Oh oh, Joe is looking for you!

175  2018-09-20 by HeeHuhree



Since you have access, could you please copy the URL into: http://archive.is/

...so that we have a record for when he panics and deletes it?

Fucking stupid faggot doesn't understand the ancient Chinese art of copy and paste

For the record, I'd love to record me arguing against BroJoe. How fucking hard would that be?


It would be me accusing him of aiding and abetting rape and him being all like "nuh uh"

Arguing with intelligent people is hard. Arguing with stupid people is impossible.

Would Anthony pay for Joe's flights?

Let's send Joe on a wild goose chase to somewhere requiring a 12hr flight with 3 stop overs.

Aleppo is nice this time of year.

He's gonna backtrace it


He already got the Cyber police after us for all those tacs torrent


He really is a doddering old fool.

I hope he has a double VCR so he can make copies for everyone

I used to pirate vhs tapes on one of those. Joe would probably fuck it up though. Like having one of the tapes not rewound all the way when he started recording.

Fucking idiot.

I think he uses a similar technique for mastering his music. He holds one tape recorder up to another flipped so the "Mic" slits are lined up with the speaker. Hits play on one, record on the other and bam it he can record leads over rythym just like Eric Clapton does!

I don't know what's funnier, that he's too lazy to figure this shit out on his own and pawing it off on his "fans", or that he thinks the elderly fucks that follow him are capable of doxxing someone.

I don't understand why he doesn't just hand it over to his contacts in CIA and the FBI.

Because they would arrest him on site for decades of child molestation

Or the fact that he's constantly threatening to fight these guys, when we clearly know that

  1. He is easily intimidated and shies away from confrontation, as evidenced by his People's Court appearance

  2. He is a weighty-breasted geriatric. I've seen bigger arms on a pair of sunglasses.

Joe may think Nana's FBI buddy is going to see his post and help him.

He thinks 'The Ramones' mailed him. Old music rivals from back in the day. The Conquering of L.I. it was huge than. Check it out.

Hey Brother Joe

I don't wanna go

Dooown to the Compound

There's someone down there

Blitzkrieg Wop

There's someone down there

Oh Erock.

Blitzkrieg Wop

Hey ho lets go

Hit em with a pan now

Hit em with a pan now

Go to court downtown

Gloat over a dead child

Blitzkrieg Wop

I Wanna be Salivated

I wanna be located - song of the dox.

I love their song about Anthony: The KKK took my baby away!


Was Joe at Cona's Casino in Hicksville NY recently?

The first relay address points to that Casino

Does he think that by pasting the full header some computer wiz may be able to glean some super secret information? It's a Gmail address you dotard.

Clearly the perp lives in Mountain View, California.

It says so right in the secret computer code.

The culprit is Sundar Pichai.

You should get a gig with Geek Squad!

Yes. He is a complete ass

If anyone is curious if this is possible, Gmail strips the originating IP address from email headers automatically for privacy reasons. They've been doing this for about 5+ yrs now if I'm not mistaken.

So... no.

whoever set up the joecumia website can get his ip as well.

I was gonna say this as well. He most likely gives out more info about himself than anyone else however he probably doesnt care if his brothers extra house that he stays in gets listed all over the boards. Doubt its secret info at this point and its not like Joe actually owns anything since even his Chinese guitars probably technically have Nanas signature on the credit card slip.

I mean we already have his home address. what else do we really need

Wait, Ant owns that place? I looked it up and almost posted the picture, but from a birdseye view it looked like a pretty nice house. I was thoroughly disappointed.

Gmail have filtered out home IPs since Day 1 for basically this reason.

So gmail is part of the online community that call themselves pests?

Seems a bit far fetched.

it's irrelevant, I realize Joe is old, but Keith's number is likely in his phone and he should be able to figure out that without a warrant even an IP of whichever ISP out there this person uses is completely useless to him. Justify and get a warrant Joe, otherwise stop embarrassing yourself. I googled the email address he's backtracing and exactly year ago you were threatening this anon with the same nonsense as the imgur result showed (damn terrorists from imgur), a YEAR Of your life Joe spent on trying to figure out who is fing with you? is that worth it? how many of those years do you have left?

this shit is just sad now

Yahoo used to include the IP of the sending client. It no longer does. Gmail never did.

