boss. If he thought he was a shit employee he was free to say that. Still respected him as a person enough to go to his funeral. All the other guys didn’t even have the courtesy to do that.

If someone in my family killed himself and part of the reason was the way he was publicly shamed, I wouldn’t want any of those fuckers at his funeral. I’d rather the Westboro Baptist Church show up to protest the funeral. The reason Opie went is because he’s a shameless sociopathic unaware narcissist who feels no remorse and makes everything about him. He didn’t go because he’s a good guy or because it was the right thing to do or because he felt guilt and regrets.

If you’re right, Opie really is a psychopath. He went to the funeral for his own narcissistic needs, and then waited seven years to tell anyone about it.

The day after the funeral, Opie and e-rock talked about it on air.

But he didn’t make a point to say we went and no one else.

opies the reason steve got fired, meaing he is directly responsible for steves suicide

Steve made Opie pay for the content/videos he hosted on Opie was bitter about that and got Sirius to eliminate his position. After he got fired his wife left him and his life spiraled out of control so he killed himself. Opie killed Steve C.

It wasn't unreasonable for Steve to want to be compensated for that, though. It's insane how long it took O&A to even attempt to set up a website.

I hadn't heard that Steve's wife left him before he killed himself, either.

Yeah, killed himself on their wedding anniversary too. Pretty awful.

That wife leaving must be conjecture and speculation

Steve C shoulda remembered who brought 'em up in this fawkin' business. Period. sniff


Free C-murder!


Opie isnt a degenerate like Anthony or Jim Norton

It’s none of their fault Steve committed suicide, stupid. He was mentally ill


I remember Jimmy asking him if "he was going to meetings still" and "if the date changed" so being bashed surely wasn't the only reason assuming it even was a reason.

It was Sam

As long as we’re being critical of Opie, I wanted to point something out:

The dude is a hopeless pathological liar. As much as I want to believe the nasty things he says about Ant & Jim, I’m gonna hold off believing him until I hear confirmation from someone who isn’t a sociopath.

Like for one thing, I find it hard to believe that Anthony was invited to be a pallbearer for Patrice in the first place. That sounds like something Opie’s diseased mind would invent out of whole cloth.

I hate to defend Nana, but it wouldn’t make any sense for him to be asked to be a pallbearer. That is reserved for family or close friends and he was neither.

They needed as many people as they could get.

The guy was 500 pounds

at the time of his passing he was pushing 700

Why didn't Nana deny it in his show today then? He didn't even bring it up when he was bashing Opie.

That sounds like something Opie’s diseased mind would invent out of whole cloth.

He isn't that creative. He's the type of stupid person whose lies are mostly inspired by lesser versions first. For example I can see it having been briefly floated by someone to consider Anthony, but then it was realized that the only time they interacted personally was the one time Patrice was at one of his parties. Opie's always taking that kind of thing and running with it. He lies like a 6 year old.

Woulda taken a lot of men to lift that casket....

Opie and Anthony sided with their two jew rat interns Sam and Danny over Steve. Those two rats ultimately helped subvert and destroy the show. Steve tried to warn them but nobody would listen.


I agree with this, u/yamuddahscuntthen

Fuck your slanderous lies, you dog!

... You dirty dog!

Careful, you’re going to upset the ironic Opie ball washers, as well as the faggots who actually support him who should’ve been purged along time ago. They have really ruined this sub.

Nice try on the Opie hate brotherman.

They Are all equally bad, why do you losers keep trying to pit one against the other? Just the let the three of them melt into obsurity band go on with your lives


And that's how you executive reduce!

The day after the funeral, Opie and e-rock talked about it on air.