A Tunisian immigrant disfigured in an acid attack explores his homosexuality with an intriguing young trans girl in...”Sue Is The Warmest Color.”

161  2018-08-27 by ProfessorChipperson


Duuuuude that description of me was so shmarmy duuude

shoulda been 'sue is the warmest colon' but thumbs up anyway

Good idea, I’ll modify it before I tweet it to Anthony

tweeting any sue pics or calling him an African are the quickest ways of being sent obscurity

At this point, mild constructive criticism is just as quick.


Or 'the warmest colored'

You win. What more can be done after this?

you'll see!

Very good, professor.

10 years ago I told the internet - Cumia will become an 'old queen'. An old gay man in an old NY apartment who has young men visit him on certain week nights. He will wear a smoking jacket, his apartment full of old pictures of him and celebrities. He will be get a few drinks in him and go on catty 'old bitch' rants and outrageous tell-all stories. Many of the young men won't know who any of these people are, some will be a little amused as they share the drugs.

One day police will show up finding him face down dead from a blunt object. Later a very disturbed 23 year old will be found with a stolen gun hiding somewhere refusing to come out.

I predicted this would happen somewhere around his 65th birthday and here we are just 3 years to go and he's well on the way to fulfilling the prophecy.

and yes I predicted all that long before it was cool to do so. people said I was crazy. Now, here we are.

Did ya?

Yes, now click the upvote button and whatever the hell 'Karma' is. Do that now, thanks.

Where are these men who will tell me stories, share their drugs, and presumably pay me for putting up with their old wrinkled cock?

If you can wait about 3 or 5 years they will be at Cumia's NY city apartment.

Otherwise, I would assume they use 'Tinder' or some apps today.

That’s probably better than what I’ve currently been doing, getting fucked up drunk at my parents country club and inviting them to the lounge/bathroom to do some blow.

I mean, in a way it's nearly the same thing. thumbs up

For once, I don’t want to see Ant disfigured or dismembered/burnt to death.

For the one time since discovering all the wretched truth about him years ago, I actually want to see Ant go through an immigrant’s trials/tribulations to overcome his conservative Islamic fears and declare his love for Susiegirl ❤️❤️

I want to see them happy, feeding each other Falaffel, holding hands and practicing Antwan’s English playfully, from the streets of The Castro District to Paris! 👳🏾‍♂️👩🏻👨‍❤️‍👨

Don’t let the dream end! They’re already dancing! Awwwww

Sue is the warmest colon

damn i hate "indy" movie posters

Look at those butthole eyes.

This is the best community of people on the internet. There is nothing comparable.

He already blocked me. He’s definitely seen it.

500 Days of Bummer


...idk I should hang in the towel at this point. I just wanna be funny like youse other guys in the sub..

Oh darling, hush! You will be!

Why you’ll be funny... so funny you’ll be hilarious! As hilarious as Count Groomia The Hideous!

You’ll be flying high on chink guitar-made wings glued together by child spit, soaring with Qadan , high above Obscurity!

And no gay frogs... no nigger that there is or was... is ever gonna’ briiiiiiing youuuuuuuuu doooooooowwwwwwwwwn!!!!!!!!!!🎼

Good idea, I’ll modify it before I tweet it to Anthony

Or 'the warmest colored'