Anthony has sold 215 copies of his book, and hasn't sold one in three days

170  2018-09-04 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Without Twitter and hiding behind a paywall he is done. This was his hail Mary.

His hail taxi to obscurityville

I love how Rogan was completely stunned when Anthony announced TACS would be behind a paywall.

His hundreds of thousands of subs will push those numbers just you wait

I'm starting to think that Anthony might be, and pardon my language, a big fibber

The truth is for cucks anyway.

the new York printing factory is going to fix everything

Dying fast than I thought. If he doesn't get a recognizable Twitter back, it will probably end up under a 1000.

Along with the publisher raping him with percentages, book cost, production and everything else book deals do, he is losing money. I guarantee he sold them the idea of O&A circa 2008 numbers. Not Anthony Cumia, the drunk girl biting 2018 numbers. This is going to be a disaster. He blew his load. His best bet on a book was going in together with Opie and writing a tell all. He's a pos for not doing that.

Literally nobody cares about Opie or Anthony anymore. A book collaboration between the two of them we fail equally as miserably.

I agree. Nothing would be revealed we already dont know. If anything it would be embarrassing.

There is still a sizable o&a following but only a handful of people would be interesting in anything written by them

I think there could be interesting in something from all three of them plus Ron & Fez that focuses heavily on the behind the scenes from WNEW and early XM days might do okay. Nothing amazing but it might sell well enough to justify the effort put into it.

CHAPTER ONE: "Hugh Panero touched kids."

The End.

Only a handful of O&A fans can read

nd im wun uv em

I feel like a king among retards

Whenever someone takes umbrage with my snark reddit comments they obviously go through my history and basically say, "who are you to judge me? You're obsessed with a dead radio show that hadn't been funny since 2005."

And ya know what, they're not wrong.. But fuck if VideOandA doesn't still make me laugh to this day.

motherfuckers doing research for an ad hominem

I hate to be that guy (no I don't, hence the name) but I don't think the word literally means what you think it does.

1000? I say 300.

There are five times as many people viewing this subreddit at the moment lol

we're just 10 fat guys with 1400 alt accounts

we're 10 guys...

We're 10 guys that think if you fuck a tranny and buy her tits you should just own it!

We're 10 guys who think that if you commit a pedo crime, you gotta do the time.

We're 10 guys who think that charging $60K for shitty flash animation makes you a SCUMBAG!

I'm not fat, I just drink a lot of beer and eat frozen burritos in my down time

My man!

That better be an IPA beer like the Opster enjoys and not some swill like Bud Light and tranny cum that Anthony loves.

IPAs are fucking terrible and I refuse to stand by while everyone pretends to love them for a single day longer.

they're heartburn city for this humble netizen

Joseph Cumia has more fat 1 in tit than I do on my whole body, 13% body fat and alts for this guy brothaman!

We're ten guys who don't threaten to tell your wife and Mommy about your trolling

Probably could have taken that part about 'rising again' out.

He's already selling more books than he was with sxm

Unfortunately I think a Rogan appearance will boost his sales a lot šŸ˜”

I don't know what the fan base is for Rogan. Do they even know who Anthony is? Would this interview be their first introduction to him? If so, I can see so many of them not listening past five minutes. Anthony isn't compelling on his own. He's a dullard with no interests besides politics (watered down, simplistic talking points), guns (no longer has any), and twitter. As soon as he starts talking about his Twitter suspensions, everyone will be turning that shit off.

From what I've seen. You just have to be on his radar or have gotten a lot of recent buzz. I don't think an appearance on Rogan does much for you in terms of sales or views. He did appear post-firing and Gavin talked about him once. I think it did dick to push subs for his Network.

Rogan views Cumia as manly.

"Anthony is one of the funniest, smartest guys I've ever done radio with, and an unapologetically masculine man, which is an increasingly rare thing in this ever pussified world we find ourselves in." -- Joe Rogan

Nana isn't really masculine at all. He's a massive pussy that hates conflict.

I think a lot of people got hung up on the fact that he was funny. Yeah, he was funny. He isn't funny anymore because he's been consumed by booze and racism.

I hate what heā€™s become. He actually makes racists look REALLY bad.

Honestly, it's been really eye opening to me. I don't think I've ever been exposed to a true racist before. It's kind of scary how it just pollutes every aspect of their lives.

And it helps invalidate our perfectly rational opinions and concerns about niggers and Jews.

Rogan won't have that opinion this time around

Rogan also thinks jesus was a mushroom.

Surely this sub should make a concerted effort to show Mr. Rogan his error of judgement

Do you always call little men Mr.?

He might trick a few fat kekestanni types to buy his free speech manifesto, just confirming what they already believe

Honestly, I first heard about O&A on Rogan's podcast. He constantly credits them as the reason he started doing his podcast (casual hang with comics) and references how great/hilarious the show was

He said it so many times that I started looking through YouTube vids in 2011. I became a fan listening to shows that had my favorite comics on for 2+ hours. Became a daily listener soon after and tore through every clip/compilation associated with O&A. Stumbled on this cesspool around the same time and began hating the one thing I enjoyed.

