Holy fuck is he unfunny.

112  2018-08-01 by RBuddCumia


Nana can’t afford to stain her dentures.

I'm still hilarious.

Repeat another cumia line ad nauseum

Back to obscurity with you.

We're not that clo...sorry wrong guy.

She's a nigger!!!

He's taking a stand on straws? Like there's one fucking reason to use straws, or that it's fake news that there's plastic just floating around in the ocean? Fake news, the fish like it. Dont bow to libtard soros bots, those are photoshops of ocean trash. No one uses a straw in a can anyway.

Anthony is a special snowflake

he wouldnt want to stain all that work he's had done

Plastic straws are basically irrelevant when it comes to plastic in the ocean. Bottles are a much bigger problem.

India and China are the problem.

Humanity as a whole is the problem.

But mostly the street shitters. They're responsible for like 90% of the plastic in the ocean or something.

b-b-b-but YPIPO

But that goes against the narrative my gf has that only white people do bad things.

Street shitters wouldn't be able to do that if the West didn't enforce an economic system on the world that involves endless consumption and overproduction of luxury goods.

Calm down lazy, communism ain't happening.

And street shitters don't care about the environment. That's why they literally shit in the street.

I think it might have been meant as a joke

He's still hilarious.

That's what he was doing lol

I thought he was doing some Scott shanon shit

was he always this bad? or are we seeing him through the prism of time here?

He's good at doing imitations. He's terrible at writing jokes. Remember how he tried stand up and bombed?

Like another colored entertainer we know.

He used to be good at off the cuff comments and telling stories. Alcoholism and being surrounded by yes men has just rotted his brain

His imitation of his ex-MIL and the old-timey '50s voice thru the megaphone would always make me laugh...that's about it

Lol, shut the fuck up. Anthony and Jimmy were funny. What were you listening for if they weren't?

The infinite number of amazing guests they had on the show

And the guests were just monologue-ing hilarity while the other three voices in the studio were awful and unfunny? And this was a show that you enjoyed?

Don't embarrass yourself. Jimmy and Anthony were funny.

I'm with IOUAndSometimesWhy, I listened for Patrice, Colin, Dipaolo and Burr.

Opie and Anthony on their own? Unbearable.

Opie, Anthony and Jim? Background noise at best.

Jimmy and Anthony were not funny, they caused much more annoyance than they did humour. I can't tell you how many times I've had to skip over Anthony and Jimmy while they were going on some tirade, doing a bit that went nowhere, repeating the same things they did 24/7, etc.

Did Jimmy and Anthony have good moments? Of course, but so does everyone. The bad outweighs the good.

That's talk radio. Stern had boring moments, Ron & Fez had a lot of boring moments. Jimmy and Anthony were genuinely hilarious radio performers in their primes.

At the risk of sounding like a ninny, I think the general negativity in this is causing you fellas to look at everything with shit-colored glasses.

That's talk radio. Stern had boring moments, Ron & Fez had a lot of boring moments. Jimmy and Anthony were genuinely hilarious radio performers in their primes.

I also enjoyed it more when the comics were in, but at thethe risk of sounding like a ninny, I think the general negativity in this place is causing you fellas to look at everything with shit-colored glasses.

This shit isn't funny? https://youtu.be/Yk_100yCp58

The 1950's voice was irritating and repetitive, plus it's a voice anyone can do.

Any mention of that will earn you a free ticket to obscurity.

One way?

The only way.

The bomb roast wasn't his first time. One of the show's regular comics—can't remember which guy—goaded him into coming on stage at a comedians-tell-childhood-stories show a few years ago, and he was (they said) the best of the night. Plausible.

What he can't do is jokes.

He's getting old and posting Nana humor

Take that libtards. How did this faggot fall so hard? I almost hate him more than his brother at this point. Almost.

He doesn't even have the talking points correct. The libtards aren't the ones pushing this. Apparently banning straws is "ableist" because handicap people need straws to drink. His bud light synapses can't even hate libruls correctly anymore.

well technically it is abelist

i put it in quotes because who give a shit really. If you can't drink without a straw do we really need your contributions to society?

that's a really juvenile way to look at.


well I'm pretty sure there's loads you can't do but no ones has demeaned/joked about your self worth.

my manager at panera says the sky's the limit

He was good in the right very specific time and place, which was Sirius xm surrounded by Louis, bill burr Patrice etc, without an employer it turns out he is completely incapable

They really do depend on the white man to survive

It's becoming more and more adamantly clear.

