Jim just implied that contract negotiations are being held up because management doesn't want Chip on air

131  2018-09-21 by unclepaul84



OK how does he justify this?

He said they will say what the hang up is soon on air. Then Jim said FAWK YEAH and they all laughed hard like it was an inside joke.

Maybe that's just a reference to his impending suicide

Then it’s a slap at Contract Negotiations Opie. Jim only attacks him as chip now. Remember, when he found out that some of the listeners thought that chip was supposed to be Opie, he took the idea and ran with it, and uses chip all the time to take shots at his old boss. The concept he never thought of until he saw it online. He stole from the listeners again, you might say.

its truly the crime of the century

In fairness, it's a comedy gold mine that has in no way ever outworn it's welcome.

its putting up numbahs

He said that -- he said that -- you were bein' tough on the negotiations. But if they could get a little help -- and close the deal fast -- it'd be good for the family.

Imagine if jim is getting 90k a year but chip gets 600k.

Its more likely they don't want gin doing it as a podcast outside of their business. Especially with live shows etc when they get no cut from it.

Yeah, Chip is too valuable of a property to let go. More likely they are afraid to get sued by the Jerky Boys. Those fellas might need the cash.

It’s reasonable to think the podcast gets more listeners than Jim and Sam. Why would Sirius pay him a couple hundred K over two years and not get something old fans might like.

"Chip is in all of us." Even management knows chip is fucking awful.

I really want to watch this wormy fuck's career collapse. It is time for him to be forced to confront that he is a hack one-trick pony prop comic on his best day. His peak was when he was fat, hated the whole world, and was a third mic. Events since prove that his talent fell far short of his ambitions and opportunities. I hope he ends up opening for Hannah Gadsby.

Jesus haha why do you want his life to be ruined

Because you never think you could be so wrong about a person.

Get out.

I want to see him doing those hotel and restaurant shows with Levy and Artie.

but then the show would be longer.

Tiff's on Speedwell Ave in Morris Plains is a hot spot

Jim acts like he’s taking big dramatic stands on the dumbest of issues, like Uncle Paul bits or blowing off Dennis Quaid to talk to Mary Jean. He stinks and I don’t like him.

Asking Dennis Quaid about Randy Quaid could've potentially resulted in a funny interview though. Jim & Sam don't need humor.

Wait a second, are you saying that Valley Chip isn't his Tour de force?

Why would SXM be interested in a racist pedophile misogynist character like Chip when they banned the real thing (ie, Ant) from the building?

Maybe Jim should try a full-blown Nazi character next, (((SXM))) is sure to love that.

Jim's an idiot.

Chip isn't a paedophile.

Meh if jjjim gave up chip you'd bash him for that.

No one likes Chip. Not around here anyway.

But listen to Jim and Sam? Lol

Chip is way worse. I can't listen to either anymore, but I could get through a boring J and S. Chip is repugnant.

Don't disagree so I don't listen to either

You are gay and lame

???, good one

I hope its a Maxwell situation where management tells him he's being boring with this Chip shit and kind of a whiny bitch.


I don’t blame Sirius. Jim phones it in five days a week with no prep and spends most of the time on his phone. Meanwhile he actually puts effort into the chip podcast (albeit still with a shit end product).

Oh, there's PrEP.

"Who the FUCK is Chip Chipperson?" - Sirius Suits

I bet it relates to either Chip going over to Compound Media, or using Sirius crew for the podcast, or not talking about Opie being Chip. (also it's odd Opie all of a sudden taking shots, but the response from Jim is non-existent)


Sirius would want a piece of Chip. Everyone can hate on Chip and Jim, but Chip is doing great numbers.

guarantee sam is inked and pushing jim out

I believe this as well.

This is the play to make if he wants to stay on with SXM but not be with Jim anymore. "Hey, this guy does a totally different product for more than an hour a week and does events for it and merchandise and all that. He's done this for nearly two years. You went ballistic on Anthony for LFTC but you're going to let Jimmy do a hundred events of monetized, merchandise-selling comedy programming not just in his basement for t-shirt money, but on RiotCast? Fuck that. I Insist that Chip Chipperson material needs to go on SXM airwaves and you get a cut of the merchandise and ticket sales. I'll agree to that as well. You're paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to promote a product on a competitor platform and you're seeing no money from it. This is so much worse than LFTC."

And what about Sam with the WWE and his own podcast? He does shows and promotes it. He even gets additional interviews with wrestlers on J&S.

Well, they'd just say its cross promotion with a multi-billion dollar entertainment company and SXM is happy to be in that partnership. Jim going on RiotCast and putting his Halloween costume on sixty times a year and saying Shucky Ducky Quack Quack does nothing for SXM except enrich a direct competitor.

/u/BeerCanThick makes a compelling argument

it is true that sirius got on Ant's back for live from the compound, but in the end he was still able to do it (i think)

I'm not sure I blame them. Wouldn't want to have to go through contract negotiations with chippah, too.

I can't believe those scumbags are gonna motherfuck him.

I see taking negotiation tactics directly from GOD KING OPIE.

Remember when they use to bitch about his tactics

During Anth’s “rehab” SiriusXM hosts were not allowed to host the basement show, so maybe they are clamping down on Jim hosting a show on another network?

I was thinking maybe Sirius views Chip as more of a property of Riotcast now and, since Jim probably isn't going to drop the podcast, they might not want the character to appear on their channel because they feel it's promoting the competition.

Jim Hughes

The Destroyer would have had these contract negotiations nailed down weeks ago.

You're being ironic, right? Opie's M.O. was always to wait until the stroke of midnight and re-sign.

The Opester ensured everybody got a lil bump by playing hard ball, nice try with the hate though. Have a good one.

What a fuckin baby boy

No different than when they hassled Anthony for LFTC. It's not about Chip per se. They want their contracted on air people exclusively, not providing their product through other venues. Its a reasonable negotiation tact.

The Sirius suits are visionary; they understand that J&S, like America, has dumbed down considerably and that the shows most faithful demographic—dunderheaded faggots who think Jim’s an intellectual humorist on the level of Mark Twain and Sam’s a hip Imus—will only get larger as their kind will continue to procreate like mice.

Jim is never difficult when comes to money or demands. We know this because he says as much every time there is an issue.

I've never laughed at Chip. Not once. Never did with Edgar either. Uncle Paul yes, and Ted Sheckler hell yes, but those other two have always stunk.

i doubt sirius told him not to do chip on the air, maybe they feel like he developed the character on their platform so they should get something in return

He’s doing EXACTLY what they fun of Opie doing during negotiations.

Jimmy sucks

Dan Soder is a real mensch

Maybe that's just a reference to his impending suicide

I’m assuming that Bonfire is going to be the new morning show on faction.

No one likes Chip. Not around here anyway.

Then it’s a slap at Contract Negotiations Opie. Jim only attacks him as chip now. Remember, when he found out that some of the listeners thought that chip was supposed to be Opie, he took the idea and ran with it, and uses chip all the time to take shots at his old boss. The concept he never thought of until he saw it online. He stole from the listeners again, you might say.

but then the show would be longer.

Tiff's on Speedwell Ave in Morris Plains is a hot spot

Nick Mullen can create a new character in 30 seconds. Jim's been refining a jerky boys rip off for over a decade and making it worse with every iteration.

Chip is way worse. I can't listen to either anymore, but I could get through a boring J and S. Chip is repugnant.