Looking back, I wish I never heard of Rogan so I wouldn't have so much useless knowledge about a long dead radio show

Rogan has a shit ton of listeners. More importantly: a large portion of his listeners are fucking retarded. They'll buy his snake-oil and watch videos of his stoned ramblings over pictures of space. They view Joe as some kind of deity.

If Joe says to buy it, there will be an uptick in sales.

That's Onnit, O-N-N-I-T. Type in promo code Rogan to get 15% of your first kettlebell.

Yeah but what about when Anthony starts talking about how his podcast network allows free speech with no language policing? Surely that will set off a landslide of pre-orders.

I can't imagine people being introduced to nana through the podcast wanting to buy a book about an old radio that they didnt listen to and has been over for years.

Probably would have done years ago but a big chunk of Roganā€™s audience is coming from people who obsess over manly men doing manly man type stuff. Seeing this simpering, fluff-haired, plastic-toothed, waterlogged old ghoul with his burn victim face whining about Twitter and ā€œhatersā€ while being completely and utterly not funny doesnā€™t seem likely to appeal.

September is a rough month for books, it will pick up in October

The book sales will pickup once they get the new studio in the city.

How do you get book printing equipment into the city?

practice, practice, fucking trannies

Those are just the Amazon numbers though. How many copies has he sold on

Dozens at least.


It actually is being sold on

It sure is! Marked-down already and not even 300 pages ....

One month of Compound Media discount!

I'll say.

I'm surprised he's not doing better in Germany.

Well, the Germans have been having a lot of issues with Africans at the moment.

Leave it alone

You donā€™t think an idiot who needs two ghost writers for his own autobiography will be a best selling author? Surely you donā€™t need a high school diploma to write a book.

He was straight A student but they had to let him go because he has a weak body

And I'm the failed author.... Bwuahahahahahahahaha

We have no effect on anyones lives.

200 more than I thought he would, good for him.

Nobody here cared enough to buy one even to goof on

$27.00 is a lot for a book.

I agree. I can't stand anthony any more, but if his book was like $9.99 I'd pick it up just to shit on.

Itā€™s less than 3 months of CM

Is that pre or post aetie

Post, of course! You see, when they got rid of Artie they replaced him with the legendary David Landau, who's wife is quite hefty!

Its a ghostwritten hack job supervised by a rank amateur and alcoholic that flunked high school forty years ago and hasn't done anything more complex than Baby-Boomer effortposting on Facebook.

Fair market price would be a mass market paperback under ten dollars with audio and digital options. This doesn't exist to be fair, it exists to be the last cash out on the last one or two thousand dumbest people he still thinks he has on the hook. Also, any audio or digital version would be passed around this place like a middle schooler at the Compound so he can't monetize it that way.

The whole thing is just shit.

And not even 300 pages.

would love to see it get pirated

Ant is smart, you can not get digital copy of it trust me I looked. He could have turned it into a audio book and made money but he knew his fans would pitate the shit out of it.

Ant is smart

This is seriously debatable.

It will be released digitally I'm sure. And he was already seen recording the audiobook.

I wonder how many pages it is. Honestly not super difficult to make a physical book digital, especially if you dont care about keeping it intact.

*Syndicated Underground

I swear to Christ I didnā€™t even know the shit was out.

I mean... Iā€™m still not gonna buy it.

A quick googling says the release date is November 20th.

This guy does research. What a fag, right guys?

Somebody had to buy it. I'm sure will have a pdf in no time lmao

Would rather Mancow's book.

Goddamn liar

I'd rather eat Mancow's book.

The gay ass cover aint helping.

I'm assuming the back cover shows whoever's fucking him hard enough to make that face.

That's the actual cover? I thought someone here made it as a joke. It's terrible.

Why is it bad? Wait is it because it looks like heā€™s getting fucked in the ass


It would be funny if half of those sales were from this sub and they got cancelled.

I can do it if somebody can front me the 27, am a little short atm will pay back promise

This is his career death rattle, his last cash grab. It's embarrassing, he's done. He's the gay version of Ron Jeremy selling roses until he offs himself.

Tranpa bought 200 of those to give away to schlubs like old racist guy and Joe devito.

Fucking beautiful

Drivel finally being responded as all drivel should be. You suck Anthony. I say that with love and respect. NOPE.

215 worldwide. Wow.

Don't want to hear another Ant-worshipping dumb motherfucker claim he has anything over 500 subs.

Jesus, he better salt whatever money he has left away

Last time šŸœ salted something he went to jail.

I never knew I could jerk off to a number of books sold.

Not sold

I have to assume the Venn diagram of ā€œCumia fansā€ versus ā€œPeople who read booksā€ has very little overlap.

Remember guys, ALL USERS OF THIS SUBREDIT ARE ISSUED A FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD EDITION OF HIS BOOK on release. Also remember if you buy his book you're banned for life

obscurity noun obĀ·scuĀ·riĀ·ty

plural obscurities

1 : one that is obscure ā€¦ peppered with quotes from ā€¦ heavy hitters, as well as some downright obscurities. ā€”Penelope Green 2 : the quality or state of being obscure novels that have faded into obscurity

That's less than six thousand gross right now, plus he's got to pay at least two ghost writers and the publisher and pay taxes on it. Righteous bucks. That's kind of in "Joe Cumia's People's Court Payday" territory. In in his wild, North African Rich days, he'd wager than on a Blackjack hand.

