The annoying woman calling Anthony out for not being funny on today's TACS

124  2018-09-11 by Hassan_iBlackSabbath


People pay for this?

I guess some people do. I sure as fuck didn't, but I'm guessing whoever I got the link from did.

thanks for posting this. I don’t believe anyone on this sub is being genuine if they act like that wasn’t entertaining. I hate this alt right Anthony, but I give the alt right in general credit for always providing a REMINDER how annoying women, blacks, and jews can be.

This is what stolen credit cards are for. Although I wouldn't even spend the few bucks for that to steal a subscription.

If you spend your stolen credit cards on anything besides, gift cards, cash cards, walmart, auto parts or booze--- you aren't triggering my CC company so I can't pretend its not me and get free shit...

You just named the hardest things to steal for obvious reasons. But there's nothing to stop you from committing friendly fraud, frienderino But there's nothing to stop you from

  • going onto

  • finding a nice empty house in a decent neighborhood that looks like it could be inhabited from the outside

  • ordering niche hobbyist low-fraud risk but high value+high resale value for a small audience like fountain pens, or commercial culinary supplies

  • ordering said item to the vacant house with your own credit card

  • Since you're an amateur and don't have a prepaid paid via stolen credit card, you would use public or private wifi that isn't your own to order the item via web browser, or via voip over the phone

  • going to the house the night before delivery and leaving a note on the door or throwing the for sale sign in the backyard

  • going to retrieve the package at night

  • then reporting the card as stolen, in which case the bank would gleefully say not my problem, and force the store to take the loss

But that's theoretical, you should never do that. God bless you friend.

I didnt think they trace gift cards or cash cards. Also I'm sure a credit card company has more red flags from a niche store selling fountain pens than from someone buying some crap from the local walmart.

You're of course assuming it's that particularly easy to buy things from walmart without a physical card present. If you're skimming chip cards somehow then all of the basics are beyond you. Try buying a hard drive for pickup with the wrong name and see what happens. And like I said, gift cards are the hardest thing to buy, even for legit customers. Who cares how much its "traced" if you can't reliably buy them in the first place.

Without the physical card? Oh that's different, the rest of us mean stealing the credit card as in the actual card. I've brought even pricey items at almost $100 without them giving a shit. Self check out is usually full too

I don't really know anything about the in store realm, but it's far harder to get into that now I think because of the chip thing. You actually have to make a physical copy of the chip on the credit card via skimming to do that, not that that's the only way to pay in store. But walmart has the best and most cameras out of any store chain so you probably shouldn't steal from there. Probably nothing to stop you from going to another store out of town, parking away from cameras, wearing a hat and spending your own money then claim your card went missing and you didn't notice.

You actually have to make a physical copy of the chip...

It's... no. You're not going to do that; burning the code onto the chip is a one-way thing, you're not going to be able to get the private key off it.

Copying the magnetic stripe, though - that's no biggie.

And most stores do not allow you to swipe anymore because they are liable for fraudulent transaction if they do not process card present transactions with EMV, didn't think I needed to spell that out since nobody swipes anymore. How do you expect to swipe on a terminal that won't let you swipe? You're better off using one of those apps from the app store that let you pay via NFC with magnetic track data. I've heard of people claiming to be able to copy EMV but I don't know, which is why I said I don't know. Are you basing your knowledge off the evening news from 5 years ago and correcting me with that or...?

I'm basing it off the fact that I've watched people copy mag stripes - the hard part is finding a card writeable without fancy, high-end (high-coercivity) gear - and the fact that the US has historically been enormously resistant to chip-and-PIN (you people still use cheques, for Christ's sake! Did you run out of Knight's Hospitaller Promisory Notes?) If that's changed recently, then I apologise.

Card writers are like 100 bucks off amazon man

You used to be able to do dumb shit like destroy the chip and force a failed reading 3 times in a row to enable swiping but I have to imagine that's fixed by now.

Still works in the US on most POS systems and it'll probably be years before swiping is ever disabled, if at all.

I've got a legit CC where the chip doesn't work anymore. Used it all across the US at all different types of stores, car rentals, Panera, home improvement places and nobody has ever given a shit if the chip didn't work as long as it swiped fine after it errored out.

