Intro for the Joe Cumia special episode.

231  2018-09-15 by BeigeFrequency


Aw shit! Can’t wait

I just realised this sack of shit is wearing a T-Shirt that says 'The Compound', and what I have to presume is supposed to be part of a swastika. And he goes on court TV to say he isn't racist. He deserves every bit of his miserable life.

There is nothing funnier than this douche. No amount of jokes about Opie, Anthony or Jim can top the laughter that I get from him. He is seriously like a character from South Park but he is not trying to be funny like say his brother.

I agree with everything except he definitely tries to be clever. Did you know he coined the term “libtards”?

Yeah sure, like he is also a “white” person.

Hilarrhea. BOOM! Instant cultural level-up, bitch.

Don't forget about "hilliareah"

He's oblivious to his own stupidity


/u/BeigeFrequency you gotta post that hilarious plastic bag joke to r/Cringe after you finish this. This will be submitted to r/documentaries as well. Can’t wait to see this one.

will do


90 seconds of footage and it was a fucking cringefest. People's Court, the embarrassingly stupid pseudo-swasitka TACS t-shirt, the SOA beanie, the way he's taking the "Gonna 'lectric Shock OJ" acoustic jamming seriously as if it was some sort of groundbreaking masterpiece, the plastic bag bombing in front of an empty parking lot, his weird clenched jaw-straining to take a shit delivery of the Phil Collins cover, then to top it all off there more SOA gear in the form of a guitar strap.

It's going to physically hurt to watch the full documentary on this stupid retard.

I can't wait. Brother Joe is my favorite dope in the O&A Universe.

He's the gift that keeps on giving, his stupidity never disappoints.

Heavyweight Dumbass of the World

Remember that everything you watch, I've endured a dozen times or more.

Thank you for your service.

Im sorry, but thank you.

Thank you for taking one for the team. I can't wait to see this hahaha

Just keep in mind, your work may help someone realize how badly their life is going and the direction they are headed, and maybe, just maybe turn things around.

Not joe mind you, its far too late and would take an ounce of self awareness for him. But maybe someone like me or some other too old for fame and needs to stop taking playing cover songs seriously and stop living off family poor soul. You're making the world better.

Also I'll probably watch this dozens of times as well.

Saint on ert you are, Mr Frequency

Still trying to figure out if that Compound logo on his sweater is supposed to look like a swastika, or if these people are subconsciously attracted to the imagery on a DNA level.

You are going to get brain cancer from that shit.

And he thinks he is the goon/muscle of the group. Card carrying AARP member.

Armenian Arab Retarded Ped

I'm still trying to figure out if that red-on-black "The Compound" logo on his sweater is supposed to look like a Nazi symbol, or if these people are subconsciously attracted to Nazi imagery on a DNA level.

It's absolutely supposed to look like a Nazi symbol. In reality, it's little more than a self-applied scarlet letter declaring the wearer's immense retardation.

You forgot the contrived pseudo-intellectualism

John Gayer

Dude talks like they were McCartney and Lennon.

implying the beatles weren't super huge fags?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying.

lennon would easily be a wonderwallcel today

Then I guess it's a good thing his era was 50 years ago.

Fawking buried that cocksucka.

lol and I don't even like the stupid beatles. POLITICS MAAAAAHHHHNN!

Wtf is with you fags from that deleted sub creating cringey ass terms like that?

it makes me laugh you boomer fuck

Really? Even after the first couple of times you heard/said it, you're still doubled over from the gut-bustery of combining a song title with a sub full of losers? Interesting.

You remind me of this guy I was driving around with once. Young guy, my age, younger than the other two guys in the car. The three of them were on a crack binge, I came along for the loffs and free beer. He was from the sticks so he never got exposed to many blacks, and there's certainly no shortage of them when you're driving around the city buying crack every half hour or so. Boy did he love the word 'niglet'. In 2 or 3 hours he must have said it 70 times, and every time one of the other guys said it, he would make this big huge noise, whether it was "HAAAAH!" or "OOOOOHH!" or something weird as shit like "YOI YOI YOI!"

Interesting character, that one.

Everyone from that sub was either a high school dweeb or a closeted homosexual. You dorks are no different than Ant or Joe.

