When she turns 16...

1  2018-10-03 by GorramTimebomb


I'd like to know what he was really up to that morning. Taking pics in Time Square? Suuuuuuure

He was taking pictures of that hooker, probably to make fun of later.

Based on all the evidence collected since, with a little bit of journalistic speculation thrown in :

A black female hooker will trigger a racist alt-right misogynist like few others can. Not only does he hate women in every way except sexually, but this one's making coin having sex and she's black.

Every time he'd walk past there, he'd be reminded of how much money this woman is making tax-free when she should be sweeping floors at the local McD's, according to him.

So one night, he returns to that area with a camera in hand, specifically to out the hooker. He acts like he was just taking photos of the surroundings, but he went there specifically to shoot HER. And expose HER to his cop buddies... or maybe he planned on shaming her on social media.

What he didn't expect, however, was her getting up in his face, and her friends having her back. Suddenly, the creepy little white man with the camera is on his own against a posse, so he chooses to be belligerent and run.

Once home, he wrote the mother of all racist rants, costing him his job, many industry friendships, and some would say his career.

The woman stood up to her oppressor and made him pay. Just some black hooker in NYC, no social status, no powerful allies... she broke Ant in a way he has yet to recover from.

In many ways, that black hooker is an American hero.

Based on all the evidence collected since, with a little bit of journalistic speculation thrown in :

Every time he'd walk past this part of town and see her, he'd be reminded of how much sex money this black woman is making tax-free when she should be sweeping floors at the local McD's (according to him).

So one night, he returns to that area with a camera in hand, specifically to out the hooker (either to his cop friends or on social media, only Ant knows what he was gonna do with the photos). He acts like he was just taking photos of the surroundings, but he went there specifically to shoot HER.

What he didn't expect, however, was her getting up in his face, and her friends having her back. Suddenly, the creepy little white man with the camera is on his own against a posse, so he chooses to be belligerent and run.

Once home -- realizing his plan backfired, and angrier than ever that he had to run from blacks -- he writes the mother of all racist rants, costing him his job, many industry friendships, and some would say his career.

The woman stood up to her oppressor and made him pay. Just some black hooker in NYC, no social status, no powerful allies... she broke Ant in a way he has yet to recover from.

In many ways, that woman is an American hero.

costing him his job, many industry friendships, and some would say his career.

Literally everyone except for Anthony would say this

Anthony often looks like shit, but he looks particularly horse-like in this photo

The horse of a smile and the right amount of stupidity

When she turns 16...she will be deemed surplus

I wasn't expecting that. That shit made me laugh.

When mommy's on her deathbed.

The Phantom sign is ironic

When you need to be up and sober at a reasonable hour