When it fails most places don't even ask for a second form of ID like they used to before swiping. Seems like EMV has relaxed face-to-face security a bit where they rely on the "machine" to tell them what's up.

POS systems and card readers will accept a stripe if the CC doesn't have a chip or if the reader can't read the chip due to whatever error (damaged chip, for example).

That's a lot of work just to act like a coon

If you've spent 2 hours to make $400 that's $200/hour. You're bad at math.

Gay for pay


She didn't call him out as hard as I thought from reading comments earlier, but since she didn't want it known that she was on this awful show I put it on streamable.

Wait. So a bunch of dudes who not only pay to support this piece of shit network run by an even bigger piece of shit person, come on here telling us how amazing a segment on Cumia's piece of shit show was and we're surprised by how much they exaggerated how "great" it was?

this guy is on to something

I can only hope that after she left she Googled his name which only brought her here. She read about Nana's pedophilia and other terribly tendencies and realized she does not want to be associated with this ghoul in the slightest bit.

Also, Nana doesn't like honey. She enjoys a more salty type snack.

She works in the same building with him, mentioned his company making no money and how he laughs at his own boring, racist jokes. Not only did she already know about him, it's a safe bet he and his "network" are a laughing stock to anyone else using that establishment.

I just think that it's really great that this studio in the city is bringing in the big name guests.

She enjoys a more salty type snack.


what did this idiot think this stupid broad had to offer his audience. i'm like a minute in and she's said literally nothing "i love little italy, I love italian food, I love chinatown, I love chinese food". No, shit, you like going other places and trying different food. He's making jokes at least trying to make something out of it and she's just barrelling through

She's not interesting, his jokes fall flat, almost nothing about this is entertaining besides the mild uncomfortableness towards the end.

I enjoyed it. Not enough to pay for a sub but was a good clip nonetheless

Yeah, all those needless Hitler references made the clip.

Plus, her voice is like having drain cleaner poured in one's ears.

Nana is worthless

Here's her full appearance

Thanks but why??? Do you have the clip where ant says he's banned from the cellar, riotcast and the creek?

Unlistenable. Just show the beefers pretty please

She's fucking awful, Nana is awful. It was all awful. That said she was right about him scrapping the barrel and needing better jokes. Nana has no material. It is all the same boring shit. There is nothing edgy or even interesting about any of it.

John Sahag

huhuhuh get it it sounds like JOHN'S HOOOGG!



This is terrrrrrible.

But really, Nana sucks.

"Thissss isss turrible..."

For shame Dave Landau, youve cast your lot with the degenerate wop, and your careers deader than Yamanikas last abortion.

There is this video on youtube of George Lucas showing Episode 1 to his cronies who worked for him. They all had this "What the fuck did I sign up for this is a train wreck" look on their face after the screening.

Dave has that same look in this video. It's that look of when you hitched your wagon to someone you used to admire but you now realize sucks.

Jar Jar is the key to all of this...

"It's gonna be great."

"It's gonna be great."

Thats just his wifes weight sinking in, i can see how your confused.

I really only come here because you guys make me laugh, I honestly don't hate Anthony, but holy shit is he unfunny here. Is this really what he's become, or is this just an off day?

a few or so decades of alcohol and xanax abuse will do that to the brain

Is Ant known to abuse xanax?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

why is he allowing her to eat on mic. spineless 2 shirt man

Can't be rusde to a caller when she makes up 20% of his audience

Nana's school bus "joke"...fucking ooof.

It's almost impossible to believe this is the same guy who used to make me practically cry laughing a few years ago.

At least he's finally admitted that CM doesn't make any money.

He was funny because he was mean as shit about an unlimited number of things. Now he's got himself convinced he's better than ever since he only focuses on one tired beaten dead horse, that I guess to him is more relevant and critical than just about anything else in history. Guy went completely nuts.

He takes a couple of jabs at her at the end (mimics her JAP voice and child slavery "joke") but he just sounds and comes across as a bitchy queer. This sub has helped shape how he perceives himself. Or maybe he was just always like that.

It's really baffling how he went from being so incredibly funny to being this guy.

When did he admit that CM doesn't make money?

When did he admit that CM doesn't make money?

Right at the end, she says she runs her own business. Raul Ghoulia says "me too." She says "mine makes money" and he says something about oh, so they're different then. It was the first glimmer of self-deprecation from nana in a couple of years. But it's also definitely true.

