Norton really is a worm. He insults Opie and then acts like he isn't insulting him. It's passive and feminine. I hate that ball-less shit.

119  2018-08-07 by Every1LovesLove


But wait, I heard that he was being real with me. Genuinely.

He would absolutely tell you if he wasn’t.

I just couldn't see him motherfucking me like that.

He’d have to be a complete sssssscumbag to do that

I wouldn't motherfuck you on this one, honestly.

DAYS to come up with a comeback, and the best he had was "We're obsessed with you? You're obsessed with Howard."

Meanwhile, Ant has actually been on the Stern show. Far as I know, Opie hasn't. Opie also isn't sucking Howard's dick in every interview since the split, claiming it was always Opie who had the problem and he just went along with it.

There is so little to like about either one of these 3 sensitive ladies, at the end of the day.

The fuck are you talking about? He knocked out Jesse Ventura on air after their argument

You mean the Jesse that could barely stand and walk because his body is so fucked from wrestling?

mY dRuNkEnEsS iS dRy

aYe dRoNk cOwEf sEeRuP aNd rAhLaPsEd

Jim Norton used to be capable of direct confrontation. Now he's a passive aggressive lady man.

Only when there was a phone or Kenny between him and them

This, he's always been a little bitchboy faggot.

Ramooooone.... Jim Norton is a wormy cunt who only confronted people over the phone line

...passive aggressive ladyboy lover - FIXED.

Norton went full worm mode today. "I didn't say his show sucks." Apart from when you brought it up previously and often followed by fake hysterics. He even made fun of the fact he records outside of studio today.

Wow you figured out Jim is a Faggot. I await the day Reddit realises Vos is simply a Retard.

Hey, let's leave Vos out if this

Dont leave him out, hes gonna be at giggles on the 17th and 18th.

That's a tough one.

Link or it didn't happen

He’s a fucking BABBYY BOOOYYY

"Fucking no talented hack piece of shit.. BUT I love the guy! Really talented. Honestly, their great!"

  • every loser who's ever called themselves a comedian

Kevin Brennan doesn't do that. Now if he was only funny.

"He knows I love him!"

The Worm screams in pain when he reaches out to strike at you.

Kevin Brennan doesn't do that. Now if he was only funny.

"He knows I love him!"