Wait Until They Hear How Chelsea Ate The Ass Of A Man Who Gets Fucked By Tranvestites

23  2018-09-17 by SchumersStolenJokes


Well Norton did get a Hepatitis A, B and C test before, just to be “healthy” about subjecting her to his asshole.

God he’s so exhaustingly boring.

I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy.

Make sure everyone sees the cake before you slice it. Little mug’s got all kinds of rules.

why did you capitalize every word

OP is jaden smith

Cause this is the title of her off broadway show

doesnt have to be the title of your post though

who gives a fuck use proper grammar

Fuck You Faggot.

With a normal nose she might be hot.

I thought they were gonna say she ate it with her nose, like an Anteater.

So she only likes the darkest parts? Sounds about right.

This a pic from that new bill and ted movie? https://i.imgur.com/1768XOi.jpg

I love this big schnoz bitch.

be nice

Some people really need to get hit by cars

Her schnozzola would crack the hood.

The frosting reminds her of the chocolate mousse she dropped all over Norton’s chest.

Ew, she fucked the worm?

Talk about a face never meant for fame.

Luckily for her, HIV can't really be transmitted orally.