"These churches run these towns." Sam Roberts.

22  2018-08-15 by RahShieWoo

I don't like a jew saying that on the media airwaves. Let me guess Washington D.C stands for the District of Catholics too? Broad catholic gaslighting is not as edgy as they are trying to make it seem. Fuck catholics but they are not globalists you stupid kike.


Is Sam chosen? Lack of athletic prowess and cushy job in entertainment checks out but I don't buy it

He's on of those "lost tribe of Abraham" types, like the guys who dress in homemade superhero costumes & yell on street corners about "The so-called Jew" & "Blue Eyed Devils", just not as dark.

Nobody knows what you are talking about sir. Sam Roberts is a stupid kike, but what does that make his listeners? You are a subhuman piece of meaningless shit.

I'd rather be molested by a man of god than abused in satanic rituals that people have came forward and silenced and you are not even allowed to theorize about it without social scorn. They understand the rules like that so they try and guide all of our distrust of authority and whatever into blaming the local church for all the evil in this world.

Perry, is that you?

Sam watched Footloose last night and thinks that is how things are.

He wants to write a remake where Catholics cast out sports entertainment in a small town, claiming it as a gateway to Devil worshipping and homosexual tendencies.

He'll call it "Catholic Clutch" and it'll star Iron Sheik as the hero who makes the town believe in "kayfabe" again.

Then it'll bomb and he'll hopefully kill himself.

It’s ok to hate both Catholics and the juden

Sam’s Mom grew up in an extremely strict religious household. She did the exact opposite with her children - to the point they (meaning Sam) didn’t know anything about religion.

What mental hospital did you escape from dude?

Sam never takes a day off which makes him a dirty Scientologist.

You'll note that whenever Jews want to make fun of (or poke holes in) religion, they always use the Catholics.

How many synagogues did Bill Maher visit for content in Religulous? Is what's going on there somehow less crazy or eye-rolling than what you'll find in churches?

They love keeping the focus on the Catholics.

You'll note that whenever Jews want to make fun of (or poke holes in) religion, they always use the Catholics.

How many synagogues did Bill Maher take a camera through for his Religulous mockumentary? Is what's going on in American synagogues supposed to be less crazy or eye-rolling to the average atheist than what you'll find in American churches?

Sam sold out to (((them))) years ago, so not at all surprised to see the anti-Catholic bias.

Bill Maher is more Catholic than he is Jewish.

His nose says otherwise, Schlomo

He was raised Catholic and didn’t know he was Jewish until he was an adult.

He's either Jewish or he's not.

He is.

End of story.

That's irrelevant, he carries the parasitic juden gene.

Yeah and he totally doesn't act like a Jew