But what happen to MULTI MILLION DOLLAR EMPIRE. That was just a few weeks ago

He's putting a brave (and horribly pockmarked) face on it but Anthony is one day of not drinking away from full blown clinical depression.

I can feel my balls swelling from anticipation

If he stops drinking, he will be forced to reckon with what he has done to make himself an unfunny comedy pariah.

And to confront his homosexuality.

This cuts to the heart of it. This is his most terrifying reality. He knows that day of reckoning is coming and he is going to have to account for all his bad behavior and shitty, selfish decisions. Or he goes all in and dies a miserable alcoholic.

Million Dollar Empire? I heard Reddit closed down their sub tss..

Yeah we dont do baby noises here

You faggots were all riled up over this? Why? To quote the annoying Jewess: "You're scraping the barrel for the jokes"

Also scraping the barrel for the rest of her grandparents.

cant say im offended at the jokes at all, she seems like an uptight twat. but dont forget anthony is a self confessed pedophile thats surrounded himself with lickspittles. she validly pointed out his show sucks, hes not funny, and has the business sense of Jerry Lundegaard.

I get that but she is awful.

He's losing it. This is the beginning of the last fall.


1:05 "What do you think about trafficking little kids"

He licks his lips.

hes also very interested in buying cheap woman underwear in chinatown

Could someone give a time stamp of when the “calling out happens”? I couldn’t make it through a minute of this.

3:20, then she walks out at 7:30. She doesn't even really call him out, the whole thing was pretty mild but it was talked about in other threads earlier so I had to see for myself.

That was actually pretty funny. “I’m gonna leave now because this show sucks.” This dopey broad is pretty observant.

You'd think for a guy who was in radio, Anthony would understand the importance of good audio quality. His is so shit that if more than one person talks at the same time, you can barely make out what either of them are saying. Of course, it's not mixed or balanced properly either which makes the whole thing sound like it's being recorded in a barrel. Keith is a masterful producer.

and all three of those retards are blurry as shit

That's done on purpose. Pocky is offenseve to the eyes so Keith uses a soft focus.

On the radio show he used to have a guy steer the ship for him.

Only thing better then a hole is a hole that eats on mic. Seriously how desperate is Ant to allow this crap?

A $10 takeout meal was on her rider. Showbiz thing.

It's fucking surreal how terrible this show is. You guys nailed it with the Nana shit. It looks like Ant's grandniece is sacrificing a lunch break to visit her dementia-ridden relative in hospice, except the perspective is from Nana's delusional reality where he's still a radio star. It's like one of those shitty artsy Adult Swim single-episode shows with some twist about insanity.

This video took me back to the vibes of hazy late nights at some shitty bar, where somehow you end up stuck in some awkward group conversation, where five drunk dudes are all simultaneously hitting on the one decent girl there, and everyone is sort of half-laughing for no reason, stepping all over each other's shitty jokes at the girl, while she entertains them all, sluttily. Smoky, drunk, unnecessary, bad moments you never want to experience again.

I loved those nights :(

Yeah, but it's different when you're the girl/twink.

So this is truly how Lady Di sees the world?

Looks pfg to me.

Two delusional arab mutts pretending to be Italian and ranting about the Chinese. One jew broad filling her face with wings in between nasally kvetching. Two effeminate white guys laughing along nervously.

How can they give away such quality entertainment for a mere $8.95/month?

One jew broad filling her face with wings

Ignorant goyim! It's Rosh Hashanah, she's eating apples dipped in honey to ensure a sweet new year. What a shande that you didn't know this, poison my eyes!

Of course nana is awful as always but my god what an annoying fucking cunt that woman is. Why is she sat there in a coat while she’s got a whole meal spread in front of her, munching into the mic? It’s incredible how little respect Ant’s guests have for him.

Apart from the eating what did she do that was so bad? They were all treating her like shit and making dumb edgelord jokes.

Jesus Christ even Bobo's stopped showing up.

Nana is an embarrassment.

I honestly agree with her. The portion of the show they showed here was terrible nothing Anthony said was funny. And nothing the guy who was sitting on the bleachers said was funny. She was correct in saying ant laughs at his own jokes, and and that the show sucks. I’d rather sit at a table and talk to her than ant.