Feed the Nonnas' Cumia (respectively)

I had no idea Joe produced the whole thing, fucking Rick Rubin over here all this time, man, where would those guys have been without Joe.

I like how he mumbles "so Anthony wrote it all" and then emphasizes that he produced it. What a leach

Anthony didn't even get his gig because of the song. He might has well have been a contest winner off the street who was invited on the mic for a couple of minutes.

he really does credit himself for getting Ant his whole career.

Oh god damn it I got too excited and thought it was the full episode, I didn’t read it carefully

This episode better be at least 4 hours long

Can someone who isn’t blocked tweet this intro to him. I want his weekend to be ruined. Thanks in advance.

That may be hard to find.

What the FUCK is he doing with his teeth when he sings In The Air Tonight? Holy shit that was punchable.

Chimps often bare their teeth when frightened. It's a fight/flight response of theirs.

Also this face when he's singing the OJ song -

PS that is a live link that has not been manipulated.

He's clenching his jaw as much as possible, which we all know is great technique to get good resonance out of your voice

Every time I click one of these links, my mind says "Imagur". Tanks for nuttin' FakeEdge.

If I had a little brother who cucked me. Id never show my face again. This asshole acts as if none of that happened, and thinks he's a good guy, who isn't a burden to his little brother.

I take Joe's side with this one (the only time I can ever imagine uttering that phrase)

Your younger brother going out with your ex speaks more to your younger brother being weird

Really though. He has it figured out. Hasnt worked a real job in decades. Has his rich little bro foot the bills so he can pursue his dream of being in a band all the way into retirement age. Not many people can just coast through life.

The cut from him solemnly talking about 2U to the performance is fucking gold. Not that you need to cheat this but could you add some feedback SFX to add to the air of incompetence?

Damn good idea. Gotta love the subtlety of us shitheads.

Joe doesn’t need any help in making an ass of himself.

He’s delusional enough to discuss the concept of Electric Shock OJ like it’s Bohemian Rhapsody. What is that footage from? Who was actually documenting the “success” of 2U?

Surely he made that himself, right? Who knows, there may already be an amazing Joe Cumia documentary out there by the man himself.

Yikes. 2016 came and went and apparently the filmmakers realized that interviews with Joe Cumia and Bob Levy weren't going to be enough.

no contribution to the world faggot. you play pretend for a living.

Now now, a living would imply he supports himself from it.

Fuxking brilliant. When’s it gonna drop?

I should have it finished in a few days. Maybe sooner.

Sittin' on a cock coz I'm gay

Fuck, this made me laugh out loud and even sing it to myself

Blockin' the door with louis c.k.

Does he do the whistle?

...a plastic bag convention

Like a lot of deeply stupid people, he is incredibly easy to read.

His body jerks in a spastic way when he is forced to admit that Anthony, and Anthony alone, wrote the words to "Electric shock OJ" (the only part of the whole endeavour that could conceivably be classed as 'creative.')

He follows it up with a mumbled "and I produced the whole thing," by which he meant he pushed the rec and stop buttons on their tape deck and licked the envelope they sent it to Opie in. He can't keep his head up while admitting what a non-contributing zero he actually is and his chin instinctively hits his chest.

Next is his on-camera assertion that 2U's successful tours of pubs and grills in the LI area would lead to its members being able to making a living off their "part acting/part musicianship" weekend LARPing hobby. His voice cracks and his eyes again dart off to the side as he confidently claims "and that's...uh...sorta what happened.."

Deep down, in some dim corner of his lizard brain, he knows he is a complete and total loser. You don't need to be a homicide detective, seasoned interrogator or body language expert like the Opester to see his involuntary 'tells' give away that he knows what a zilch he is. He must consistently get raped out of all of his allowance at Nana's homoerotic poker nights. 

Like a lot of deeply stupid people, he is incredibly easy to read.

I think the most entertaining thing about is is watching him trying to navigate anything having to do with the internet. Every individual step of every single thing he does is so easy to visualize with perfect clarity. He really should be the center of some big internationally popular franchise (and make no royalties from it, of course).

The Not Really a True Man Show.

That's what happens you mess with Imgur terrorists.

