He has to wake up to this

122  2018-08-17 by TonyFromLongIsland


That made me chuckle.

Isn't his gab handle @acumia999 ? That one is the fake one Keith tweeted out

I sent it to both.

Doing the lords work.

Nice reddit cliche comment, stupid.

something something doggo. bless 🙏🏾

This. So much this.

Yeah, after this guy showed you your mistake.

It might be an idea to experiment with dming on gab to know if he can see a preview of the start or end of threads etc. That way you could begin or end a dm thread with genuine messages of support for cp media and the like, then in the middle of them you hit him hard with pics of sue lightbuggery or comments about not visiting ol' forgotten during her final 5 spins round the sun. If we are going to do this we should do it right.

Does he know how to send people "back to obscurity" from there yet?

You can't really do that. It's like Reddt. You can mute people, but the discussion still stay in your feed so everybody else sees what you said and can react to it. He won't last on GAB , he really does not want free speech for all, just free speech for Nana

The worst part for him is only his youngest "fans" will do the migration to gab.

How many of his boomer goateed ball washers are on gab?

But atleast he doesn't have to wake up TO DO THAT.

He'll wake up to this at 3 pm.

Lmao his only media presence is a website no ones heard of, is the book even still coming out ?

If whoever runs the @anthonycumia account on gab doesn't buy a pro account ASAP gab is going to deactivate your account and give it to Anthony. Its in there terms of service that they can take away parody accounts for any reason without notice including if the person you're parodying asks for the account.

What the fuck are you on about. Fuck off nigger

If you take someones name on gab the person or company whose name you've taken can just ask Gab to give them your account and Gab complies. If you pay money to gab for there pro account scam they won't remove your parody account. That's how gab works.

My account is not a parody account you stupid fucking donkey. That's how being told you're a stupid nigger works.

You okay bud?


Yea neither am I, fuck that stupid donkey.

In three weeks when your accounts get 404ed and you complain about it here I’ll share a screen shot of this post, read the gab tos. They can take your account at anytime if you use someone else’s company name or real life name.

Sour? Sour? I want you to go to jail for this.

must have came

finnochio - lol