Someone at Gmail with access to the logs could provide the IP, which probably wouldn't mean anything unless they sent it from work whose gateway uses a static IP, or they could get the ISP to divulge who the dynamic IP address belonged to when it was sent.

In short: there's information in the header that could lead to ID, but likely only with law enforcement / ISP help

The IP address is


You're asking questions you already know the answer to

I’d love it if the military saw this and ordered a drone strike on his house.

You see, comments like this really make my day.

The comments are even funnier. People think they can pin point Steve Ramone by looking up the IP. One person said they would ask their friend because he was a software developer. Someone else asked him to get Keith The Cop to find the person, Joe said Keith doesn't have time for his crap.


Report him for threatening/inciting violence.

Imagine that conversation between the software developer friend and the commenter.

It's probably little Johnny whose mom brought him a PC for his ten yo birthday and he put a couple of games on there

I've met many retarded software developers who don't even understand basic networking, this could go either way..

Asking a software developer to help you track down someone on the Internet is like asking an auto mechanic to fix your boat.

It's almost like the guy who paid Geek Squad $200 to install Windows 10 is a fucking retard

Better idea: Get Keith the Cop to hire the software developer to actually fix the website and apps so that they actually work.


He should get Chief Unser on the case. He's always down to help Samcro.

Someone else asked him to get Keith The Cop to find the person, Joe said Keith doesn't have time for his crap.

Translation: Keith is sick of hearing from Joe.

I bet those two mooches don't get along

They see one another as an obstacle to money

Like Robin & Fred on Stern.

He probably feels entitled to Keith's servitude just because him and Ant share everything, including bodily fluids.

I've been able to trace him to Yellowstone through some detective work. Apparently he likes to call into radio shows and he gives his location when he does. Only a matter of time now before I find him.

I think he might be a ranger at yellowstone or sumtin. Sounds like he's yelling at a co worker or perhaps employee or servant when he's making these calls to radio stations. However I think the Steve famine thing might be a combination of both peoples names. Often "Steve from Yellowstone" will call and begin yelling to a "Ramone".

This little fucked didn't think we'd figure him out but me and Joey Anarchy are hot on this guys trail and I've got a camcorder and a VHS tape from the 1984 Olympics ready to tape over when we confront this elite hacker.

Also i didn't want to bring up Reddit but ...

His software developer friend probably laughed in his face

Canada, come find me Joe , I’ll give you my address and you can meet me in person .... oh wait you’re a pussy faggot who lives off his brothers talent. You’re a old man pedo, good luck . We out number you

I've told the old cunt straight up that as long as I don't have to travel I'll fight him. He wants nothing to do with it because he's a pussy and probably can't afford the gas to make the 8 hour drive to Ontario.

non-celebrity boxing vs. brother joe would be the logical next step in this saga

So, non celebrity boxing then.

I’ve challenged him too on YouTube. All he kept saying is that he’d buy me a beer and we’d talk and I’d realize what a great guy he is. This old faggot really needs to be taken down a notch. Maybe if Anthony wants to call up people’s jobs to let them know what their employees are doing, maybe we call up Carol’s job to let her boss know she’s dating a racist pedophile.

You two should team up and gang-rape him in the Air Canada Centre.

this is a guy who definitely doesn't care about the documentary

Jail? What the hell?



[email protected] LOL you fuckers are hilarious

A year or so back he actually went on Facebook and found a man named Steve Ramona and posted his profile everywhere saying he found the troll easily. The man is a buffoon.

I find a lot of joy in one confused Steve Ramone out there still scratching his head at wtf happened.

"Who is 'Fred from Brooklyn' and how did a walrus learn to use Facebook?"

Why does he try to be clever?

Detective Joe found email heading

Eyyeaahhh like Columbo! HAHA HOOOLYYY SHIIIT!


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What was so bad about the email?

I see a "[email protected]" address in there. Who's address is that?

Who do you think? Lol

WOW!!! Joe just doxxed himself. Whataq fucking moron lol.

But wasn't the name of his band "RotGut"?

