REMINDER: Be Sure to Report CorradoSoprano4 as Well as Ant's Third "Official" Account

105  2018-08-16 by SpaceCaseBassFace

Let's not forget that this fucking faggot is also pretending to be Junior Soprano on Twitter. As of right now there's no way to directly report an account for evading a ban, but you can tweet twitter safety and try it that way.


hopefully he goes out like junior, maybe shooting brother joe before the end

Cazzatta Malanga!


Pissy Malanga

He’s got the dementia part going for him.

Twitter is refusing to ban thos asshole. Its crazy

Twitter doesn't ban people in obscurity.

Just reported Corrado for the second time. Hopefully this time it gets done.

You stupid cunt. You idiot.

Who ever told you you could tweet WITH MEN?

need more neon haired incelic womyns twitter wyrriors to get on it

not only are they more effective with this type of shit, it would be really really funny (and easier).

Your problem isn't with women, but with your hilarious tiny penis.

But what do I know?

you know about my hilariously tiny penis for one dammit :(

need more neon haired incelic womyns twitter wyrriors to get on it

Lovely company you keep.

Ant rules.

Reminder: He'll still be rich after this and you could have made $300 with all the time you wasted.

Hey Ant

Anthony is bleeding money by the day. we will all be richer than him soon

What’s the matter @WilliamShatner? What are you some kind of finocchio? Why you block @AnthonyCumiacm?

This tweet was, without any exaggeration, the absolute lowest moment of his life

He can't help but project his faggotry.

This dumb shit looks up to the Soprano's characters.

why would you want anthony banned from twitter when most of the posts in here are about his dumb tweets, wtf are you going to do when he gets banned?

One down. Two to go.

I can't speak for everyone, but I think once his account is banned I'm going to work on my career and try to patch up my relationship with my daughter

Are you faggots seriously trying to get him kicked off Twitter? How will you psychoanalyze every tweet then?

Twitter is all he has left. If we get that taken away from him for good theres a 1% chance hell have a moment of clarity and bounce back. But theres also a 99% chance hell fall into a tailspin and that would be very entertaining.

He will make another account you moron. Which will have less followers than the one before. The cycle will continue until he has 3 followers. He will then realize that he was in obscurity the whole time. This will be confirmed further when his ensuing suicide garners little to no media attention.

It's kind of weird that you have such animosity towards a guy that was funny on the radio once upon a time. So much so that you're rooting for his suicide? Wtf? Lol Also I don't think you you're as good as you think you are at gauging his mental state.

When did I say that I was rooting for anything?

Jesus, it's too retarded to be believed. I hope HBO sues him.

Fourth*, remember his third one got banned within a day?

You’re REALLY gonna report Granth? What happened to real men?