Don't forget to Tweet @TwitterSafety about our dear friend Corrado! A screenshot of Ant's old accounts (in my tweet) would help!

44  2018-08-20 by corystereo


Alright, another post reminding us all to cyber bully a gay, black, pedophile on social media!

Thanks a million, fella.

its just normal media unless we are social

It isn't bullying to report someone breaking the rules.

Now the pictures of him getting fucked by his brother, or someone pretending to be his dead mother...that might be cyber bullying.

Just targeted cyber snitching then.

Just tell him to behave, why won't Ant just behave-have-have

I cannot get over that picture on the front of his book. I’ve never seen another human being make that facial expression.

At least the Corrado account doesn’t subject us to avatars of that ugly mug

Just targeted cyber snitching then.