Let the trolling commence

Cablevision stinks. What’s a matter joe? Can’t afford Fios like your brother?

But wasn't the name of his band "RotGut"?

It's Joe's email address, it's publicly listed in 2U's Facebook page.

On a subject totally unrelated my Nana always plays these lotto numbers 63-14-95-10-73

“Youve reached brother joe at “whatever” entertainment, leave a message and ill call you back”

Lol it works

We are such fiendish hackers!

Black people play the numbers the bess.

“Dawg, back in 1971, my muda own a bar, it was crazy dawg, blue cheese in the ass dawg. My ma would play da numbahs and she was the best dawg, she bought me a prostitute when i was 4 years old dawg”. ..proceeds to cough and wheeze and hack into the microphone for 3 minutes.

What the fuck is optonline

Optima , on Long Island part of Cablevision. Actually, the service is pretty good. They were pretty much the only game in town for a long time. They are solid

Try password: Dara1234


I’ve heard of this Steve Ramone guy, isn’t he from Yellowstone?

I bet he has a post-it on the edge of his screen to remind himself it's ctrl-c then ctrl-v.

"Let's see, press and hold control, then press C, then release control. Then...press control AGAIN? Forget it, where's the Edit menu?"

All with his two index fingers

Where's the CONTROL KEY?

Maybe when the Geek Squad said "CONTROL KEY", they meant one of these CTRL keys on my keyboard, makes sense, they probably speak 733t.


But WHICH CTRL key did they mean, there's one on each side! Hacking is so difficult.

Remember, he once re-installed Windows twice over a fake browser-based "virus warning", then discovered the existence of Task Manager. Bill Gates Jr. over here.

except i think he paid geek squad like $200 to do that

I've traced the email it's being sent from... Inside the house!

Holy Christ is he a fucking moron.

Joe, you know my name and phone number. Bring it on you fat child spit drinking idiot.

Report this guys FB account for doxxing

What an absolute dipshit. You can’t get any identifying information from a fucking email, especially gmail because gmail has sophisticated ways of hiding it (from everyone except google). He clicked “show email raw data” or something and saw a bunch of incomprehensible code and thought “Shit, this looks like hacker stuff. I bet I could get some nerd to identify the guy who called me a racist pedophile”.

You can get originating IP address (which gives you a location) and originating ISP (which gives you a company to complain to).

In this case Joe has learned that "[email protected]" is sending email via GMail, and that GMail hides the sender's IP address.

He has not learned to hide the email's subject ("Why don't you actually address the documentary?") and in broadcasting it to all of his followers has given me yet another hearty belly laugh at his expense.

It doesn't matter even if you email someone from your own server hosted at your house that will show your home IP in the email header, 0 frigging difference, all it would get anyone is state/city at best, any other info would require an actual police warrant sent to the ISP to reveal which of their subscribers had that IP at that time. Jesus christ I'm getting angry at this nonsense for no reason.

it's the perfect opportunity to send joe to random people's houses and get him arrested

He probably thought he was being hacked himself when he saw all that code, until the guys at Geek Squad calmed his nerves.

Is Joe back to threatening people? Didn’t he already get called out by someone on this sub who came to his show? Joe completely bitched out, as I recall.

How is one man this retarded? Does he think we forget things that quickly?

I know he runs with The Sons of Anarchy and he's not a little guy but..

..I mean, I haven't been in a boxing club in over a decade, I smoke too much, I'm getting older too but .. yaaa.. I'm pretty sure I could carry my side of a "conversation" with Joe Cumia.

I feel like a lot of people could.

but for some reason he fantasizes grabbing them by the collar and lifting them off the ground as they urinate in fear, stuttering apologies.

But ya I mean, I feel like any reasonably fit person would conversation him back with a few good solid 'words' and he's be in shock a bit because he's never actually been in a 1-on-1 man-to-man conversation exchange in his life.

I'd go as far to suggest there is a very good possibility the documentary filmmaker could probably conversation the fuck out of Joe Cumia if he asked for it?

This fucking pedo always backpedals when someone legitimately tries to meet him. What the fuck is he talking about?

Sounds like Joe's made a threat to harm someone. His local Suffolk County PD would probably be interested in this.

