Fat pig arrested

1  2018-10-04 by greeneyedunicorn2


We need to reinstate firing squads

Traveling death squads would solve so many problems.

My career uncertainties for starters.

Be the change you want to see

It's not a job it's an adventure.

Please yes

I hope they send her to the rendering plant.

Why, so Porsalin can upload her in 30 hours?

It's rare that I am envious of sharia law.

Do you want to be arrested? Yes. Ain’t nothing more Jew privileged than that response.

Tweet this to every article about this


Ok :)

The problem is that this just comes off as her making the move. I swear there was more to this where the guy was drunk or passed out or something.

Maybe I'm thinking of Lena Dunham? It's hard to keep all these hypocritical SJW rapists straight.

No you are right something about the guy falling asleep and she still fucked him.

We gotta find that

She said it during some college speech she gave if I recall right.

Takes one to know one, amirite?

Comedians in 2018 are lucky. If you arnt funny just become a political activist.

In millennialese, "comedian" and "virtue signaling activist" are synonyms

A symptom of growing up watching comedy central but only for Jon Stewart and Colbert.

I could never stay up that late. Strict lights out by 10 or my fingers will bend!

I dunno I always watched them. I didn't turn out fucked

Yeah, same. I really just enjoyed him calling out all news channels on their bullshit. Now they're all the same. Quis bullshitiet ipsos bullshites?

Colbert was fucking funny you have to admit that

Much funnier as a correspondent on Daily Show and Stewart was funny sometimes too. Political humor is relentlessly shoved in my face now even when the show is not advertised as such. Make a new name for this shit so I dont have to watch



Wonder what middle of the road Jim will say?

He didn't hear it.

Do these retards even know what they're protesting?


ugh a fucking serial rapist is about to get nominated to the supreme court, MORON

*Cereal rapist, as in he sticks his dick into bowls of cereal

Bad men!


Clearly she doesn't considering she's bragged about having sex with a dude who was passed out and forced a cab driver's hand down her pants.

But none of that will ever get to main stream press.

Totally not a publicity stunt

Why’d they put train wreck in parentheses? Rotten pinker.

I feel like most people wouldn't support trump if they didn't see worthless fat cunts like this and lena dunham

Isn't that baseball hat wearing dyke next to her some SJW "comedian"?

I'll call it now , her next "comedy" special will have her in handcuffs as the title screen.

The part of this Schumer thing pissing me off the most is they keep referring to her on the news as a "comedian"

*Cereal rapist, as in he sticks his dick into bowls of cereal