Tough Guy Trath Threatens No One With Non-existant Weapons.

69  2018-08-01 by EncinoEscobar


I whistled at this lad and when he came near his license said Sue I let him cum in my rear, if anything I'll just deny that I've ever seen then I thought nah forget it ahgoosh I'm a queer

If you really think this pathetic, useless has-been is devoting a single second to his company's tech issues away from playing partisan cheerleader on Twitter, you deserved to be ripped off.

"I swear I'll break another 90 pound mentally ill girl's rib if it's not fixed! Check out my mugshot as proof. I'm a badass!"

That's the saddest part of his mugshot. It's not like he was in a fight with some dude or murdered someone. He battered some drugged out 14 year old looking bitch.

He beat the fuck out of a woman he wasn't married to, which in the mafia is considered a serious offense. And yet Tony Two Shirts still considers himself a mafioso type with his shitty crew of ballwashers. If he was really connected the Dani incident would be the excuse they'd use to have that chatty drunk dago fuck sleepin wit da fishes. OH, AGOISH!

"This ain't your fucking show!"

It's like a faggot version of Mad Libs.

He has a few twitter followers who parrot all of his best comebacks. Maybe ask them about his tech or 1800 listeners.

I swear. If everything isn't fixed by the end of the week I'm walking into (Sue Lightning's Cock) with a (giant smile on my face) and (getting pounded harder than) every fucking asshole who isn't fixing this shit!

Well, we know that *********’s aren’t guns, ‘cause, well, ya know.

Ant shrewdly avoiding using 6 asterisks for his word replacements. Probably just wants to make sure the (((media)))) don't smear him like the Times Square hit jobs..

I reported this in hopes he gets this account suspended too

not reported

Same, not reported

I bet he'd be pretty steamed if he lost his account while trying to promote his dog shit book.


Start with your buddy ex-cop.

White trash tech support

He found his gun?

His white whale

Chimping out and resorting to violence to solve your problems is the best way way to own the libtards.

I'm having a helluva time trying to figure out the ********'s. Even the go to word doesn't work. I'm so confused!

Or how about stop being a fake tough guy and tell your shitbag developer to fix it or you don't pay them. How stupid are you ant?


PrOfFeSoR aNtHoNy

He's probably being stingy with money and the devs are telling him to pay up before any work is done.

He's handling it the Sopranos way.

Nonexistent, fuckface

This is how you know management sucks. They don’t know how to fix a problem, they can only yell about getting it done

Please I urge everyone to report him. This could put him away for good on Twitter and Missy would have to use her self defense training against a raging Nana.

She knows Krav Maga and Kung Fu.

walking into a GAY BAR with a BONER and EATING every fucking asshole...

Actual quote? Has this guy ever steered us wrong?

These complaints are actually a good gauge for how few subscribers he has. With a website and app this dysfunctional there would be a lot more complaints if he had a significant amount of subs.

How about you take some responsibility for your own shit website? YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN.

"I'm walking into the business with firearm brand or model with eight letters, such as Armalite or Mossberg, and shooting people" I BROKE THE ENIGMA MACHINE'S ENCIPHERMENT.

Imagine emailing Amazon because your package got lost, and the customer support guy gets back to you with “COCKSUCK PIECE OF SHIT post office! I swear I’ll FUCK A HOLE in that UPS driver! SHIT!”

The first thing they teach you at customer service school is: reassure the customer that you’re going to take responsibility for the problem, and don’t just blame another department. The second thing they teach you is: don’t swear like an unhinged maniac in front of customers.

Good old Anthony: as passionate about customer service as he is about giving his fan's the best for their entertainment dollar.

Is he really going to shoot Keith?

Oh I get it, this is like a fill in the blank game. I'll go with Sue's house, dildo, rimming

It was great hearing Colin tell Norton to stop saying "we" as if he was a main player on Tough Crowd. You could hear the worm trying to wiggle out of it, "I was on it sometimes!" - Sure you were, fruitcake. Go wash your lace fag panties so the construction guys don't think you're weird.

He's going to walk I to Keith's office and replace him with someone competent?

"peew peew peew p-peew"

This sounds exactly like the type of customer any sane developer would drop. Even if you stink at your job or are encountering unexpected errors, who wants to be publicly called out and threatened?

Refunding their money and walking away with things not working, right in the middle of a provider switch is the smart thing to do here.

Play along at home:

"I swear. If everything isn't fixed by the end of the week I'm walking into __________ (place) with a __________ (noun) and __________ (action) every fucking asshole who isn't fixing this shit!!!!"

I bet he'd be pretty steamed if he lost his account while trying to promote his dog shit book.

His white whale