Those corrupt guinea cunts are on Keith’s payroll.

I wonder how many times Joe hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete in hopes of exposing this person's identity.

Meanwhile, Joe exposes himself by posting his own email address.

"It's not a tough guy persona"

Somebody please respond with hacker babble pretending to be tracking him down.

haha how fucking stupid can someone be

This is how Joe spends his time, rather than focusing on more important things such as trying to get his daughter to school on time so she can have an education and not have to resort to busking at Mexican fast food restaurants and getting handouts from relatives for a living like her useless dad.

He truly believes he is witty, funny, tough, charismatic, talented, and not a pedophile. 0 for 6.

Watch out, he's fully prepared to CTRL+ALT+DELETE with extreme prejudice

It look like the person is smart enough to use a VPN. Joe should stick to his day job and leave the Hooligans alone

God he’s so stupid. The header is just a gmail address. He’s such a fucking idiot.

This is the exact tactic a lawyer would use when trying to obfuscate an investigation, not help it.

“Yeah well you’re an obfuscate, bitch.” -Joe

Seems like hes using his facebook to launch a dox /targeted attack

He's the dumbest man on earth to think anyone could glean personal info from this.

Its Stinks (Ian), right?

Clearly this person is in Yellowstone

He is just a gift that keeps on giving. No effect on their lives though.

Google, we are coming for you nigga

nice non-tough guy persona, stupid.

Whoever this person is needs to come forward and beat the shit out of Joe. Be the hero this sub needs and deserves.

This mans entire online presence is him being trolled. Such a retarded, parasitic boomer.

So if I sent an email with a tittle like “is 2U available to play a gig at Taco Stand XYZ on date XX/XX/XXXX?” And included........oh.......say......an adult themed photo......his spam filter probably would not stop it and he would probably open it? I mean just theoretically......wouldn’t actually do anything like that.

CSI: Retard

The Comments keep getting better:


Cindy Williams-Sorgenfrei I'll try and find him...going to do some stalking1
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Joseph Cumia I’ll be your best friend... I really need this moron Dox’d.
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Cindy Williams-Sorgenfrei Is it rottgut or steve ramone you're looking for?
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Cindy Williams-Sorgenfrei ok, you're rottgut. oh dear.
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Joseph Cumia I am.
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Cindy Williams-Sorgenfrei This might be him. His IP address is coming from Hicksville, he has relatives in Hicksville but he lives in Cortland Manor, or who's to say he didn't move home: https://twitter.com/sraccordManage
Steven (@sraccord) | Twitter
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Patricia Gaffney He stole your daughter's name for use in something? He deserves to be horse whipped - what a scumbag. How low can a person go? It's unnerving to the max and I am sure also illegal. Here's hoping you will find the b*****d.1
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Patricia Gaffney I will have my son take a look at this to see if he can help. He is software developer.

Just give me the e-mail header. That’s all I’ll say publicly.

He should really know by now the BEST way to track emails is by finding SYSTEM32 on his computer and deleting it to disable IP masking.

Why did he capitalize "Neighborhood"?

What a Stupid Faggot.

Excellent internet sleuthing, Joe! New "linger longer" song parody time: "We Deliver Headers"

But now I'm afraid if he produces it, I'll have to pay him part of my earnings for the rest of my life.

I am sure this violates Facebook guidelines.

He is a tidal wave of pig shit

types fast on keyboard for 30 seconds "I'm in. Had to backtrace the IP through a secure mainframe, but he left the backdoor wide open."

Holy shit he’s a hacker!

Joe you can find Steve Ramone in Wilkes Barre PA. He hangs out in basements.

Joe, the man you're looking for is Mr. Steven Ramone. What do I win?

joes hilarious

Why capitalise the 'N' in neighborhood?

I’m not network savvy but aren’t those ip addresses just the ones that the mail server would use?

I like the email address.... Ramone! He is such a wannabe thug though guy faggot. Maybe someone should really beat him senseless.


Fucking Steve Ramone. Yeeeessss

What did Mr Ramone do to rile ole Samcro?

Seems a bit far fetched.

It's almost like the guy who paid Geek Squad $200 to install Windows 10 is a fucking retard