You're a faggot. Kill yourself.

Drinking through a straw is an act of buggery punishable by imprisonment in many caribbean nations

Not gynocentic humor or catty insults, wow. This magpie is spreading her wings, I like it.

This is the dementia talking.

I cant even figure out what he meant by this. Obviously a Charlton Heston reference but what the fuck does it have to do with coke cans

Well ya see, coke cans are red, and usually people drink Coca Cola when it's cold. People also hold soda cans with their hands. Combine all of this information together, and there ya go: cold red cans. Not saying Anthony doesn't suck ass, but this was pretty easy to piece together.

See, plastic straws are now illegal in California.

So he's using the argument gun activists use against making guns illegal (my cold dead hands) on this current straw issue replacing "hands" with "cans"

Not a great joke, but it's not horrible.

as far as 2am blackout drunk twitter posting goes... this one wasn't that bad



I no right dats fuckin hilarious

I knew it was only a matter of time before this simp and his idiot brother took to social media to be outraged about straws.

Fight the good fight, Ant. Use that beloved celebrity to really make a difference in the world.

One day him and straws will both be cast into obscurity

Nobody drinks out of a straw unless they're a female escort at a casino or a old alcoholic faggot

The only reason to use one is to not mess up your lipstick

I use a straw ;)

up your nose with a rubber hose

gasp! Language!

Don't forget black

People with Parkinson's do. I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone.


this unfunny old broad should be put in a home

Next door to Adm. Orbani.

Oh Nana

I know it sounds like "cold dead hands" but other than that is there a reason that this is supposed to be funny that I'm missing ? If not this could be the least funny thing ever produced

San Fran and possibly all of Cali is seeking to ban plastic straws from resteraunts to curb ocean pollution rather than smacking street-shitting junkies with a rolled up newspaper. With all Trant's Fox viewing, he still only understands the human-interest fluff pieces at the end of a show.

The Hepatitis outbreak in San Diego caused by homeless shutting in the street did not gain as much traction as this malarky

car crash crickets

Can I just be the billionth person to point out how perfect a nickname Nana is for him? This complete ass is probably now gonna start, if not already, drinking from soda cans through straws in protest against the liberals. Further pushing the image of an old granny.

Opie Cumia.

This "joke" single-handedly cancelled out every funny thing he said from 2002-2008.

I would have to go with being sodomized by a she male

That was definitely hilarious, though.

"is what i will say the next time a black person tries to steal my soda"

At this very moment his retarded brother is at the supermarket filling his cart with boxes of plastic drinking straws (and using Ant's credit card to pay for them) just to smite the evil libtard forces that threaten to drag them out of 1990.

This is so unfunny r/funny wouldn't touch it.

Ooffff.. That, that's terrible I'm sorry.

Who knew that if you spend too many hours thinking about blacks and little girl-boy penis you forget how to be funny?

Anthony Cook.

Seriously though, is it really a big deal if we get rid of straws? Does anybody really care? It's almost like he considers every broad social trend to be an affront to his freedom.

That's how dummies think. Check out Facebook, or any social media.

1:51 AM- Xanax is finally kicking in, my false teeth are in the glass beside my bed. The egg has been inserted into my rectum. Hahaha holyeee shit!

This is a joke my uncle would post on social media and think he’s really funny. He’s doing Dad humor now.

You don't get it, they are trying to ban his felching equipment.

He's literally re-posting the same horseshit people's grandparents would get a light chuckle over.

Ant, it's over. The only thing hilarious about you is watching you spiral completely out of control like a sexually abused teenager on Facebook.

They're banning plastic straws all over the place that is actually pretty clever.

I'm with IOUAndSometimesWhy, I listened for Patrice, Colin, Dipaolo and Burr.

Opie and Anthony on their own? Unbearable.

Opie, Anthony and Jim? Background noise at best.

Jimmy and Anthony were not funny, they caused much more annoyance than they did humour. I can't tell you how many times I've had to skip over Anthony and Jimmy while they were going on some tirade, doing a bit that went nowhere, repeating the same things they did 24/7, etc.

Did Jimmy and Anthony have good moments? Of course, but so does everyone. The bad outweighs the good.