Says guy who doesn’t understand The Onion and owns a parody news “network”.

67  2018-08-15 by RBuddCumia



How does he STILL have this Twitter account?!

We need to step it u, gang.

Nice missed word stupid.

He's in obscurity. Twitter doesn't care.

Any excuse to attempt to normalize bigotry.


His whining has no off switch.

He's a professional whiner.

He whines on his show, he whines on Twitter... if he had a stand-up act, it would be 100% whining.

Anthony Cumia started whining the day he got home from that encounter with a black hooker he tried to photograph, and hasn't stopped since.

She really broke him, like no enemy of his ever has.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Anthony Cumia, the radio tough guy, was taken down professionally, emotionally and psychologically by a single black woman.

The nexus of everything he hates. Black and female.

Utterly defeated and broke him.


Anthony's been whining since 08


And the most hilarious thing is she has no idea what hell she has unleashed just by telling the fucking dirty old man taking creep shots of her at 3AM to go fuck himself.

Can’t we find her somehow? It’s 2018 and we have a fairly clear photo—there must be a way.

I would donate to her go fund me

THAT’s what I’m talking about! Fuck yes, MeToo.

It would be a most fortunate mishap.

Your tax dollars probably go to her, if it’s any consolation.

It's like she knew he was trying to steal her soul with his camera, but she, being the stronger of the two negreses, somehow stole his masculinity and shame...evil voodoo bitch!!!

nice formatting stupid

that is what the dumbest oldest most disconnected facebook geriatrics on earth say about the onion, basically verbatim

It's not bullshit, though; they're reporting what a four-time former employee is saying about her ex-boss. It doesn't necessarily make her accusation true, but she's definitely saying it.

Silly old Nana.

Is he... is he fucking retarded?

Is Anthony really getting genuinely upset about an ONION NEWS ARTICLE?


i thought this old faggot was getting his twitter deleted forever

The saddest part about Anthony now is that he's a boring meme spewing hack. Making Columbo references is less embarrassing than "DAE is this Teh Onion or real life??!?!?!?"


Those liberal cunts at the Onion have never once satirized Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or Bernie Sanders. Clearly they only make fun of conservatives. Just more liberal MSM brainwashing.

The John Kerry ones are great.

I'm laughing my big white gay ass off at these.

I actually pulled up his Twitter account to verify that he posted this...not only is this a funny, clever piece by TO, it’s probably penned by a guy who agrees with Cumia politically. Talk about a disconnected psychopath.

"Who knows anymore?" Bonnie McFarlane's sister could discern this is irony you gravel cheeked vampire for tranny cum.

Wow if you couldn’t see the point he was trying to make, he might be dumber then a boy named sue

You guys are reaching here. He's pointing out that the msm is indistinguishable from the onion. He's still a nigger faggot though.

Correct. The nigger faggot is not bashing the onion, he's saying the msm IS the onion. Back to obscurity.

Well hea not wrong.

Who's he kidding? Without the "bullshit MSM" to fuel his endless whining he'd wither and die.

I would donate to her go fund me