This is a 15 year old male

1  2018-10-12 by mightyqueef


Being a runt then explains his shitty personality now.

Undoubtedly bullied in school

My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.

– Mitch Hedberg

Source: Mitch All Together

I'd bet he was a little prick who constantly got away with causing shit. Anyone who laid a finger on him would undoubtedly be bigger than him, so he could always expect the other kid to be branded a bully.

Ventriloquist dummy looking motherfucker.

I've seen many episodes of this show and I don't even remember him. They must've booted it from the replays because of his boring, useless "talent". I'd stick my dick in Summer Sanders though, if you know what I mean.

Kind of

You mean you’re gay?

I remember her nipples always being hard

He would trade well as a 9

Shame he grew up to be a 2

he must have got his ass beat daily in school. no way would that fly when i was a freshman

No he would have snitched immediately if anyone touched him, that would have kept him protected.

15?? I seriously thought this was Sam in elementary school. I would have guessed 8.

imagine looking like that in high school

That explains the wrestling fetish

Or showing up to the DMV to get your learner's permit.

He probably spent a lot of time inside lockers. Voluntarily.

That’s only 3 years from military age. Jesus what a genetic abomination.

“ Eva see a coin bounce off a heel like that?”

best comment in this thread

Its 3 years past the age of consent in the best states in Mexico. And 1 year past the age of consent in pretty much every European and Latin american country

He has a spawn. Some woman let him reproduce life is pointless. Sorry dying guy

Summer Sanders is 5'9. That would make same...maybe 5'2 in this photo. That's being pretty generous. He sure was ugly.

The Dr told his mommy he wouldn't grow to 5 ft without HGH. So, he might have been 4'9 here if he hadn't started dosing.

Thank you for reminding me of summer sanders

Dirty mulatto fuck.

Sammy branmuffins?

Yes, the half breed streak of piss

He looks like he straps toys to fireworks. Do you guys like my reference?

That's one in"sid"ious reference you made.

Better looking like this than an retarded ape

flicking quarters off his ankle is still his greatest achievement to date :'(

So is the wheelchair kid in the Shriners hospital commercials

Nice semi-normal hairline, stupid.

was this before or after working with Scorch?

What a runty little twerp. Wish I'd gone to school with him, I would have enjoyed beating the living daylights out of him.

I just want to violently drag my keys across its face for a couple of weeks until it finally expires.

“If you can flip quarters off your animal things...” Sam could’ve been a guest on PFG.

He looks like a composite of every kid I fucking detested growing up. Mouthy, smug little mommy's boy narc. Always loved if I ended up in the same PE class as those kids though. You could get away with so much abuse just "playing games." Floor hockey was the best. A little whack on the bony part of the ankle with the blade of that plastic hockey stick was all you'd need to make a little shit like Sam cry like a bitch.

Send him to Bryan Singer.

He looked like he should've been the snotty rich kid villain on some Nickelodeon show.

Looks like Sid in Toy Story but not as well-adjusted.

Jeez listen to his voice too. No way he had pubes at 15

I was looking for this. Thank you

I love that Sam wins a basketball hoop during this. You know he had zero interest in using it. Also, the same camera nerves he had at Wrestlemania is all over this clip.

Nice obscure talent, stupid

It makes a lot more sense how he got to look the monster that he is when u remember doctors had to pump HGH into him so he could not look like an 8 year old boy in high school.

Nice talent, stupid.

God, Summer Sanders was so hot.

Has an extra bone in his ankles.

Oh man he is that annoying little douche from school that you just want to punch in the face.

That explains the wrestling fetish

Or showing up to the DMV to get your learner's permit.

He probably spent a lot of time inside lockers. Voluntarily.