She's still an ugly cunt who ate fucking apples during a broadcast, so fuck her right in her back Keikel too.

Lmao ;) Yes! But would you rather fuck this broad or feed nana?

I'm not even paying to watch this clip and I couldn't make it through 60 seconds. First of all, what the fuck is she staring up at when she talks? Second, Ant is a boring dope.

This seems like a set up (see Illuminatus Card game) Ant's love for the Heebs shall be sword he falls on . September Fools .

Oh you guys, let mw eat my apples and honey.

Wtf. When asked about trafficking children, Anthony says "wow they DO that? I had no idea." and tubs his wrist (his tell).

Pizzafacegate commences.

Careful theres many people here who believe that shit and even qanon. Boomer truck drivers aren't the most discerning of people.

It would be a shame if those people became aware of his creepy friendship with that ex-Clinton guy who let Tranth groom and date his underage daughter. While publically screaming about "libcucks".

Doesn't fit the narrative though.

She's annoying but somewhat cute.

I'd smooch her, except when u/sams_seed says no ofcourse.

A Jew vs a black.

A rivalry as old as time

What the fuck is this horseshit? He pays Dave to have seperate conversations while he's talking? How embarrassing. He can't even decide which logo to use... Stupid fucking moron.

Look at the way Tappy starts tapping when the chick brings up child trafficking.

I honestly cant believe the show is as bad as this.

Trolling aside, I cannot believe people pay to listen to this. It's not entertaining, it's not funny and the audio quality is amateur at best.

The clip wasn't as brutal as I had hoped but hearing her say "I'm going to go now because this show sucks" was pretty awesome.

Sometimes when I see shit like this I wonder if he was ever funny. I know he’s obsessed, but good lord, every waking thought he has has some sort of race angle. How can you go trough life like that? What a miserable existence.

The best thing about this video are the hemorrhoid donuts on the bleachers.

Does anyone notice the fucking tics that he has these days? We gave him parkinsons!

is this bitch eating bread dipped in honey?

That bimbo sucking down the chicken nuggets is high as giraffe balls.

Wow. A real jew broad fighting a real dracula.

Remember when they used to shit on The Greaseman for buying airtime to do an unfunny show? That was a good time.

  1. Watching a girl you care about eating shitty pub food and talk is annoying, let alone a random girl on mic. Why the fuck would they allow that?

  2. Botching about a vanishing Little Italy on Mulberry had been hack for at least 20 years. Anthony should know the Italians set up shop in shitty long island and Jersey towns and Little Italy has been nothing but a tourist trap for decades.

dave landau is looking as simultaneously fat and shrunken as ever, god bless

Who exactly is this homely woman with jowls, eating chicken wings, and starting into the sky like a blind person?

I think she works in the same building as Cumia's NYC studio & had been on Geno Bisconte's show before, so Ant pulled her in for some radio gold podcast something. I'm also assuming Ant's studio is in a really shitty building that allows sweatshops to operate, hence the jokes about her running one of these sweatshops.

this is really bad, so bad its not even worth watching to pick it apart.

Just a Hole

Ant Nana looks like when Christopher Lee is half turned to dust in Hammer Film's Dracula

wow ants show sucks fucking donkey dick. god damn, this guy was in line to be the next Rogan or Carolla.

A Hole stuffing herself, contributing nothing, telling Ant he isn't funny. I don't know which is worse to listen to.

He really is such an old italian woman.

Nice coat stupid! Its got all the charm of my Grandmothers couch.

Somewhere, Ronnie B is crying.

Why is it edited so much? It's all choppy..

I took about 12 minutes off of her appearance to fit it on streamable, someone else in the comments posted the full thing if you want the full apple eating experience. Also, I don't know how to edit video.

God, it really is impossible to exaggerate his pathetic obsession with race. No one can bring up any subject without him getting racist unprompted.

“So anyways, Jewish people...” “HAHA YEAH OVENS AM I RIGHT?”


“Chinatown is great too, you can get bras for practically nothing...” “YEAH THEY KILL CATS AND EAT THEM, WAY TO BREAK STEREOTYPES HAHA HOLY SHIT!”

His death can’t come soon enough.

