Look how many comments on this video are giddy with excitement about the Worm taking some shots at Opie two fucking weeks later from the safety of a full prop costume / Jerky Boys cosplay. Downvote all Chip videos.

47  2018-08-13 by RapistWithHIV


Sir that requires clicking on chip videos. I tapped out before chinny did

Look at all those downvotes, the queer fake supporting Tits bit is really picking up traction. About as funny as this garbage show.

The Chip Podacast is the only remotely funny thing still coming out Opie, Anthony or Jim.

Even if he's a passive aggressive little worm hiding behind the character, at least the character is somewhat entertaining.

Granted I'm twitter.com/lylechipperson so I could be biased.

You're not only biased, but also wrong and gay. How's that feel, fucked?

Like a typical reddit conversation.

It's not funny, you just have infantile taste in comedy.

I can't even imagine what it takes to reduce yourself to cosplaying a Worm's stolen prop comic character on social media all day.

Yeah, pretty far from "all day". I forget I even have that twitter until I see something Chip related.

Any amount of Chip cosplay is embarrassing. Shit isn't funny.

Beats any of the other shows.

Just because the other guys are shit, doesn't mean Jim is any less horrible in his own right.

Nice standards.

He gets Ira and Bobo on regularly and mocks them, that's good enough for me.

Sorry I don't get my jollies by hating a bunch of washed up radio DJs all day every day like you do.


Should've said "faggot", you'd get more upvotes.

Mocks Opie for burping into the mic, saying it’s “shocking”

Has a pornstar on.

Right after he just took another one to a wedding.

All jokes aside. If there is one thing Opie was right about. It was not wanting port stars on. Hot naked woman are awesome. But boring as hell to listen too.

As are all women

Opie did a good job on thot patrol.

Opie married Lynsi in her prime and has no times for vapid whores, Opie is the Chad shockjocker

The virgin jerky thief has a different opinion

Cut the medical jargon doctor

But Lynsi is a vapid whore. And she’s fucking average.

Go shit in a bucket

Spackle bucket?

It was annoying and a put-on, but he wasn't trying to be "shocking". Ope was going for the nonchalant air of a man's man. Jim's a dress-up dummy.

I'll listen to the audio, but I'm not gonna watch these people.

Downvote your face

Buried him!

For some reason they invited Wilford Brimley with Down's Syndrome.

You bite your tongue sir.

Ira belongs on the pantheon of greats next to the likes of Scorch and Denny.

Kind of odd he said Opie has tits and autistic.

Isn't he supposed to be a comedian? Why is he stealing material from here (and conversely, Bob Kelly)?

But Jimmy loves guys with tits..... I guess Opie's are not big enough for Jim to get turned on.

Can't wait to hear Harry Hater's response

All bits and jokes aside. If there was one thing I think Opie was right about. It was the argument avout having porn stars on. Yeah hot naked woman are awsome. But they are boring as hell to listen to. Who the fuck wants to listen to woman get naked then 2 creeps go oh yeah she is hot

Jim has to hide behind a character in order to attack Opie. He really is a pathetic man.

Do people actually watch this for an hour a week its pretty awful

It's fucking pathetic. I remember when this sub was all excited about it, too. Like, actually taking it seriously as some great new thing. Baffling.

too gay to listen to even for juicy drama, people who like chip are so fucking gay

This is very true and has been from the inception of this stupid fucking character. It makes me irrationally angry that people actually think this shit is funny, or ever did.

Laughing at the irony of Ant laughing at Jim's "I'm funny!" line.

This the first Chip podcast I've watched and of course the first guest he introduces is a porn star.

How are you a fan enough to understand the Opie and Jim dynamic but hate yourself enough to not understand what a faggot Jim is? I refuse to believe this many people just know half the story.

They are willfully ignorant like Anthony's remaining fans.

Upvotes all day for this

Prop comic/hack

He's going so far into hackland he's never coming back. Wow does this fucking suck assholes.

What did we expect? He waited 20 years to take shots and then only did from the safety of cosplay. Watch him turn on Anthony as soon as he realizes the Tranth is a net drag on his Pittsburgh ticket sales.

Ant is a terrible co-host and Jim's letting him turn his show into a Compound Media commercial every week.

i think this is the episode they reveal to Opie that Chip has always been a parody of Opie

That would be convenient timing for the little worm in light of him being exposed for ripping the character off of the Jerky Boys.

Was gonna downvote until I listened. Fuggin’ hilarious episode.

People sit through an hour of this?

Next time Jim Norton says anything resembling "we only bust the balls of the people we love", remind his hypocritical ass of examples like this one.

He doesn’t even hate the guy!

Christina has some plump juicy milkers

I remember when this sub used to do the same thing

What a fucking fruit. One simple tweet was all it took for these two fruits he haven't worked with for years to get this worked up they devote entire episodes of their work towards the guy.

Opie is still the number one shock-jock and destroyer of worms and ghouls.

Anyone who ever liked this stupid fucking character should be embarrassed.