How about Love Woman, Patton? Maybe don’t get remarried within a year when your wife dies in your drug den

120  2018-09-28 by SamRobertsSucks


Let women live

Those eyes, so much evil. It gives me chills. This is the face of murder.

Oddly enough he smothered his wife because he knew she would be believed.


If you left him in the oven for 1 more minute he’d have Down’s syndrome

Thanks for the laugh

Who could have known providing your wife xanax, fentanyl and adderall when she has an unhealthy body weight would kill her? I mean except for Patton Oswalt who definitely knew.

Don’t forget the wine she had too.

Or the girlfriend he had that conviced him to do it so she could marry him suspiciously fast after her death

Patton couldn’t get his wife to fuck him witnout a deadly cocktail of meds

Cocksucker looks like a molten gummi bear.

Patton oswalt installs hidden cameras in womens bathrooms.

I too have heard this

many such claims!

This dickbag and David Cross are the only two people who didn't realize Dan "Larry the Cable Guy" Whitney was playing a character. Please, tell me what to think, smartypants.

Cross actually has a whole letter to that guy from a while ago regarding his character and how shitty it is.

I read it at the time. I may be remembering wrong but it seemed he just didn't get the joke or that it was a joke. I like him as Tobias Funke though, Patton has only been Kevin James' unfunny friend on King of Queens.

emphasize unfunny.

Why, sir?

i have more respect for the guy who plays a dumb redneck character from time to time than the guy playing an uppity metropolitan jew permanently.

Dude, lay off, Cross did coke in the White House. Woah!

What a twat. Pretty funny considering imbibing at the white house was a trend started by Willie Nelson, AKA redneck monarchy.

That was the last straw for me with that smug, self important, humorless cunt. Writing an open letter to a character to show how much smarter you are than all the dumb flyover moo cows.... What an asshole.

I get where you’re coming from but Mr. Show gives him a pretty big pass from me.

That was 20 fucking years ago.

Exactly, I don’t know why you keep bragging about it, Perry.

True. He’s been a real fag as of late, even back when Bush was in office and he just couldn’t stop talking about it.

He got one from me for many years. Then his comedy devolved into "Southern and Midwestern people are soooo stupid. I should know, I grew up in Georgia and people were mean to me for being an annoying little jew. Aren't liberal people on the coasts just better?"

He really did devolve into shit.

He also had some live improv shows with Jon H Benjamin that are also pretty great. Also super old.

David Cross got knifed in the back by the Left. Only a matter of time before (a now) clappter comic Patton gets his.

He knows it's coming, hence all the virtue signals and non stop Twitter ranting. He's a fat white straight male comedian. He's not getting away.

mods if you delete this im going to sue you


Bobo’s evil twin

i don't know how any grown man with any experience with women would believe even half the things they say at any given time.

He looked the other way as his chunky wife/mother of his child popped pills to cope with depression while writing a book about a serial killer. A year later he married old Natty Gann, cashed in on his wife’s death with a Netflix special, and published her book.

This mug is making bank off that cunt kicking the bucket.

Pandering asshole

He's a sexually unattractive man, he's always had to pander for attention.

I hate the solemn look on people's face when they take these stupid pictures

Like they have something to teach us. He's a fag.

Imagine being a man and wearing that. What a faggot.

Patton is a good guy liberal like John Wayne Gacy was a friendly party clown.

He's more hateable than Anthony and Jimmy combined.

Patton Oswalt is a dangerous man.

This t-shirt tells me he was cheating on his wife before she died and probably let her take all the fucked up pills she wanted.



Remember, when you vote Democrat, you vote for this nonsense.

Re-elect Trump in 2020. Let’s bury the Jews and fags.

That's a great idea, Pat. Let's unconditionally believe women, it's not like they've ever lied constantly for absolutely no reason.

I remember a bitch lied to her boyfriend by telling him that I tried to kiss her. He went inside for thirty seconds and she made that shit up. Thankfully he didn't even believe her, and when I asked her why she lied, she didn't even seem to have an answer for it. I wish I could go back in time and knock her lying whore teeth out, bitch was just trying to start shit for no fucking reason.

What's with his fake sullen/psycho stare he has lately? I would believe he was griving for the mother of his child but he remarried within a year and had the energy to be a Hillarybot which was embarassing enough. He used to be the funny nerd with quick lines,one of the few alt comics that were funny irl(judging by his oanda appearances other podcasts)

Extremely punchable

What's funny is there's more evidence of Patton's misconduct with his dead wife than there ever was for that flighty accuser of Judge Kavanaugh

Yeah because women never ever lie or manipulate.....this country is going to shit. Women and fags are going to take over and make this place a giant aids infested cunt hole

I would like to see Patton on some O&A related show having to square this concept with the whole Chyna vs. X-Pac fiasco.