Nana owing back taxes is actually fake news

1  2018-10-29 by 9-11TowerDiving

I am pretty mad right now, if only because we were led to believe he's financially struggling to the point where he'd become homeless and by extension Joe would become homeless as well. Fuck you /u/Top5breakups you illiterate fuck

This is actually the 2016 list of unpaid taxes for Nassau county, he's absent from this year's list.


Can’t owe taxes when you don’t make money. not how property taxes work.

Thats not information he will ever need

Well Nassau County has like 2.2% property tax but on top of that are the school tax bill. That’s insane.

Retards on this sub do not know how money works.

Yeah but look how much talent CM lost in that same period. He clearly had to downsize to pay off his debts.

You actually believed the horseshit that was posted here?