This sub at the moment

0  2018-08-20 by RoccoTheLoveMonkey

Now that Opiemania has died down, this is all that's left:

  • 95% "I reported Ant on twitter guys give me upvotes" (the worst offender at the moment)
  • 3% "Look at what this guy posted on twitter"
  • Edgy, humorless retards immigrating from MDE, cumtown, and other low-IQ humorless cesspits trying to be as edgy as possible. Here's a tip, unnecessary meanness isn't funny without wit, it just makes you look like a retarded child.
  • Twink-obsession: A million meaningless posts about a boring guy called Pete Davidson, who is only tangentially related to the O&A universe (I.E. not at all)

Opiemania was the height of this Sub, how this sub has it has fallen & so quickly.

Ariana Grande/Pete posts go to the front page of reddit, or on celebrity gossip boards. This shit is super, super gay. This is the view/housewife talkshow material. No wit. LE HAIRY BUMHOLE XD LE BLONDE HAIR ON A MAN XD

I'm starting another round of Opiemania soon as chemo treatment for this sub, keep your heads on a swivel brotherman.


Yeah there's always a critic, they go on about how "oh this sub is nothing but this now" but there's always something to make this sub awesome. So fuck you.

Oh and OpieMania hasn't died, it can never die.

I'm swimming against the tide of hate like Opie right now, it's okay brotherman. The truth always wins in the end, this is a bitter one for twitter/celebrity obsessed faggots.

The problem is this board is nothing but shitty reposts or variations of reposts & "I blocked ant/said something nasty to him on twitter give me attention." There's the occasional on topic post about something related to O&A that is funny, but it's drowned out by this shit. I swear this subreddit is looking more & more like facebook with everyone's obsession with A list celebrites not even related to O&A (Lena Dunham, Pete etc....)

This sub is getting really, really shit at the moment and it takes me forever to find anything funny, during Opiemania my rubs were hurtin everytime I logged in.

Someone needed to say it: STOP REPOSTING UNFUNNY SHIT

What sort of queer says lena dunham's an a-lister

I don't even know who she is. I had to ask someone who she was yesterday, because outside of the US she's completely unknown as far as I can tell. People tried to convince me she was a worthwhile/famous target, what the fuck do I know.

Even more to my point:

All I know is that this shit is unfunny, there's a million fat pigs online, this reposting of a semi-famous fat girl is getting old fast, along with all of this "I blocked ant/he's ugly", shit is what is killing the sub. It's been done a million times.

Can't wait for another rebirth like Opiemania/Lord Anthony, etc...

Look when corrado is banned and patheticant either accepts his fate on gab or goes back on his word of being done with Twitter and makes a 5th, this will reinvigorate things. Have faith

I hope so.

I guess i'm kind of baffled as to why people still think this is funny... like scott said I think they are simply looking for attention from Ant so they can get validation form the sub. But the worst thing for him right now would be just ignore him. He's been given a one way ticket to obscurity, and as Opie would say, it's time to leave it alone

Look, driving ant into a stroke inducing rage is a fine pursuit, quite being so negative. The rage is showing with over 230 tweets in a day, and its because of the banning of his other accounts.

Yeah I totally get that, and it was funny when he got his account suspended - and it's funny that he's raging now - but you don't get that negative attention is better than nothing for him at this point.

Let him autistically rage in a vacuum; these boomers giving him constant negative attention just validates his victim complex and "the world is full of liberals trying to get me" mindset.

Obscurity really is the worst form of punishment & Ant's nightmare, that's why he uses the word so much. He's terrified of it, and every time someone messages him he feels validated, believe it or not. No matter the content of the message.

The funniest & best thing to do now is to pretend he doesn't exist at all, this might make him do something meme-worthy in an attempt to crawl back out of obscurity.

His book is coming out soon, keeping him seething is important. Plus if we still have an activist kuhn type lurking on here, who also lives in the nj area or is willing to travel to one of these predictably embarrassing book signings, this is when the magic will happen.

There's no way he's doing book signings? Nana has truly lost all perspective

He said he was, its too crucial to his ego as an 'author' to not have a quantity of hardbacks, and some sort of signing event, because he is only doing as his fellow celebrities would do. It makes me wish kuhn had gotten away with the soundbar, he would have been down for sure.