At least he got a good deal on the prison suit!!

Pennies on the dollar.

Oh no.

He really did buy a Halloween costume for his photo shoot, didn't he?

It's baffling how poorly both Opie and Anthony handled their brand. Could never get some sort of TV show going, could not keep their show together and not tweet dumb shit and Anthony should have put a book out 10 years ago. now no one gives a flying fuck.

all the boosting about being lazy in 2008, 2009 and being a couple of phone it in type of guys being very entitled got butt fucked by technology and people who give a care.

Donā€™t know about Opie, but thereā€™s video evidence of how Anthony handled his Brand...

They didn't even have a website

It warms my heart knowing that somewhere out there Colin is laughing his ass off at Anthony. Colin I know you visit this place. How bout a sign or a wink. And take care of that ticker ffs!


its out? yikes....

I would have thought the sour grapes rantings of a drunken, race-obsessed pedophile who used to have a radio show would skyrocket up the charts.

Now Anthony will issue another digital fatwa against us

Dude he already did... And it got him nothing... I'm not buried yet

I'll fuckin bury you under a rosebush

Even in Islamic Germany his people won't touch the book.

Did they really think it was going to sell? People barely gave a fuck when O&A was a reasonably big radio show.

This is so damning. The only place he's still a relevant person is in his own mind.

I for one am shocked. I thought people would be lining up to find out what really happened behind mayor menino and sex for sam from a washed up complete nobody


That's more than I expected.

Iā€™m assuming 1/5 of his subscribers bought it.

Especially when you consider the only people aware of his book are his subscribers and this subreddit, which is actually plugging the book more than anyone.

I plan on buying. Seems like a pretty good book

What I don't understand is why hasn't he done a podcast tour to promote the book?

I wonder how many chapters are on baby bird?

That cover photo will never not be funny. And since when has Ant ever been ā€œRadios most notorious shock jockā€ ? This has bumbling ex NYC cop written all over it. Try getting a real agent, dumb dumb. This is sad.

Wow Alan partridge sold more of his book 'bouncing back' but least nanny trejo can go watch his books get turned to Pulp

That is an insult to that wonderfully short man... Danny Trejo... For real dude is fucking short, pulled me down for a con photo to near his height

205,580th place isnt anything to sneeze at guys! Hell he is #1 in washed out broadcasters catagory.

When Artie has sold 600 books in total, it's bad.

Who is Anthony?

If everybody pitches in to buy me a photocopier, I'll buy a copy of this book and photocopy every page

Didn't the idiot even release it on Kindle? That's the cheapest and easiest way for someone to buy it.

All his fans have either moved on or are on this sub. What did he expect? Retailers are going to pulp his terrible book in a few months.

Anthony probably has around 5000 subs. He probably clears about $250K a year after paying for employees and his lease. He's not making XM money, but he's doing alright.

The book was a vanity project. This wasn't some "cash grab", he's just a narcissist and he wanted a book about his favorite subject... himself.

Guys Iā€™m starting to feel bad. Quick, someone reddit-slap me


Permanently sent back to obscurity

That's about the amount of ballwashers he has and Fred from Brooklyn ordered 15.

If i want to read it, I will just get the local library to order it. I say not be paying for this shit

What a great time to shutdown all your Social Media Activity. Within what, 2 months of your book being released??

What a fucking hilarious fool.

You can screen shot books from Kindle. Just throwing it out there.

The whole premise of this book is embarrassing. What 'rise and fall'? Nobody knows who he is. And there's nothing interesting about being a shock jock. It's one of the most derivative, talent-devoid professions in the entertainment industry. This is why no one has heard of any 'shock jocks' other than Howard Stern.

The only thing "shocking" about Anthony Cumia

is that he hasn't dropped-dead of a heart attack, yet.

Like people buy books on Amazon. My nanna doesn't even know how to type and she bought 60 copies for her and her book club.

Mr.Marketing genius,you sold ZERO POINT ZERO in the last three days.LOSER.

I don't know what the fan base is for Rogan. Do they even know who Anthony is? Would this interview be their first introduction to him? If so, I can see so many of them not listening past five minutes. Anthony isn't compelling on his own. He's a dullard with no interests besides politics (watered down, simplistic talking points), guns (no longer has any), and twitter. As soon as he starts talking about his Twitter suspensions, everyone will be turning that shit off.

I can't imagine people being introduced to nana through the podcast wanting to buy a book about an old radio that they didnt listen to and has been over for years.

Probably would have done years ago but a big chunk of Roganā€™s audience is coming from people who obsess over manly men doing manly man type stuff. Seeing this simpering, fluff-haired, plastic-toothed, waterlogged old ghoul with his burn victim face whining about Twitter and ā€œhatersā€ while being completely and utterly not funny doesnā€™t seem likely to appeal.

When Artie has sold 600 books in total, it's bad.



A quick googling says the release date is November 20th.