His life is the embodiment of the "you dun goofed" dad from that viral video.

His body jerks in a spastic way when he is forced to admit that Anthony, and Anthony alone, wrote the words to "Electric shock OJ" (the only part of the whole endeavour that could conceivably be classed as 'creative.') He follows it up with a mumbled "and I produced the whole thing," by which he meant he pushed the rec and stop buttons on their tape deck and licked the envelope they sent it to Opie in.

He also says how it was Anthony who mentioned who Opie was to him. So in essence Joe had almost nothing of importance to do with the whole thing yet, and this is an exact quote from Joe "It took years for me to start seeing the residuals of introducing Opie to Anthony".

God I hate him.

I don't think he has self awareness even on that level. His tells are like a dog that got into the garbage. It knows it's supposed to act guilty but doesn't genuinely regret eating trash.

A good analogy and probably closer to the truth but I'd never seen Joe talking about being a parasite and a fantasist before. I'd heard and read his claims before and thought they always contained a gloating tone, along with the massive lack of shame or self-awareness.

But seeing him try to justify himself, it seems like a part of him knows he's useless scum. Or maybe his visible mild embarrassment is just from knowing that that's society or any reasonable person views him.

He's a dirty nigger living off someone else's money.

You don't think playing the instrumental of a parody song requires creativity??? \Cackling laughter**

"He came up with the words, and, uh, I produced the whole thing."

Translation: Anthony wrote funny lyrics, and I put in a blank cassette and pressed RECORD.

Is that a neo nazi symbol or a paedo dog whistle on his shirt?

If you genuinely don't know, strap in. That was Anthony's LFTC official logo. He's of course called it a coincidence that it's only missing 2 more lines to be the whole nein yards.

Courting the extreme alt right really paid off for Nana, huh?

Its for the "compound," is red and white and black, shaped like a swastika and its got barbed wire on it so you think about a Nazi camp when you see it. It looks like what right wing edgelord political groups use as logos because a lot of European countries ban Italian fascist and National Socialist imagery so they come up with their own little Kinda-Swastika.

Arab Nazi pedophile musician? I bet you could sell the doc to VICE...

Don't forget to give a shout out to Political Prisoner Chris Kuhn who made the courtroom episode possible in the first place.

Thank you for your service











Aw gawk yeah! ...Go to break!

I couldn't make it all the way through. The transition from making a living on 2U to them in a parking lot playing for people in folding chairs... holy fuck is that embarrassing.

There’s only a few more seconds after that

Well aware. I instinctively tapped due to the cringe.

One of the more underrated hilarious parts of this is Anthony was a listener to the Opester's show.

One of the original Opie maniacs

I just blew the biggest load I've had all September. Beige, I'd hug ya If I wasn't a mess right now.

No more intros - hurry up and finish it. I don’t care that your home was destroyed by a storm, just finish it so I can it. I’m not going to pay you or subscribe, but hurry up you prick

Feed Na Na


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They are Cumia's.

Here ya go. Glad you asked because the guy I replied to probably knew and I took him literally like a god damn tool.

I can't wait to see what doomed legal response he threatens as he rapes an online thesaurus.

My favorite part of a Joe tantrum.

I think the transition at 0:57 is maybe the greatest thing I've seen. I would almost put a dramatic sweep or fx to build it up, and then just drop it RIGHT before the bag convention just to give it a little more spice. But man, that's a brilliant cut, love it.

Thanks. I think it might be the funniest idea I've ever had.

A masterpiece.

nearly spat out my coffee

i had to pull my rig over on the side of the road i was laughing so hard

"Gonna 'Lectric Shock OJ" is such a shoe horned shit parody song. I bet Joe and Ant argued at length over whether or not they could include the word nigger in the lyrics.

"Brother Joe is on the phone!" was one of the most painful things to hear on that show.

You mean you weren't hopping with anticipation to hear what kind of groupies they had at the nursing homes he played?

OJ had just had his... problem... with Nicole. PROBLEM? YOU MEAN WHEN HE CUT HER HEAD OFF?


He is such a fucking insufferable dope, honestly.


Where is that documentary type footage of Joe playing guitar from?

The comments are great. Everybody hates Joe.

