“Dumb Opie will have anyone to interview on his show.”

229  2018-08-10 by simbad_reb


I can tell which one used to be Carl.

Is it the one in red? Bitch has the exact same hairline as I do.

Haha, I'm laughing at you.

You should. I have a shitty hairline, even for a 40 year old man. Thank Christ I’m not trying to pass.

If I were you I'd be trying to pass, with a shotgun toe trigger R. Budd Dwyer.

But R. Budd Dwyer used a handgun, with just a regular finger trigger. I’m so confused.

Puddle of AIDS tranny hooker, stupid.

Ahhh, now I understand. Thanks, pal.

You're embarrassing.

these are paid actors brought in by Roland.

yuweehuugooeeactresses EE-HEEE-HEE-EEE-HEEEEE!

The bride to be has a sam roberts hairline

Some Norman Osborne shit on that ghoulish future divorcee

We'd like to welcome Vigo the Carpathian to the studio. Sooo I hear your family was murdered??

We'd like to welcome Vigo the Carpathian to the studio. Sooo I hear your family was murdered??

That’s a women?!?

They might as well just go all out and hire a permenant hole on the show.

They absolutely would if it would save their asses in October.

Both Jim and Sam effortlessly play the role and lack the testosterone to back it up

Jim should just transition to female already and get this shit over with..

"You know man, I'm reading what the people are saying online and it's really not fair. Julie is one of the funniest people I've ever known in my life, male or female"

I thought that's what Jim was.

I know of a certain adult entertainer of Latin descent who would be perfect.

Besides Jim?

If Jim thinks he can get laid you get to sit in on the show. He'll also ruminate on art and integrity.

i remember when he had that O&J fight with The Destroyer (who never flinched for a second to the Worm's spasms like the big dick chad he is) about how badly he wanted to keep inviting porn stars and strippers. i never really thought about it before but when i realized Jim was using his position of moderate fame as a tool to get girls to interact with him and touch him (noticed this in the wnew picture album posted here recently) it all made sense. it's behavior on the Weinstein spectrum of selfish misuse of power imbalance/manipulation.

what's worse is he probably liked the attention and 'discussion' with those girls, being able to talk to them and interact with them at length. something his paid escorts, who deal with loser creeps like him by the dozen and have seen it all, can't be bothered to even pretend to be interested in.

for whatever reason Sam indulges Jim in this sicko tactic, but he won't let Jim bring in his comic friends. probably because even though Sam knows stripper nonsense makes for horrendously boring radio, at least they don't make him feel so painfully excluded from the discussion like Quinn and co. do.

That's a big word smart-pants

Seriously who are these people? Did Jim seriously just let unattractive fans sit in on the show. Douche chills...

Look at his arms. What an awkward creep he is.

Motherfucker look like terry from the pee wee herman show

God damn what a reference. It's Pterri though retard. Silent p. He's a Pterodactyl.

Fingers splayed out like a gay 3rd grade teacher

He's like Brian Griffin

Yea u prolly wouldnt use fame to get laid... Stand up guy

Yeah there all all those famous stories about Motley Crue letting bimbos play bass for them during Live Wire just to bang them.

O ya got me... Those 2 scenarios are EXACTly the same

Yes I know.

Obviously a radio bit


This was the Worm's idea.

Male interns pretending to be strippers? Definitely. He probably shopped for their outfits...with the ladies of course.

It definitely was. He's just trying to fuck whatever he can get like a giant bitch.

I really hope he realizes that he's somehow become worse than the morning zoo radio shows he used to shit on.

now this is must listen radio.....

There’s some intense competition out there, but this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen them associate with.

Worse than Thor. Worse than Nana. Worse than Opie’s Ellen-style pre-show dance.

"Ha ha, take that, fans of entertainment!" - Opie Roberts

It's good to show contempt for your small audience.

I can't believe he gets paid more than $100,000. Fucking criminal.

I don't think he does. If he does, he really is a cheapskate fuck. Both him and his wife work and he's always talking about how frugal they have to be.

that's because he spends all of their money on children wrestling toys and memorabilia

6 figures is what he said on air with no irony.

No one has ever desperately wanted to meet Jim and Sam.

Hopefully the grim reaper does.

Bugchasers do.

I might but just to kill Sam.

Except for Frasier Crane.

Hey baby I hear the blues a-callin'...

I desperately want them to meet the claw end of a hammer

This show has officially become a parody of itself. Congratulations boys!

".... i didnt get much of a vibe for them...."

good thing mary jean was there to add to the entertainment!

Cock Talk with Jim Norton

Jim uses shit like this to edge when he gets home. “Did she notice my bulge after the 3 cialis?” “I bet her husband had a big dick!” Fucking oddball motherfucker.

Any non-creep "radio host / comedian" could have just fucked one of them.

So uhhh.... This guy... Some guy I know... Well i don't really know him but... But anyway he said you take cialis everyday so you're just always ready to go if the moment arrives. Its not like Viagra. I think that's what he said. The guy...

Nothing could be more enthralling than these dolts coming to complain about nothing and appeasing Jimmy saying whatever they want to hear just to make them laugh.

Who are they?

Holy mother of fuck, this show.

I like his natural arm position

Holy fuck he really looks like a boneless worm

they also had some fucking nobody who likes to oil up and wrestle other men


Shawn Michaels.

John Cena

"Desparately wanted to meet [Jim Norton and Sam Roberts]"

That goblin hand position like he's plotting to stanch her

Ew. A real show would say "oh they want to meet, maybe after the show we can take some pics and sign some shit."

Holy ungodly CRAP, You can't pay people to listen to this garbage. My God.

jokes on you guys, we were just pretending to do terrible radio

Jim and Sam are literally KILLING Rich Vos' children by not having him on the show today. What. Do you expect him to pawn off his JEWlery?

is she wearing a fun sash that says Bachelorette? she's SO BAD! ;)

Did you see when they got the strippers in studio? These ladies know how to get a little rowdy! And by ladies I mean Jim and Sam.

Did Jim ask her about her fiancé's cock and if she lets him cum inside her?

Jim thinks he has a shot. He'll fail with all 3 the fucking loser.

The girl middle-right looks really ill, good for them including her in their day.

Karla looks like Philip Seymour Hoffman

Look at that ugly ass fuckin' scuzball.

Women are so creeped out by Jim. And why not, when he is such a submissive, effeminate weirdo.

This embarrassingly bad

The best thing is when they get an A-list guest and spend 5 minutes on who's Sam and who's Jim... The morning moron club.

Holy shit Jim lift some weights for fuck sakes.

Jim's alien arms infuriate me.

This was the audition reel for J&S to be the flagship show of a resurrected OUTQ channel.

Note - hard to fathom that channel was axed two years ago without widespread outrage.

Better radio as a one off than the dumb cunts Bennington trotted on air on ron and fez. They got treated better than anyone and contributed nothing. Fez have more. HTG, Brazilian Julie, all those pal talk bimbos that were bores.