Opie criticizes J&S for having "the same tired played out guests"

98  2018-08-01 by SuperToes845


Something something kettles...

Here's the tweet

Tits can talk, with his Zoo Crew of Carl, Hick and Fat Tongue.

"Meat delivery man" might be a strong contender to replace "Hick".

A little bit wordy by comparison though. lol


But his brother was some semi-famous football player from the mid 80s.

Let's not forget that any time he has absolutely nobody, he always falls back on the anti-humor that is Judy Gold.

Opie, Anthony and Jim and staggering hypocrites with zero self-awareness.

Don't forget Sam.



And Opie wonders why people hate him

All he ever did was work hard and he was there for them when they needed him. He paid them a few extra bucks when they needed some money. Buncha haters

I don't disagree with him. What the fuck.

Sam: Jim, where ya at with the new Cardi B?

Jim: Hmm? I'm sleepy.

The opster ain’t wrong

Hard work as in recording via facebook live on your shitty phone walking around New York doing nothing?


Wow. Never realized that Opie had so many fans.

The kind of reach local PTA bickering has.

He's pretty much correct that they didn't do anything to change the show format. They talked multiple times about how they don't want their show to be O&A and that they want to do their own thing but the show just sounds like Sams old aftershow.

Jim somehow puts less effort into hosting his own morning show than he did as the third mic.

Oh that's rich

no it isn’t that’s opie

Look at Tits destroying Worm & Cunt! HAHA! I love it. Fag on fag violence!!

Whenever anyone from the show criticizes the other(s), they tend to be on point.

Doesn't change the fact that I wish they'd all cram into a closet and huddle around a hand-grenade with the pin pulled.

The guests really aren’t bad on J&S anymore. It’s 80% comedians. Mark norm and Vos are great and they are on the most.

Gregg ‘Opie’ Hughes. A man of principles.

This is coming from a man who can't even get back into radio.

That's the bit.

Does snowy count as a guest?

I’ll take Colin and Vos over fat Tounge, fat tits and fat Cuban any day

Ill take Colin and vos over most content out on the internet.

Have you listened to My Wife Hates Me lately? Vos is awful on his own show. He doesn't have anything to say.

Opie being a talentless, lazy hack aside, he's absolutely correct. Unfortunately he can't take his own advice.

He's not wrong. The problem is that his current format is even worse and less evolved than what stupid J&S are doing.

Opie is a fucking fool.

His only guest was a middle aged female Costco night manager at some beer fest. If I remember reading the recap right, she said something that made him go high-voiced and Carl had to try to change the topic.

I hate this guy.

Link to that recap?

Opie paid guests and still couldn't get more than the same guy who's a part-time cook. What's he talking about?

Hey, he got a big show at Nantucket comedy fest. They don't just hand out those positions to any half-bit former-radio host willing to make the drive from Manhattan.

Whatever the reasons Jim&Sam is awful, Opies podcast is the worst thing ever recorded for entertainment purposes. I've found better podcasts from nobodys on YouTube comments begging people to check out their channels. I love this feuding but if he had any self awareness he'd stay in the feral position and take the beatings. He was probably after his 2nd cocktail when he wrote that.

Vos took a shot at Tits this morning. Shortly after, he tweeted this.

What the fuck does tits know about doing radio correctly?

Need we remind you he's been in radio since he was 18 years old?!?

Opie on a roll today dropping truth bombs. J & S is a shit show.

opie is truly the Tom Myers of his social universe

What he's saying here is "if only they had someone who's been doing radio since he was 18"

Sometimes I wonder if he's fucking with us. His big thing back on o&a was how they didn't do any show prep/care about the show at all. Now he talks about how much hard work it takes to do a radio show. He can't keep his bullshit in order.

Yeah, they really need to reinvigorate their shows with some vic henley

As opposed to picking up a fat, gassy Cuban from the airport and calling that a show? As opposed to sitting back and letting said talentless Cuban provide the lion's share of the content (if you can call it that) for your show?

He's the last person on the planet to talk about low/no-effort broadcasting.

translation: I'm pissed that I'm no longer clocking fat, guaranteed, corporate paychecks for my no-effort broadcasting, and because I'm so jealous, and still asshurt over how I negotiated myself out of the morning slot, I'm going to pitifully try to rat-fuck Jimmy and Sam at negotiation time.

After months and months of supposedly taking the high road (he wasn't; he was just scared of retaliation), the buxom imbecile suddenly decides to reverse course and take shots at Jim and Sam now?

Opie shit on Colin


Hey, he got a big show at Nantucket comedy fest. They don't just hand out those positions to any half-bit former-radio host willing to make the drive from Manhattan.