I love the footage Brother Joe solemnly talking about the "Electric Shock O.J." song like he is Robbie Robertson discussing the making of "The Basement Tapes to Greil Marcus. Too funny.

Joe is unfixable

He should put one of those plastic bags around his head.

Oh I get it, so he will sing better.

Now, that's comedy, sir.

No. It's just what needs to be done.

Does Joe close his eyes when he sings with the ole acoustic?

The last part was the cringiest. What am asshole, he probably spent close to a grand on that vocal effects box. He sounds like a mediocre pretentious ass and looks like one too.

I'm stunned he has a daughter and still did that People's Court thing. Imagine the ridicule she got at school?


IMPORTANT QUESTION: were you able to locate any of the Guilty By Association episodes for this? He deleted them all when he started losing his gigs and I haven't been able to find them anywhere. I do have the David Duke episode if you need that, but that's about it.

David Duke is the only one I could find.

There another one where he is drinking wine, playing guitar and being a douche.

Edit...that is the Brother Joe Show and not Guilty by Association.

this is lovely, the swastika shirt, the sons of anarchy guitar strap omg... I grinned like I'm 7 and it's xmas

That real sixty dollar guitar strap on that fake eighty dollar Martin just takes the cake and dances with it at a celebratory yet profound funeral that expertly mingles joy and pain.

“You’re gonna see a lot of plastic bags flyin around like it’s uhhh....a uhhhhh..... me and my brother’s crack dealing days!”

a gift from the lords - TYFYS

I hope he chokes on a piece of gum next time he tries to sing in front of 14 people at the plastic bag convention.

He's the most humiliating creature on earth.

The part where it cuts to the outdoor karaoke session that's taking place in the parking lot of a church is like something straight out of The Office.

I think you should cut to a couple close ups of the black guy in the back as or after Joe talks about being racist/pedophile/nazi

Who the fuck interviewed Joe and how can I see it?

I'm still trying to figure out if that red-on-black "The Compound" logo on his sweater is supposed to look like a Nazi symbol, or if these people are subconsciously attracted to Nazi imagery on a DNA level.

You'll see plastic bags flying around like it was a plastic bag convention.

The world of comedy lost something special the day this man turned to music.


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I love that his shirt logo is that retard rabbi swastika

This movie is about the world's biggest moron. I have never seen such a case for justifiable suicide.

wtf that's compound media's logo? Nice dog whistle, stupid.

I live in long island and seen joe perform at a seafood place which had shitty shrimp and clams. While eating those shit clams and listening to classic rock covers sang by a man in a sleeveless 82 airborne t shirt while also wearing an acu psuedo du rag for bikers and had a blast judging him from a distance. A safe distance, I dont mess with SAMCRO!

Few things are as douche-chill inducing as watching an old man desperately trying to pretend that his mediocre-at-best guitar playing is the highest form of human artistic expression. My favorite part of the above clip is him sitting there in his "edgy" faux-swastika shirt talking about his cheesy radio show song parody like he's McCartney reminiscing about making the White Album.

Really? Even after the first couple of times you heard/said it, you're still doubled over from the gut-bustery of combining a song title with a sub full of losers? Interesting.

You remind me of this guy I was driving around with once. Young guy, my age, younger than the other two guys in the car. The three of them were on a crack binge, I came along for the loffs and free beer. He was from the sticks so he never got exposed to many blacks, and there's certainly no shortage of them when you're driving around the city buying crack every half hour or so. Boy did he love the word 'niglet'. In 2 or 3 hours he must have said it 70 times, and every time one of the other guys said it, he would make this big huge noise, whether it was "HAAAAH!" or "OOOOOHH!" or something weird as shit like "YOI YOI YOI!"

Interesting character, that one.

Everyone from that sub was either a high school dweeb or a closeted homosexual. You dorks are no different than Ant or Joe.

I take Joe's side with this one (the only time I can ever imagine uttering that phrase)

Your younger brother going out with your ex speaks more to your younger brother being weird

Really though. He has it figured out. Hasnt worked a real job in decades. Has his rich little bro foot the bills so he can pursue his dream of being in a band all the way into retirement age. Not many people can just coast through life.

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Feed the Nonnas' Cumia (respectively)