My fantasy would be someone coming into the store and playing ants pedophile quotes on a speaker system.

That's a wonderful fantasy, i feel tingly thinking about it

I just told you that there's always some faggot complaining about this sub, and they're always proven wrong. Suck a shitlog out of my ass, I'll keep reposting awful shit until you're on queer street and liking it.

You do that

Yup we're uncool if we use Twitter. Real trailblazer your are

That's what I said, no need to repeat it. Why does it hurt your feelies so much? Start a campaign if you want to raise awareness, #stopbullyingtwitterusers. Fag. All Aussies are sensitive bitches, nice breaking the mold here

Aussies are sensitive bitches but your thread's a shitpile and you've done some awful version of damage control. Kiss my sweaty balls.

I'll keep reposting awful shit

Thanks for proving my point, stupid

You don't find endlessly shitposting the same things in a desperate validation-seeking manner funny?

*girly goat cackle*

Now damnit, the good people here are doing a social service to social media and you are going to harp on them. SHAME on you good sir.

Everyone here needs a twitter account to use in shaming Tony any time he pops his ghastly face up.

Yeah, keep giving the attention-seeking, validation-hungry narcissist more attention, that'll work.


Do you realize this is a subreddit for a show that has long since passed. Do you honestly expect anything else from this place?

Yes, I do. I'm trying to bring the standards back up, there's been so much quality content from poraslin etc.... This shitposting needs to end, that's all i'm saying. Esp the "i just got blocked from ant" posts, holy shit how many of these do I have to read to find something funny. This post was 100% gold about a month ago during Opiemania, tweeting at ant's 4th twitter account isn't even a little bit funny

Don't forget Ant is ugly posts....need ten of those a day

Yeah this too, I forgot to add this brotherman

You're very rude

I have a degree in politeness from the university of havin' a good time, keep your hate to yourself

actually yes, we do.

Well to be fair he is ugly.


No, you're tangentially, faggot.

Good example of the lowering IQ of the sub as referred to in OP

Every couple of months people get really excited about showing off how they were DM'd by Nana and how they are "packing for their trip to obscurity".

I think it's when this sub shows it's age the most. Anyone under 35 wouldn't be excited or interested in stalking a D level celebrity on Twitter just to get giddy about a response from them. As much as people make fun of Anthony for saying "look at your surroundings, loser", I can't help but feel those harassing him through Twitter feel the sting from that the most.

There is still some good content here but hopefully by next weekend there will be a new meme. It's not even a meme. It's a bunch of old men showing off how they crave the attention of a pedophile and actually value his response because it gives them approval points here.

Luckily these things don't last longer than a weekend..

Thanks brotherman, this was actually a well thought out & written post, more than I expected from this thread.

> As much as people make fun of Anthony for saying "look at your surroundings, loser", I can't help but feel those harassing him through Twitter feel the sting from that the most... It's a bunch of old men showing off how they crave the attention of a pedophile and actually value his response because it gives them approval points here.

Hit the fuckin' nail on the head

You two fags should kiss now.

You should try tweeting this mate, more people will see it.

Reminder: anyone who uses twitter in 2018 has a problem like Ant & is an attention seeking faggot, and you are always talking about twitter.

Seek help for your twitter addiction, obsessively stalking an ex radio host on twitter & then posting for validation on here is not normal, although i understand that what the sub has become recently.

Only faggots use bullet points.

what a shitty opinion

Only faggots use bullet points.

... without a toe-trigger attachment

This place has its fads to tide us over. Ticking along waiting for Christopher Kuhn's sentencing right now.

if there were like 30% less words in these posts i might bother trying to agree with them

Sometimes you want to eat a cheap candy bar. At other times you want to eat chocolate mousse. They're both delicious.

It's the same with the shitposts and "high quality" (whatever that really is) posts.

Hide the posts you don't like and move on, toots!

Shut up faggot, this ain't your show.

No thanks

If you don't shut up I will continue to insult you online.

Thanks for the state of the union, new guy.

what do you do for a living, character?

Too wordy