Comedy in 2018: "White people are stupid y'all" "Fuck white people"

1  2018-10-12 by unclepaul84


Can this guy just fuck up?

Yes our lol black people humor is much more sophisticated

We aren't getting paid or famous for, it's different when someone is in movies because of it

Yeah its much more of grassroots kind of thing

Shut up you bumpy nippled, flat titted spic nigger with Bret Hart hair.

You know white people humor is better. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't

She is always shouting


for food.

Guilty of being white

This aint the damn census

God bless.

I loved her in Kong: Skull Island

Nice Gorilla Mask Stupid!!!

Mush her face in the dough and make gorilla cookies

More baboon than gorilla. Lotta teeth and gums.


Nice apostrophe, stupid.

They’re truly a stupid people.

His banana owns an “at Lorne” whatever that is

Nigs have a higher abortion rate than other races, so keep it legal.

Bitch look like a black buster poindexter


Her pussy smells like ROT, ROT,ROT!!!


Just looking at this ugly annoying bitch makes me racist

You can't blame black guys. Obese blonde women would start to look pretty good to me too if that thing was a typical potential sexual mate.

Every retard here sticks up for CK despite him mainstreaming and popularizing "White people are stupid y'all" "Fuck white people"

Fuck CK he should never be allowed on a mic ever again because he destroyed comedy

No, you're just a stupid, base-level thinker who only hears what you want to hear to justify your gay outrage. And don't link me a quote because the problem isn't what he's saying but how you're taking it. I hope he jerks off in front of you. At least we know it will be consensual, faggot.

This. I never got the CK love on here. The dude was literally the cuck of all cuck comedians. I could give a shit about the girls he jerked off in front of. But I loved seeing him get knocked down a few notches. Fuck him, and his wannabe Woody Allen ass.

Nice word 2016

Oh I get it. You called him by his last name. Edgy

Fuck are you babbling about. I was mocking the wildebeest in the picture not answering some faggot call to arms in an imaginary race war.

Wasnt hannah gadsby the big comedy story this year? Jesus this is hack posting.

Nice teeth, donkey face.

Not only do they have extra bones in their feet, they have extra teeth as well

To be fair, all the Def Jams from 1993 or whatever are mostly fuck white people, but they were at least funnyish.

Fuck white people, and yet Nigs like her clammer to get into European countries escaping there Wakandan utopia.

If these things even had a fraction of self awareness they would understand they need ol'whitey because there just too dumb to look after themselves.

the only reason they go is bc of the promise of welfare and other gibs. (((Someone))) in their home cunts have put this idea into their heads and they will risk their lives to get into certain Western European countries. It's why there's so many of them trying to get into the UK via Calais, why they're climbing giant electric fences to get into that Spanish exclave etc.

Just look at large sections of most American cities that used to be nice. Probably just poverty due to racism...yeah that's what happened...

Guilty of being poor. Read a book, stupid.

Nice clammer, stupid.

I do love the people that demand respect yet have none for themselves or others.

What could her comedy audience possibly be? I can't imagine that black people could be entertained by her.

Mostly Jews. Hasidic Jews. If you actually watch her stand up she has a lot of inside hebrew stuff.

Horse of smile

Yeah.. sure.. I'll stick my dong in there!!

Thought the sub was going soft on the racism and misogyny when it took a pro-Opie turn, but I stand corrected.

Yea man, just thank god for The_Donald & echo chambers of like minded douche bags.

MDE still trying to infiltrate

If they were at least somewhat funny or creative I could deal with the MDE crowd but they really are just predicable bores without original thought.

Nice gums there, genius.

What they've done to Harambe is truly disturbing.

White people don't think it be like it is, but it do!

Looks like a mountain gorilla in white people clothing

That’s the missing link in human evolution

Grace jones is holding up well

Yuck can you fags stop. Its a joke and youre getting offended just like women

The only funny thing about her is that she’s not even remotely aware that she’s the poster-cunt for clumsy diversity hires. She got casted for SNL in her 40s, for fuck’s sake.

1993 Chris Rock lookin fuck

Ghost Busters!

Sad to see Daniel Cormier came out of the closet.

She looks like every loud annoying black lady sterotype rolled up into one

Why is she to blame though? Are you just picking on her because she is unattractive and black? Why am I defending lesile Jones? Am I bored at work?