BanOut is an organized effort of mods from different subs, to ban their users who specifically engage in unapproved "hate" subs. ONCE AGAIN: WE DID NOT MAKE ONE OF THESE LISTS.

39  2018-09-01 by TangerineReam


We're not a hate sub we're just trying to do good for the world by sending pedophiles and woman-hitters into obscurity

Vice doesn't recognize us as a hate sub, either. That one idiot who wrote an article on us tried to get something going, and everyone at r-Standup hates us. But thats it.


everyone at r-Standup hates us.

Yep, I'm banned from posting there.

That one idiot who wrote an article on

Remind me that guy's name, I'm intrigued about the content of his character

OH I forget, maybe someone else knows.

/r/happy doesn't like our inspirational stories about Nana

Actually it turns out we've been the good guys this entire time. What a wild ride.

We were Bruce Willis this whole time!

It turn out nobody thinks hating pedophiles and harassing them is a bad thing.

There's no "we", faggots. What are you, 5?

"We" refers to the subreddit we are using, you nitpicking Nelly.

Stop acting too copl for the room or get the fuck out of it you bull prepper

Alright, florentine

nice free promotion for subs you hate, stupids

There is still time to make the list ... we just need to apply ourselves

Being an internet bad boy is not about the recognition. You shouldn't be in it for that.

Little fuckin do-gooder cunts

Racist pedophile-defender /u/TittyMtnHighway took himself out before they came after him.

Why would we be a hate group? We should get medals for our community service.

So if you've posted on a """""hate"""""" Reddit to tell them to fuck off that means you're just as """"bad"""" as them and deserve a random blanket ban :)

I feel like a lot of these pc types are either too young to have really heard of O&A, or are embarrassed by the fact that they used to listen to them, so now they don't want to acknowledge the show as a way to protect their image

What a bunch of busybodies. It's like this place is teeming with strung out stay-at-home housewives with nothing better to do during the day.

Lol at housewives.

Shut in cat moms at best

Just like the show itself, we are nobodies who have never made an impact on anything.

Our hate is equivalent to hating someone in your neighborhood. No one cares.

Cause going on any other faggy reddit sub besides this faggy sub is for faggots

I got banned from 2 subs for posting to this one... yeah... oh well.

Is it because we hate a right wing pedophile?

Damn gays