Its more than ninety percent whining about black people with a small portion of whining about jews. He's not a practiced, polished professional racist. Where's his witty banter and pitter patter about Hispanic people? There's more of them in America now and they're at paramount political exposure now, for years now...

Fifty things about blacks, almost nothing about Hispanics.

Its like when Bennington was talking with Ant and that Colin Flaherty guy and Flaherty took it to the black race...AGAIN.

"Ooh, you really know how to bring it right back home to that topic, don't you? Just bring it there and park it there AGAIN. Its sooo entertaining."

My God... I was only able to take about a minute of that pointless blather. Ughhhh. They have nothing to talk about.

Low rent race joke show. It's just all cheap shitty race jokes... he has nothing left, pathetic.

"Have you ever been the victim of abuse?". Thats a fun talk-show question.....Jesus Christ. It saddens me how reminiscent this is of early PFG-tv when Scorch had Nick Carpinelli as the guy on the couch.

Anthony and Jimmy were literally the two funniest people I've ever heard speak.... how could this have happened to them?

They were't that funny, especially Jim.

You were an idiot.

What's your excuse for obsessively posting about him then?

You're currently a faggot.

What's your excuse for obsessively posting about him then?

To expose him as a hack for gullible easily amused faggots like you.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you donated to the Chip cartoon and that's why you're on this mission.


“Ahaha holy shit!!!!”

Every time I tune into this show it keeps devolving into something worse. You could do a clip show of all the different forms Ant’s show has taken, starting from his house, to wacky public tv guy, to pretending to give a shit about conservative values guy, to barely keeping it together with junkie co-host guy, to predictable racist jokes crew. You can see the light go out of Anthony’s eyes a little more in each incarnation.

When you have a clam that's THIS annoying, and you're still the cringe factor of the clip, it might be time to call it a career.
Still trying to be 'shock jocks' in 2018...and some of you fucking waterheads still pay for this shit?

It was weird when she called them out for the black and Jew jokes and Anthony’s initial response was “we’re giving valid arguments”

...they weren’t having an argument at all...

Fire breathing parrots

White people fucking suck

I seem to recall a certain Molly Tibbets tweeted something like that once.... And got killed by a 'dreamer' illegal Mexican. I hope you die too.

Start learning Chinese cowboy

Yu suk cok, how's that?

Im gonna fuck your slit eyes.

Its not called rape here anymore, its called assimilation. I've greeted our new Arab overlords with open arms. Hopefully their bastard spawn could teach your limpdicked, dying empire a few things about genetic diversity. Bunch of redneck Clint Howard looking motherfuckers.

Oh, be nice. To be fair, judging whitey based ONLY on this video as evidence, you'd be right.

…..and finally Dave Landau realises where he is

You could see he was doing a 'personal inventory'... My "job" is a joke and I'm trapped in a marriage to a fat woman.

Is this really his show now? It makes opieraqio look like hard core history.

Wow what the fuck happened to anthony

He really ought to consider shutting it down and re-tooling (so to speak). It's amazing how incredibly uncomfortable he looks, always with that awful approval-seeking smirk on his face.

Wow, was that bad!

I think the highlight was at 6:20 though, Anthony's comedic timing shines through, with all the confidence of his appearance at the Big Jay Roast, and delivers this beaut...

"Do you go to uh... the second floor. There's a place, Hitler, uh... <awkward pause> Hitler-uh-R-uh-Us. <awkward pause> Store."

Still hilarious.

Fat ugly jew bitch stuffs her face with food on camera and on mic while adding nothing. Can't believe his show isn't doing better.

I'm impressed she called him out on laughing at his own jokes.

I hate when fat dave looks to Nana after he tells a "Joke"

a home game with a stacked deck (stacked with duds, but still), against a walking punchline of an (((obnoxious))) civilian, and he still lost

She was fine. What can you expect? It's not like she had anything funny to work with.

She was right to say the show sucks, to call them out on their horseshit, and leave.

Fucking hell that was pathetic and bad. I hated those guys on the couch and bleachers.

The whole enterprise should be burnt to the ground.

Was looking for this holy shit

This is some public access level bad. Holy shit.

This could go on a cringe compilation, that was hard to watch.

Is Ant known to abuse xanax?

Doesn't fit the narrative though.