Norm is a saint.

1  2018-10-07 by RBuddCumia


I wish Norm and Colin were married.



Write up the fanfiction and send it to them


They're married in my fan fic

they should really do a remake of the Odd Couple with Norm as Oscar and Colin as Felix. It would be horrible.

“Hey I’m just gonna leave my shoes over here next to the couch on account of the fact that I don’t really care too much about organization and such!”

“You fuckin cocksucker”

When they were on O&A together it was kind of weird. I got the feeling that Quinn didn't really like Norm for some reason. Could have been in a bad mood or something I guess.

I really love Norm but he seems like the kinda guy that might be tough to get along with.

I don't know why a bunch of the guys who do SNL's Weekend Update are secretly cool, compared to the rest of them. Michael Che is doing it now, he used to be on Legion of Skanks all the time.

Can you imagine how much cereal they could eat, while writing a movie that wont happen.

Then Jerry Seinfeld walks in, looks at them, and says, this is a show. Immediately Colin Quinn and Norm MacDonald living together is the best sitcom ever.


Norm is the only celebrity i'd be starstruck to meet.

You'd be all Joe Cool if William H Macy came up to you and asked to borrow the ketchup?

Yes, but maybe Cyndi Lauper, because of that psoriasis commercial she does.

Hey Cyndi Lauper, I'm tryin' to eat me chicken parmesan ova here!

Not everyone is impressed with celebrities. For some people, it’s rather the opposite. Just personal preference I guess?

i'm surprised we don't talk about him more here

an actual legit funny comedian that isnt cucked, rare to come by these days

Dude where have you been? It was 24/7 Norm posting just a couple of weeks back.

Norm is a class act.

That 14 year old should start posting here that’ll get him out of the dumps

Worse case scenario, he can start making money spitting into a fake biker's mouth.

Kids a Jew. Norm plays the game.

By constantly talking about Holocaust Revisionism and how if he went back in time he'd become a Nazi and how hypnotic and beautiful Hitler's eyes are? Weird way to play that (((game))), fella.

PFG Dude Norm. Guy won 500k for charity on millionaire once.

He would've won the million question but decided not to risk it. I blame regis philbin for psyching him out.

Totally talked Norm out of giving the correct answer. Norm thought he was warning him and backed off. You see Norm give him this incredulous look after the reveal too.

Norm gave the context in an interview, though. During a break in filming they were both watching a college football game. Norm had bet like $20k or something on it. Regis realised Norm was a bit of a gambler, so he was genuinely worried for him.

Donated it to Paul Newmans charity cause he thought he might get to meet Paul Newman

You never get over a thing like that.

Norm could've DM'd the guy without telling the world he's agreeing to help him. Do you guys only recognize publicity stunts when the left does 'em? ;)

which sect of the cumia al-qaeda are you from OP?

hes a bitch tbh

If Norm comes out with a Cameo saying "Feed Nana" after this I will cum in all of your assholes.

People contacting ' celebrities' on twitter to interact with them and use their children as a valid reason are fucking disgraceful.

No fucking shame.


Or, you know.. she's sincere. But that couldn't happen, right?

What a fucking legend.

I hope this guy instructs him to say feed nana somehow

He should send the kid a copy of Kramer vs Kramer on VHS to throw him off.

Norm is Christ

Norm opens the text:

"So my son Tony has been really sad lately. We have this inside joke about feeding nana...."
