During the Mel Gibson Tapes compilation, Opie struggled to pronounce “Apocalypto” at least 10 times

36  2018-08-11 by wwendell

He said “Apopa,” get confused, then follow it up with, “What was the name of that dumb movie again?” Everyone they had in studio thought it was a masterpiece, so he quickly changed his mind about thinking it was dumb.


I wouldn't ever say a word that gay.

he's very well read. He just garbled the word because he thought it would be funny.

What! What!

I get all flustered while talking about Mel too.

He's still a better person than nana and the worm.

I never saw that movie brotherman, because I have a wife and kids, nice try with the hate tho.

Opie uses the word dumb to describe literally everything in the world. It's a constant exposition of his ironic comedic existentialism, all the world is dumb.

He was getting choked up thinking about his poppa. A good son, missing his dad.

Opie is a red-blooded american man, why would he defile himself and speak non-english words like that?

It was a bad copy he most likely got from Sam. That kid can't google for shit

Ant has no struggle pronouncing his love for underage girls.

The Opie hate train is back in full speed, motherhuckers!


I love that film so much. They always play it on the TV channel in this country devoted to Aboriginal issues which makes me chuckle.

He really does use “dumb” for almost everything and it’s enraging

That nigga went on for a whole show trying to get everyone on board with saying the “p” in “pneumonia”.